Competent - Innovative - Open - Curious - Digital

The SDL is a central, cross-faculty and cross-degree programme institution at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences for digital teaching and didactics. Our range of services includes the creation of recommendations for action and orientation aids as well as specific advice on project planning and (technical) implementation. With practical consulting formats, we want to support teachers in designing didactic situations and promote the digitalisation of teaching and learning processes. In this way, we provide interested parties with the necessary impetus and needs-orientated expertise to generate suitable solutions for their own context and implement them in their teaching.


During the coronavirus semester, we have expanded our training programmes in order to provide lecturers with the best possible support for online teaching. Among other things, we offer training courses for the course management and learning platforms Moodle and ILIAS as well as for the web conferencing systems Adobe Connect and Zoom and on various e-learning tools and didactic topics. You can find the dates for the training courses offered in the current semester in our Moodle course.


About us

The Service Centre for Digital Teaching and Didactics was set up in January 2016 and institutionalised at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. The desire to create an institution at the university that takes care of the future of teaching and supports the associated change processes, in particular the digitalisation of teaching, was already formulated among the teaching staff in advance. In the course of the ‘RegioBWL’ project - the development of a business administration degree programme in a blended learning format - the time had finally come: a tangible reason, the necessary resources and appropriate framework conditions were in place to give the new centre a good start.
Today, it is important to us not simply to push ahead with digitalisation, but to make targeted use of the potential of new forms of teaching and learning and to dovetail them with the ‘best of’ traditional forms of teaching in a didactically meaningful way.


Our services

In addition:

  • Realisation of didactic concepts for the efficient integration of online and offline teaching
  • Media technology realisation and support (e.g. videos, screencasts, web-based training)
  • Coordination of the eDidactics working group
  • Didactic and technical support in the production of teaching materials for an accessible university
  • Acquisition of and support with specialised software/hardware

In addition to teaching staff, we also invite students to contact us with any concerns or problems relating to digital teaching.

If you have problems with Moodle, please contact our support team directly: moodle-support(at)


Here you will find an information sheet on the SDL.


Here you will find handouts and helpful links for online teaching.


Current projects

HAnS - Development and implementation of an intelligent assistance system for higher education

As part of the expansion of digital higher education, learning materials are increasingly being made available in the form of audio and video recordings. To date, these recordings can be found and subsequently received with the help of metadata.

In this context, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) makes it possible not only to optimise the search processes, but also to provide students with individualised and adaptive support in acquiring skills and practising skills through individual feedback. The aim of the project is an intelligent university assistance system that collects audio and video material from different subjects in a learning experience platform and prepares it for further AI applications with the help of speech recognition. The teaching material is made searchable and automatically compiled according to predefined criteria (subject, problem, language, medium, experience, etc.).

Based on this, an AI tutor is developed that automatically generates exercises and learning objective checks according to predefined patterns and teaching materials. The process of technical development is accompanied didactically, reviewed in several evaluation cycles and adapted. The data basis will be considerably expanded by the participating universities in the course of the project, with further subject groups being successively included. It acts as an interdisciplinary innovation driver for AI in higher education.

DigiKom - Joint bidt digitisation college of OTH Amberg-Weiden and Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

The joint digitalisation college of OTH Amberg-Weiden and Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is creating high-quality self-study units on the topic of ‘Digital Media and Future Skills’. These will be combined into an elective module of the same name and fed into all degree programmes at both universities.

They will also be made available free of charge to all Bavarian students via OTH Professional as components of a ‘Future Skills’ certificate course.  Students on Master's degree programmes and Bachelor's degree programmes in their final semesters develop the self-study units as part of a long-term and interdisciplinary collaboration between the two universities. In joint project work, the students annually survey the current central topics and issues of digitalisation in companies, society and research in a scientifically sound and practice-oriented manner. The self-study units are then created semester by semester on a selection of these topics. The process is supported by specialist and didactic mentoring, coaching and scaffolding from professors, academic staff and the digital teaching service centres at both universities.


17.01.2024: Exchange of experience in digital teaching - Future Skills

26.03.2024: Information event ‘vhb funding opportunities’ at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences


Screencast database


Through active networking and dialogue with specialist colleagues, we are able to quickly pick up on impulses from the community, identify the need for action in our own organisation and refer to reliable sources, further contacts and proven experts for specific issues at any time.

We are in close and constant dialogue with the

  • DiZ - Centre for University Didactics
    (represented by didactics mentor Prof Dr Michael Walter)

New co-operation with

  • (HS-Ansbach has been a partner university of since the summer semester 2020)

We also cooperate on a project or topic-related basis with

  • the Advanced Training Centre for University Teaching (FBZHL)
  • the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the University of Bayreuth
  • the Teaching and Learning Service of the Nuremberg Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences
  • Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences (co-operation partner in the Regio-BWL project)


Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner

Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner –


  • Studiengangsleitung Digital Learning (DL)
  • Vorsitz Prüfungskommission Digital Learning (DL)
  •  Wissenschaftliche Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Mediendidaktik
  • Digitale Lehr-/Lernszenarien
  • Online-Moderation


  • Seit 10/2019: Professorin für Didaktik digitaler Medien an der Hochschule Ansbach
  • Seit 2015: Freiberufliche Trainerin und Beraterin für Unternehmen und Akademien, u.a. WiSo-Führungskräfte-Akademie Nürnberg und Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik (DiZ) Ingolstadt
  • 2016-2019: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule Ansbach; Lehrbeauftragte an der TH Nürnberg; Erwerb des Zertifikats Hochschullehre Bayern; Promotion zum Thema „Digitale Kompetenz bei Pädagogischen Professionals fördern“ am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Personalentwicklung der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • 2012-2016: Berufspraxis bei zwei Weiterbildungsakademien (Grundig Akademie Nürnberg, Professio GmbH Ansbach); zertifizierte Weiterbildungen als Trainerin, Business-Coach und systemische Organisationsentwicklerin sowie Qualifizierung als Live-Online-Trainerin, Blended Learning Designerin und virtuelle Moderatorin
  • 2008-2013: Studium der Sozialökonomik (M.Sc.) an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg und Zweitstudium der Psychologie (B.Sc.) an der FernUni Hagen
  •  2006-2008: Ausbildung zur Mediengestalterin für Digital- und Printmedien (IHK)


Diener, F., Gerner, V. & Kätzel, C. (2024). Die Corona-Pandemie als Game Changer der (Online-)Lehre. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Hochschule Ansbach. In A. Schneider & C. Scholz (Hrsg.), Digitale Transformation in der Bildung – Digital Change Summit 2022. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Diener, F., Gerner, V. & Kätzel, C. (2022). Gruppenarbeiten mit hohen Teilnehmerzahlen effektiv gestalten: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die synchrone und asynchrone Online-Lehre. In M. A. Pfannstiel & P. F.-J. Steinhoff (Hrsg.), E-Learning im digitalen Zeitalter (S. 703-720). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Gerner, V. (2020). Live-Online-Lehre (Website). Abrufbar unter:

Gerner, V., Jahn, D. & Schmidt, C. (2019). Blended Learning: Die richtige Mischung macht’s! Hochschuldidaktischer Leitfaden. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. (2019). Digitale Kompetenz bei Pädagogischen Professionals fördern (Dissertation). Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. & Vode, D. (2019). Die Schreibkompetenz von Studierenden mit digitalen Medien fördern. DIZ Didaktik-Nachrichten, 6/2019. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. & Vode, D. (2018). Schreiben digital in die Lehre integrieren. Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre, 9/2018.

Gerner, V. & Roderus, S. (2017). Digitale Werkzeuge für eine aktivierende Hochschullehre. DIZ Didaktik-Nachrichten, 11/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Rölz, H., Vött. M. & Gerner, V. (2017). Das wäre doch gelacht?! Humor als Erfolgsfaktor beim interkulturellen Lernen. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 3/2017.

Gerner, V. & Waible, F. (2017). Online-Workshops – Interaktive Webkonferenzen gestalten und moderieren. Handbuch E-Learning, 04/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Engelhardt, E. & Gerner, V. (2017). Einführung in die Online-Beratung per Video. e-beratungsjournal - Fachzeitschrift für Onlineberatung und computervermittelte Kommunikation, 1/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Rölz, H., Gerner, V. & Tissot, O. (2016). Humor in Training und Organisationsentwicklung. Handbuch PersonalEntwickeln, 04/2016.

Gerner, V., Rölz, H. & Carl, M. (2015). Wenn alles ganz schnell gehen muss. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 1/2015

Dr. Alexandra Sept – Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Dr. Alexandra Sept

Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

0981 4877-318 BHS 1.02.05a (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Dr. Alexandra Sept

Dr. Alexandra Sept – Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)
Silke Brand – Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Silke Brand

Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

0981 4877-219 BHS 1.02.06 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Silke Brand

Silke Brand – Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Dr. Eva Fritzsche

Dr. Eva Fritzsche – Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Didaktik (Projekt Digitalisierungskolleg)

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Didaktik (Projekt Digitalisierungskolleg)


  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Didaktik (Projekt Digitalisierungskolleg)

Margit Haspel

Margit Haspel – Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Mitarbeiterin Servicecenter für Digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)   
Michael Neudeck – Laboringenieur Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Michael Neudeck

Laboringenieur Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

0981 4877-416 BHS 1.02.05a (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Michael Neudeck

Michael Neudeck – Laboringenieur Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Laboringenieur Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Mitarbeiter Fakultät Medien

  • Laboringenieur Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)

Total E-Quality Prädikat