Study Overview

As a sustainability engineer in Energy and Building Technology, you will work on optimizing the energy supply. In doing so, you focus on the meta-level of Germany's entire energy infrastructure as well as on energy-saving and sustainable construction and operation of buildings. You take measures to increase energy efficiency, optimize energy systems and improve energy supply structures. You accompany the enormous changes in our energy landscape and are guided by the principles of sustainability, competitiveness and security of supply. With the help of your knowledge of building physics and building technology, you will develop holistic building concepts and implement them in both new construction and building renovation. In your intelligent, efficient and future-oriented concepts, you will use modern technologies for rational energy use, avoid emissions by increasing efficiency and using renewable energies, and reduce operating costs at the same time.



Short profile

The Energy and Building Technology (EGT) major is an offering from the NIW degree programme. In the first three semesters, students complete the basic studies together. The specialization in EGT takes place at the beginning of the fourth semester. After seven semesters of standard study time, you will graduate with a Bachelor of Engineering .


Energy turnaround

Energy turnaround

„You deal with renewable energy technology, the further expansion of which is required to achieve the goals of the Energy Roadmap 2050 - nuclear phase-out and decarbonization. Innovative energy storage systems such as hydrogen in combination with a fuel cell and photovoltaics are also part of our teaching and research."

Smart Grids

Smart Grids

„The communicative networking and control of power generators, storage units, consumers in power transmission and distribution grids guarantees grid stability in times of increasing volatile and decentralized power generation. You will learn the basics of information and simulation technology required for effective grid management.""



„You will learn about the importance of regulatory and economic and business conditions for the realization of technologies for energy generation and distribution. Tomorrow's engineer not only solves technical issues, but has the skills needed to find solutions in an increasingly complex and interconnected business reality.""

Smart Buildings

Smart Buildings

„In smart buildings, automated processes regulate, control and optimize the operation of building services equipment. With modern communication networks, dynamic building behavior is created in automatic processes, which optimizes energy flows, reduces costs and makes utilization more flexible.."

Sustainable Planning

Sustainable Planning

„The immense use of materials in construction calls for a rethinking of life-cycle planning. The use of resources in all phases of the phases of the life cycle, in production, use and in the end-of-life of buildings as the basis for a sustainable sustainable design of buildings and to promote reuse in a targeted manner."

Digital Planning Methods

Digital Planning Methods

„Building simulation captures the dynamics of heat transfer processes in numerical building models. Energy and material flows and the interaction of weather, building structure and system technology are mapped realistically and allow the detailed analysis and optimization of complex building situations."

Study Structure

In the Sustainable Engineering programme, you will study in a joint undergraduate programme with all students. If you have decided to major in Energy and Building Technology at the beginning of the third fourth semester, your major study program is structured as follows:

Study Contents EGT

During your major in Energy and Building Technology, you will deal with the generation, consumption and distribution of energy. Saving energy, integrating eco-energies and climate protection in an environment of economic and legal challenges are high on the social agenda and on your timetable. Energy trading also plays a role in your education.
In view of the accelerated nuclear power phase-out, the expansion of renewable energies, the promising combined heat and power generation, the targeted grid expansion and the measures to improve energy efficiency, optimized energy systems and improved energy supply structures are becoming increasingly urgent - your training will have its finger on the pulse and provide you with in-depth knowledge to solve the associated problems.


Are you interested? Then apply here for our Sustainable Engineering degree programme (NIW).

During the online application, you can already specify a desired field of study - don't worry, your choice isn’t definitive. You will make your final decision for the area of study at the end of the second semester. Thus, the first two semesters offer you enough time to get oriented as well as to discover the fields of study that are interesting for you.

The application period is from May 2nd to September 30th. The studies start in the winter semester on October 1st.

If you have any questions, please contact the Student Services.

Notes for Transfer Students

Transfer students can enter a higher subject semester. This is possible for the winter semester as well as for the summer semester. Previous achievements that have a subject related equivalent in the Applied Engineering Science Programme can be recognized. To do so, compare the module handbook of your previous degree programme with that of the Applied Engineering Sciences Programme. If you have subjects from higher semesters recognized, you will determine your field of study at the same time. Invest the time to read the module manuals, because it is your achievements that you can have recognized for your new degree programme! Please note the general information for transfer students.

Further Information


Jeremias Hawran

EGT branch

"The great thing about being an EGT student is that you get to understand both the technical and economic aspects of power generation."


Denise Wahlich

EGT branch

"In the 6th semester, we investigated the ignition behavior of an acetylene gas engine in our project team. The combination of practical relevance and lab work really helps to deepen the theoretical understanding."

The diversity of the degree program is reflected in the career prospects. Employers particularly appreciate the broad basic knowledge and practical skills of our graduates. Combined with the specialization in the main course of study, many occupational fields open up in the engineering sector.



Occupational fields

The study of Sustainable Engineering optimally prepares you for your professional life. Depending on the orientation of your studies, you can work in a variety of companies and research institutions in a wide range of industries. Thus, you will find your challenges in the following industries:

  • Plant and Mechanical Engineering
  • Automation and Electrical Industry
  • Consulting
  • Energy Supply Companies
  • Engineering Offices
  • Chemical and Industrial Production Plants
  • Public Utilities
  • Technical services in public authorities, in companies in the biotechnology and environmental technology sectors and in information and communication technology

In student project work, internships and theses, we develop solutions for a wide variety of current issues in energy technology and the energy industry. Increasing the range of e-mobility, improving the efficiency of gas engines or the effects of the REMIT regulation on wholesale energy trading - the research topics in EGT are wide-ranging and flow directly into teaching. One example is the research project "Windstützpunkt Uffenheim" (Uffenheim Wind Base), which is unique in Bavaria and was funded by the state. In this project, a network of local authorities, municipal utilities, regional energy suppliers, auditing associations, companies and Ansbach University of Applied Sciences determined how much regional green electricity is already being consumed in Uffenheim, i.e. how "green" the power supply actually is.

In many large corporations, English is the official business language. Smaller companies are also often intensively networked with partners from all over the world. It is therefore not surprising that experience abroad is highly valued by many employers. Furthermore, students confirm that international encounters are an enriching personal experience.



Semester abroad

When planning and carrying out a semester abroad, you will receive individual support from our International Office – both organizationally and, in many cases, financially. To make the start easier, you can prepare your stay abroad in our Language Centrum.


Ansbach International Summer School

International encounters are also possible on the Ansbach campus. Students from all continents travel to the Ansbach International Summerschool. German-international teams work together in various specialist workshops. In addition to the technical learning content and the intercultural training, encounters and fun are not neglected. The relevant Summer School workshops are credited as a general science elective module in the AIW degree programme.


Jessica Ellinger

Application development of bioplastics

"Right from the start, I was assigned tasks that I could work on independently. It was a good feeling to be fully part of the team even as an intern and to be able to contribute something valuable ..."

On the one hand, you will be able to apply a lot of skills learnt during the practical semester. On the other hand, you will discover how important it is to be able to familiarize yourself with new tasks independently.

According to the choice of your field of study, you will look for an internship on your own responsibility (you can find information on administrative details here). The fields of activity during the internship semester are as diverse as the professional possibilities.

Here you will quickly take on project responsibility and be directly involved in day-to-day business. For many, the internship semester also opens the door to a later job.

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