Study overview

  • Do you want to strengthen your multicultural skills through integrated international experience and international groups?
  • Do you want to strengthen your international competence through a firmly integrated international experience?
  • Are you tired of thinking in boxes?

Then you have come to the right place! We offer you:

  • Individual support through small groups (15 first-year students per year)
  • Three semesters with guaranteed possibility of an integrated stay abroad at one of our partner universities
  • Projects that challenge you from an integrative, inter-disciplinary and intercultural perspective
  • The possibility of a double degree with the UPV Valencia


Short formIPM
Type of studyFull time
Standard period of study3 semester
AwardMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Start of studies

Winter semester & summer semester

Admission restrictionsspecific
Lecture locationAnsbach *
Language of instructionEnglish
Course management Prof. Dr. Barbara Hedderich
Student advisory serviceProf. Dr. Barbara Hedderich &
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch
Study programme assistancestudiengangsassistenz-ipm(at)
Student Servicesstudierendenservice.ipm(at)

* Lectures also take place optionally at the partner universities Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia, University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) Queensland Australia and International College of Management Sydney (ICMS) Australia.

Please take a look at the most frequently asked questions. There you will find all necessary information concerning our study program. For general questions concerning possible studies at our university feel free to contact study(at)


Admission requirements

Qualification requirements for admission to the Master's programme:

  • a university degree or equivalent with an overall examination mark of 2.0 or above in a course of study at a German or foreign university lasting at least six semesters,
  • proof of sufficient knowledge of German (at least Goethe-Zertifikat A1) and English (Level B2 is expected andproven in the interview),
  • proof of above-average motivation as a special qualification requirement through a selection interview,
  • proof of sufficient business knowledge amounting to one semester, usually 30 ECTS. Applicants who do not provide this proof may be admitted on condition that they successfully complete business management modules at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences within one year, which are equivalent to the amount of required from the Bachelor's programme. Be aware that some of the Bachelor modules are only offered in German. Level B2 is expected.
  • Students from universities collaborating with Ansbach University of Applied Sciences with regard to the Master's programme International Product and Service Management will be admitted by the partner universities themselves.
  • There is no guarantee that the Master's programme will take place if the number of applicants is insufficient.

Focus possibilities

The focus modules allow students to develop a professional profile in a specific subject area. Currently, the following main subjects are being offered:



at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Service management

at Universidad Politécnica de Valéncia, Spain

(partly in Spanish)

International business

at University of the Sunshine Coast (USC) in Queensland, Australia


International business and Tourism & hospitality

at International College of Management, Sydney (ICMS) Australia


Study structure

  • The programme comprises 3 semesters. The language of study is English, level B2 is expected and is tested in the interview. Students with a university degree with 180 ECTS points or insufficient business management skills require an additional bridging semester. Some of the bridging management courses can only be offered in German.
  • Each semester is worth 30 ECTS points.
  • In the summer semester, we offer you a holistic project in an interdisciplinary team in the Product Management module. You will be supervised by a project coach and lecturers from a wide range of disciplines. The winter semester is used to develop your personal profile through compulsory elective modules (students can select the modules that fulfill a bridging function, a specialization function or an extension function for them) and one of the following *Focus possibilities:
  1. *Service Management at the TH Valencia, Spain (double degree possible)
  2. *Technologies at the UAS Ansbach, Germany
  3. *International Business at the USC Queensland or ICMS Sydney, Australia (subject to a fee)

The current module offerings are published in the curriculum at the beginning of the semester. The specialization in International Business and other possible specializations must be agreed at the beginning of the previous summer semester by means of an individual Learning Agreement.

Master thesis

Ideally, these are on practice-oriented topics that can be combined with company projects.



Start of winter semester:      

    15.09. (Valencia)
    01.10. (Ansbach)

Start of summer semester:     

    20.02. (Valencia)
    15.03. (Ansbach)

Registration winter semester: 02.05.-31.05. (Ansbach)
Registration summer semester: 01.10.-31.10. (Ansbach)

Information for international applicants:

If you have acquired your higher education entrance qualification (certificates, diplomas, etc.) abroad, you must submit an officially certified copy and an officially certified German or English translation to uni-assist e.V. for evaluation. You can fill out the application for verification (VPD) of your educational certificates online and send it to uni-assist e.V. The application can be found at There you will also find more detailed information on the procedure. A preliminary examination documentation of your higher education entrance qualification is possible all year round. Please note that uni-assist e.V. usually takes 4 - 6 weeks to process your documents - so please submit your documents in good time. For the processing by uni-assist e.V., a fee is due which you must transfer directly to uni-assist e.V.. You must submit the original copy of the preliminary examination documentation (VPD) to Ansbach University of Applied Sciences by August 1st for the winter semester and by January 15th for the summer semester. Please also send us a copy of your valid identity card or passport. We also require proof of your German language skills.

In the case of international applicants, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences reserves the right to check the proof of sufficient German language skills. The Examination Commission determines the equivalence of foreign degrees in accordance with Art. 63 BayHSchG.

Further Information

What are the chances on the labour market?

There are many diverse professional fields for graduates of the degree programme. It is possible to start your career in medium-sized companies in the region as well as in international corporations.

The technical and economic orientation of this course provides you with skills in brainstorming, product development and design as well as marketing. Combined with social skills such as crisis management, networked thinking and working in a team, you will be able to successfully guide a product from the initial idea to development, production, marketing and disposal.

At each step you will combine knowledge from business and technology. You will become a wanderer between worlds. Many companies today regard this ability as a great strength and demand it from their employees. The same applies to the ability to quickly familiarise oneself with a wide variety of topics in order to meet the requirements of a heterogeneous and constantly changing working environment.


For further information on the requirements please also refer to the Study and Examination Regulations (German).

General information and application process

Who can apply for this Master‘s programme? Am I eligible?

Everybody with an academic Bachelor's degree can apply. Students with an academic business background and a Bachelor’s degree with a workload of 210 ECTS can start right away with the Master's programme once accepted. All others must integrate a bridging semester.

We encourage an interdisciplinary mix for our students. Nevertheless, the Master is a business Master and requires a minimum of academic business courses in this field. Those applicants who have not acquired such in a prior academic programme can take part in a specialized bridging semester. All those with an academic business background but who only have 180 ECTS can fill the gap with a general bridging semester

  • Professional bridging semester: Applicants who do not have sufficient business knowledge (Introduction to Business Administration, Internal and External Accounting and a minimum of three other relevant subjects = 30 ECTS total) must provide evidence of this within one year. Please note that these courses are only offered in German at our university. German language level B1-B2 is recommended. We do not require any certificates for that, but you have to be aware of the fact that without passing these courses within the first year, you will be ex-matriculated from the programme. Relevant prior university-level courses can be credited.
  • General bridging semester: Applicants who have sufficient business knowledge but completed their Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS have to earn the rest of the required ECTS (30 ECTS) during their Master's programme. To do so, students can choose various courses in German or in English. Furthermore, they can also do a practical study semester.

Note: Students can also choose courses offered by Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) which will be credited as well:


What is the required language knowledge for this Master‘s programme?

German language knowledge at level A1 is required by the State of Bavaria. However, B2 is strongly recommended for the specialized bridging module (see above). All students should be interested in reaching a high level of German language skills as soon as possible, as they would otherwise isolate themselves from their surroundings. English B2 is expected and proven in the interview.


Is working experience necessary for this Master‘s programme?

No, it is not necessary to have any kind of working experience.


What do I have to do to apply correctly?

Step 1: Preliminary Documentation Review (VPD) of uni-assist is mandatory for your university application. An application at is possible throughout the entire year. Please note that uni-assist takes about 4 to 6 weeks to process your documents, so please submit your documents in good time. More information on required documents can be found here:

Important: At Ansbach University of Applied Sciences we only accept a VPD that has been issued for our university. Evaluation reports for other universities will not be accepted!

Step 2: Registration on our online application portal Primuss: . Important: Registration on Primuss must take place within the specified period. Various documents can be uploaded beyond the application period.

Step 3: Upload the required documents within the specified deadlines to Primuss:

Please find below the required documents that must be uploaded by the application deadline:

  • Curriculum Vitae in tabular form
  • Questionnaire
  • Letter of Motivation


When are the application deadlines for Ansbach University of Applied Sciences?

Summer semester: November 1 until November 30

Winter semester: May 2 until May 31

Status: 01/2023

Important: The deadlines may be postponed. Therefore, please keep yourself updated regularly on our website.


What must the Letter of Motivation contain?

The letter of motivation is intended to explain the reasons why you have chosen the programme International Product and Service Management and what you hope to gain from it. It should include a short autobiographical statement covering the development of your academic and professional pursuits, your current activities and the relevance of your academic, professional, and other related experience to your proposed study at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. A well-written letter of motivation is focused on yourself and describes points that explain, in your own words, why you would like to further your studies in your chosen programme and how your interests and skills will contribute to your success in this programme as well as to your future career. For example, why are you interested in International Product and Service Management? What are your career intentions and why are you interested in pursuing those career ambitions? What accomplishments in your academic, professional, or other related experience are you most proud of and why? How would a Master's Degree in your chosen programme help you fulfil your future plans? Your letter of motivation should not exceed 500 words (no more than one page) and it must be written in English.


Do I have to request the evaluation report (VPD) of uni-assist again for Ansbach University of Applied Sciences or can I upload my VPD issued for another university?

We only accept the evaluation report that has been issued for our university. Only this version allows us to access the necessary information.


Whom do I have to send my application documents to?

Please do not send us any documents by email. We can only accept the online application on Primuss. You must upload all required documents there. Please do not forget to submit your application (missing documents may be uploaded later depending on the deadline). The registration on Primuss without submission of your application cannot be accepted!


Can I upload my documents in English?

As a rule, the documents must be submitted in German. Certificates issued as an original in English are also accepted. Translations of foreign-language documents must be legally certified.


What is the questionnaire and where can I find it?

The questionnaire is required for your application. It can be found here.

Does my final grade have to be converted into the German grading system?

Definitely! We can only accept final grades verified by uni-assist according to the German grading system.


Are there any final grade restrictions?

The university degree or equivalent degree in the course of studies has to be 2.0 or better (good or better) in accordance with the German grading system. The examination board can decide to admit those applicants who have an average between 2.1 and 3.0 and whose grade on their Bachelor's thesis is 2.0 or better.


Is there any tuition fee for this Master's programme?

There are no tuition fees. Our students must pay a student union fee each semester (status 01/2023: 67 EUR/semester). Please note that the evaluation report of uni-assist (VPD) must be paid as well.


When does the selection interview take place?

The interviews take place at the end of and right after the application deadline. You will receive an invitation by email approximately one week before your interview date.
The interviews take place via Zoom –> Data protection information for online events with Zoom (German).

We are confident that you are able to assess for yourself if you are ready to study successfully in a programme that is offered in English. Furthermore, the interview will be held in English so we will assess your language skills during that as well.


What will I be asked in the interview?

During the interview, we are interested in learning more about your educational background as well as your previous experiences. We will also assess your language skills as well as check all required documents. Furthermore, your motivation to study International Product and Service Management is very important to us. Study our homepage diligently and ask yourself why it makes sense to study in Ansbach for you and why we should prefer you to competing applicants.


Study semester in Valencia, Spain (Focus: Service) or at our other partner universities

Is a semester in Valencia or one of the other partner universities obligatory?

No, you can complete the programme in Ansbach and most of our foreign students do so. All our students may choose to study abroad because they cherish the idea of further experiences abroad or because they want to study a specialisation which is not offered in Ansbach. Take a look at the specialisation possibilities explained on our homepage and make sure to inform yourself about special conditions concerning different offers abroad (content, costs and language requirements).


I am interested in spending a study semester in Valencia or at another partner university. Where do I apply?

Our international office handles applications for the university in Valencia or one of our other partner universities. You must organise everything you need for your visa and living arrangements yourself.


Should I go to Valencia in the summer or winter?

That depends on the specialisation you choose. Should you choose technologies in Ansbach then you should go to Valencia during the summer term for the project semester. You go to Valencia during the winter term if you choose the specialisation service. Our other partner universities offer different specialisations (see homepage), which you can study during the winter term. Only Valencia offers the project thesis during the summer term.


Do I have to speak Spanish to study in Valencia?

Some courses in the winter semester are only offered in Spanish. Therefore, we recommend some basic Spanish language skill. The programme during the summer term is completely offered in English. Nevertheless, basic Spanish skills are highly recommended.


Are there any extra fees for studying in Valencia or the other partner universities?

There are no additional study fees for Valencia. You might even apply for an Erasmus grant to help with living costs. If you opt for a Double degree, there are fees that must be paid for issuing the degree. For more information regarding fees, please refer to the website of the university in Valencia directly:

Valencia is the only partner university which is regulated by Erasmus rules. All other universities charge tuition fees.

Practical orientation of the programme and internships

Is this Master's programme practically oriented?

Being a university of applied sciences, we are not only academically oriented but also in very close contact with companies. This allows us to incorporate practical knowledge that companies require from their applicants into our programmes. Furthermore, all our professors have at least five years of relevant professional experience outside of the university field. We do not directly help our students with their job search but do so indirectly by giving them the opportunity to get a good degree and learn German. Both form the basis for a successful job search.


Can I do an internship during my studies?

It is not mandatory to do an internship during this Master's programme except in the case you choose the option of a practical study semester for a general bridging semester. Even if this is not the case, you have the option of doing an internship. Please be aware that although this kind of internship is supervised and accompanied by the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, you must find the internship independently. A voluntary internship is neither part of the course nor is it organised or supervised by the university.

You have to organise your internship by yourself but consider that firms in Germany have a long tradition of offering internships to students that are fluent in German. Please note that there are specific work restrictions for international students (especially for students from non-EU countries).

Further process after admission

I have received a letter of admission. What should I do next?

In the letter of admission, you will be informed about when you can register online. There you can also find which documents you have to upload. If the documents are not complete, enrolment cannot take place.


What are the required documents and important steps after my admission?
  • Apply for a visa
  • Upload passport photo to Primuss
  • Upload to Primuss your health insurance certificate OR exemption from statutory health insurance OR temporary travel health insurance until you get to Germany
  • Pay the semester fee (it must be paid before the semester starts; for further information please see your letter of admission)
What is statutory health insurance?

Foreign applicants are advised to obtain travel insurance from an insurance agency of their home country for travelling to German and spending their first days at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences (for max. 6 weeks). In order to cover the entire scope of insurance, they must insure themselves at a German insurance agency for statutory insurance during the enrolment at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Please note that some foreign insurances do not cover all services required by German authorities!


Prof. Dr. Andreas Boger – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Andreas Boger

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-399 51.2.21 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Andreas Boger

Prof. Dr. Andreas Boger – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
  • Studiendekan Fakultät Technik


  • Materialwissenschaften
  • Maschinenbau
  • Biomaterialien
  • Biomechanik
Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser – Professorin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser

Professorin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-304 53.1.4 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser

Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gaisser – Professorin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professorin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professorin Industrielle Biotechnologie (IBT)
  • Studienfachberatung Industrielle Biotechnologie (IBT)
  • Professorin Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professorin Applied Biotechnology (ABI)
  • Studienfachberatung Applied Biotechnology (ABI)
  • Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Technik
  • Musik an der Hochschule


  • Biotechnologie
  • Biologie
  • Rekombinante Arzneistoffe
  • Bioethik


  • Studium der Technischen Biologie an den Universitäten Stuttgart, Swansea (Großbritannien) und Freiburg
  • Promotion in der Pharmazeutischen Fakultät der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen zum Thema der Antibiotika-BioSynthese und Resistenzmechanismen in Streptomyceten
  • Industrie und Forschungstätigkeiten:
    - Stellvertretende Geschäftsführerin der Biotechnologie-Agentur Baden-Württemberg
    - Senior Scientist und Projektmanagerin am Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung, Karlsruhe im Fachbereich "Neue Technologien"
    - Weiterbildung und Forschungsaufenthalt zum Thema "Health Technology Assessment" an der Universität Montreal, Kanada
  • seit 1/2010 Professorin für Biotechnologie und Bioverfahrenstechnik  an der Hochschule Ansbach


  • Synthetische Biologie
  • Antibiotika-Biosynthese
  • Sozioökonomische Analysen und Technikfolgenabschätzung im Bereich der Lebenswissenschaften

Publikationen (Auswahl):

[1] S. Gaisser, T. Reiss (2014):  Synthetische Biologie im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft - von der Notwendigkeit eines interdisziplinären und ergebnisoffenen Dialogs. pp. 69 - 90. In "Chancen und Risiken der modernen Biotechnologie". M.Schartl, J.M. Erber.Schropp (Herausgeber). Verlag Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

[2] S. Gaisser, T. Reiss (2009):  Shaping the science-industry-policy interface in synthetic biology. Systems and  Synthetic Biology 2009 Dec;3(1-4):109-14.

[3] S. Gaisser, Reiss T, Lunkes A, Müller KM, Bernauer H. (2009): Making the most of synthetic biology. Strategies for synthetic biology development in Europe. EMBO Rep. 2009 Aug;10 Suppl 1:S5-8.

[4] S. Gaisser, Hopkins MM, Liddell K, Zika E, Ibarreta D. (2009): The phantom menace of gene patents. Nature. 2009 Mar 26;458(7237):407-8.

[5] M. M. Hopkins, D. Ibarreta, S. Gaisser, C,M. Enzing, J. Ryan, P.A. Martin, G. Lewis, S. Detmar, et al.: "Putting pharmacogenetics into practice". Nature Biotechnology 4/2006

[6] Gaisser, S.; Nusser, M.; Reiß, T.: Stärkung des Pharma-Innovationsstandortes Deutschland. Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag (2005), 224 S.

[7] S. Gaisser, A. Trefzer, S. Stockert, A. Kirschning, A. Bechthold: "Cloning of an avilamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tü57".  J. Bacteriol. (1997), 179 (20): 6271-6278.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Hedderich – Studiengangsleitung (Course Management) Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Barbara Hedderich

Studiengangsleitung (Course Management) Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-215 50.3.16 Montag 13.00-14.00 Uhr vCard

Prof. Dr. Barbara Hedderich

Prof. Dr. Barbara Hedderich – Studiengangsleitung (Course Management) Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Studiengangsleitung (Course Management) Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professorin Studiengang Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Studiengangsleitung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Internationalisierung BW und IPM
  • Beratung und Betreuung Doktoranden
  • Koordinatorin Promotionsprogramm mit der Partnerhochschule Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)


  • VWL
  • Quantitative Methoden
  • Wirtschaftssprachen Spanisch und Englisch
  • Schwerpunkte: Internationale Betriebswirtschaft, Interkulturelles Management (IM), IM China, IM Deutschland
  • Softskills im Rahmen von Kulturaktivitäten


  • Referendariat berufsbildende Schulen, 2003
  • Qualifizierung von Langzeitarbeitslosen, Donner und Partner, 1999–2003
  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Lehrstuhl für Mikroökonomie insbesondere Umweltökonomie Prof. Dr. Bartmann, Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, 1988–1998
  • Filialleiterin, Möbel Hedderich KG, Mainz, 1986–1988


  • Ökonomie, insbesondere Entscheidungstheorie, evolutorische Ökonomie
  • Feministische Ansätze
  • Interdisziplinäre Ansätze


Jürgen Goth, Daniel Catalá-Pérez, and Barbara Hedderich. "Shared Service Centre (SSC) organizations and quantitative evidence on a reduction in administration costs: An umbrella review." International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking" (to be published).

Barbara Hedderich, Michael Walter, Sebastian Stadler, Eva Didion, María Rosario Perelló Marín, and Daniel Catalá Pérez, eds. "4th International Conference Business Meets Technology 2022. "Colección Congreso (2023).

Patrick Gröner, Barbara Hedderich, and Lena Dittrich. "Sustainable recruitment and development of qualified professional staff at universities of applied sciences." 4th International Conference Business Meets Technology 2022. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023.

Rebecca Katharina Oberst, Barbara Hedderich, and María Blanca de Miguel Molina. "The Reasons for Distress of First-Semester Students During Covid-19 Pandemic and Mitigation Measures." (2023).

Rebecca Katharina Oberst, Barbara Hedderich, and María Blanca de Miguel Molina. "A Literature Review on Self-Efficacy and Stress Among University Students." Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022.

Patrick Gröner, and Barbara Hedderich. "The Strategic Value of Attractive Influencers for Advertising Comunication: The Influence of Parasocial Interaction Processes on the Persuasive Effect of Brand Placements." Proceedings 3rd International Conference. Business Meets Technology. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022.

Barbara, Hedderich, Michael Hedderich, and Michael Walter, eds. Business meets Technology 2. Shaker Verlag, 2021.

Barbara Hedderich, Oliver A. Schwindler, and Silja Riedel. Ergebnisse der Befragung der Stadt Ansbach zum demographischen Wandel. Shaker Verlag, 2021.

Barbara, Hedderich, Michael Walter, and Patrick Gröner, eds. Business meets Technology. Shaker Verlag 2018.

Simon Gollisch, Barbara Hedderich, and Ludwig Theuvsen. "Strategien im Wandel." Die Unternehmung 72.2 (2018).

Simon Gollisch, Barbara Hedderich, and Ludwig Theuvsen. "Strategic preferences of farm supply and grain elevator businesses: Empirical evidence from Germany." International Journal on Food System Dynamics 9.1 (2018).

Simon Gollisch, Barbara Hedderich, and Ludwig Theuvsen. Reference points and risky decision-making in agricultural trade firms: A case study in Germany. No. 1609. Diskussionsbeitrag, 2016.

Sibylle Gaisser and Barbara Hedderich. "Kulturaktivitäten als Erfahrungsraum für die Entwicklung von Softskills – Ein studiengangsübergreifendes Lehrangebot der Hochschule Ansbach." campus-edition Hochschule Ansbach. (2016).

Sibylle Gaisser and Barbara Hedderich. "Teaching Softskills through Cultural Activities–An Interdisciplinary Approach at Ansbach University of Applied Schiences." INTED2016 Proceedings. IATED, 2016.

Blanca de Miguel Molina, José-Luis Hervás Oliver, María de Miguel Molina, and Barbara Hedderich. "Do Museums Innovate in the Conservation and Restoration of Artwork? Differences between Countries." Dirección y Organización 50.2 (2013).

Blanca de Miguel Molina, José-Luis Hervás Oliver, María de Miguel Molina, and Barbara Hedderich. "¿Innovan los museos en la Conservación y Restauración de obras de arte? Diferencias entre países." Dirección y Organización 50 (2013)

Barbara Hedderich, Walter Kiel, Stefanie Meyer, and Stephanie Klein. Ergebnisse der Sondererhebung 2010 zur Armutsberichterstattung der Stadt Ansbach. Shaker Verlag. (2013).

Heinz Kötzel, Heinz Hübner, Barbara Hedderich, and Walter Kiel. Ergebnisse der Seniorenbefragung 2009 des Seniorenbeirats der Stadt Ansbach. Shaker Verlag. (2012).

R. Cervelló-Royo, J. Cortés López, B. de-Miguel-Molina, M. de-Miguel-Molina, F. García-García. B. Hedderich, M. Konle, J.A. Marín-García, G. Ribes Giner, and M.V. Segarra-Oña. "Joint Master Degree in International Product and Service Management." INTED2011 Proceedings. IATED, 2011.

R. Cervelló-Royo, J. Cortés López, B. de-Miguel-Molina, M. de-Miguel-Molina, F. García-García. B. Hedderich, J.A. Marín-García, G. Ribes Giner and M.V. Segarra-Oña "Final Research Project Methodology at Official Masters of Social Sciences: MACMAP Team at the UPV." INTED2011 Proceedings. IATED, 2011.

Barbara Hedderich. "Ein evolutorisches Modell der langfristigen Arbeitsangebotsentscheidung." Dynamische Wirtschaftstheorie 23 (2002).

Birkle, Carmen, Sabina Matter-Seibel, and Patricia Plummer. "with Barbara Hedderich." Frauen auf der Spur: Kriminalautorinnen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001).

Barbara Hedderich. "Novel Economics: Leichter lernen mit Krimis. Frauen auf der Spur: Kriminalautorinnen aus Deutschland, Großbritannien und den USA (Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 2001).

Eduardo Quiles. "Übersetzt durch Barbara Hedderich." Dos piezas en un acto y una minipieza. Zwei Einakter und ein Minidrama: Publikation des Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos und des Instituts für Spanische und Portugiesische Sprache und Kultur der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz. Klaus Pörtl (ed.), Germersheim (1999)

Barbara Hedderich. "Zwischen Freizeitpark und Wohlstandsmüll. Arbeitslosigkeit als Beispiel des Wirkens struktureller Gewalt." Wissenschaft und Frieden, 1,1998

Barbara Hedderich. "Männer – das überflüssige Geschlecht? Einige Anmerkungen zur ökonomischen Theorie von Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Frauenforschung Bd.6 (Mainz 1997).

Rodrigo Pardo. "Übersetzt durch Barbara Hedderich." Andenpakt und Europäische Gemeinschaft: ein Symposion der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz und der Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá (1990): 27.

Rudolf Hedderich and Barbara Hedderich. "Leistung und Kapazität im Handelsbetrieb." Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft 57.8 (1987).

Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

0981 4877-143 BHS 3.02 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)


  • Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch – Studienfachberatung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch

Studienfachberatung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-298 53.1.5 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Anke Knoblauch – Studienfachberatung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Studienfachberatung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professorin Industrielle Biotechnologie (IBT)
  • Professorin Applied Biotechnology (ABI)
  • Studiengangsleiterin Applied Biotechnology (ABI)
  • Professorin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Studienfachberatung Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Lebensmitteltechnologie
  • Funktionelle Lebensmittel
  • Product Management
  • Food Product Development
Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-366 92.1.5 Mittwoch 16.00-17.00 Uhr vCard

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Studiengangsleiter Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Studienfachberatung Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Professor Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professor Angewandte Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitale Transformation (KDT)
  • Professor Digital Marketing (DIM)
  • Mitglied Senat und Hochschulrat
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft


  • Internet- und Web-Technologie
  • Mobiles Equipment
  • Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  • Prozessmanagement
Prof. Dr. Dominik Kögel – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Dominik Kögel

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0162 2605459 50.3.6 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Dominik Kögel

Prof. Dr. Dominik Kögel – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Professor Interkulturelles Management (IKM)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Innovation und Entrepreneurship (IUE)


  • Unternehmertum
  • Innovation
  • Projektmanagement
  • IT Projektmanagement
  • Strategisches Management
  • Digitale/Innovative Geschäftsmodelle
Prof. Dr. Matthias Konle – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Konle

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-303 92.2.46 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Matthias Konle

Prof. Dr. Matthias Konle – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Professor Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (NIW)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIG)
  • Beauftragter für herausragende Studierende


  • Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • Buchführung
  • Controlling
  • Kostenrechnung
  • Produktentwicklung
  • Produktionsplanung und Logistik
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas Prasol – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas Prasol

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-297 51.2.20 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas Prasol

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lukas Prasol – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Professor Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professor Media Systems Engineering (MSE)
  • Professor Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (NIW)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIG)
  • Professor für Produktions- und Fertigungstechnik
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Technik


  • Produktionstechnik
  • Fertigungstechnik
  • Regelungstechnik
  • Smart Machines
  • Intelligente Maschinen
  • Mathematik 1
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Schnurpfeil – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Schnurpfeil

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-518 51.2.21 nach Vereinbarung (Ruf doch mal an!) vCard

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Schnurpfeil

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland Schnurpfeil – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Studiengangsleiter Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)


  • Spezielle Betriebswirtschaftslehre
  • Marketing
  • Produktmanagement
  • Gesundheitswesen und -ökonomie
  • Projekt- & Qualitätsmanagement
  • Vertrieb medizinischer Güter
Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-372 92.1.2 Mittwoch 10.00-11.00 Uhr, nach vorheriger Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk

Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Internationales Management (BIM)
  • Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Marketing
  • Internationales und interkulturelles Marketing
  • Interpersonale Kommunikation
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikation
  • (Industrielles) Vertriebsmanagement

Publikation zur Interkulturellen Kommunikation:

„Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft. Grundlagen und Interkulturelle Kompetenz für Marketing und Vertrieb.“ 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 2014, 542 Seiten. Preis: 39,80 €; ISBN 978-3-8006-4888-7.  

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  • näheren Informationen (Vorwort, Gliederung, Leseprobe)
  • Bestellung des Buches sowie
  • kostenlosen Folien für Ihre Lehrunterstützung

sehen Sie bitte folgenden Internetlink:

 Im Falle Ihres Interesses an kostenlosen Musterlösungen zu den Fallstudien senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an michael.schugk(at)



11/85 - 05/91: Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen / Nürnberg


10/91 - 06/95: Freies Doktoratsstudium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Österreich) bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Werner Hasitschka, Leiter des Institutes für kulturelles Management, Wien.

06/95: Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften ( Dr. rer. soc. oec.) an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien;


01/96 - 07/99: Tätigkeit in einer Marketing-Stabsstelle der Siemens AG, Erlangen; Eigenverantwortliche Planung, Konzeption, Realisation und Kontrolle der  Marketing-Kommunikation für ein gesamtes Geschäftsgebiet

08/99 - 11/02: Tätigkeit als kaufmännischer Projektleiter bei der Siemens AG, Erlangen; Eigenverantwortliche Planung und Steuerung von Projekten im internationalen Großanlagengeschäft; (betreute Ländermärkte: u.a. Chile, USA, Kanada, Abu Dhabi, Tunesien, Irak)

12/02 - 09/05: Professor für Marketing und Vertrieb an der Fachhochschule Aalen im Studienschwerpunkt „Internationaler Technischer Vertrieb“

10/05 - heute: Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Marketing an der Hochschule Ansbach

 Nebenberufliche Tätigkeiten

03/99 - heute: Gastprofessuren an der Universität des Saarlandes, der Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg, der Universidad Politécnica de Valencia und der Universidad de Salamanca, Spanien, Marmara University Istanbul, Türkei, Griffith CollegeDublin, Irland, Universität Coimbra, Portugal; darüber hinaus Dozententätigkeit und Gastvorträge an diversen Hochschulen, Seminare für diverse Organisationen, diverse Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Markus Skripek – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr. Markus Skripek

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-217 50.3.7 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Markus Skripek

Prof. Dr. Markus Skripek – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Professor Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Professor Interkulturelles Management (IKM)
  • Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Interkulturelles Management (IKM)
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft


  • Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaft
  • Schwerpunkt Internationale Betriebswirtschaft
  • Schwerpunkt Interkulturelles Management
  • Unternehmenssimulationen / Planspiele


  • Studium: BWL Studium an der Universität Mannheim und der EDHEC, Nizza- Frankreich.
  • Promotion: Institut für Unternehmensrechnung und Revision der Wirtschaft Universität Wien Prof. Dr. Dr h.c. mult. Anton Egger im Bereich wertorientierte Unternehmensführung.
  • Unternehmenspraxis: Prof. Skripek blickt auf eine langjährige Top-Management Karriere im Handel zurück. Zuletzt war er Mitglied des Ländervorstandes eines börsennotierten international tätigen Pharmahandelskonzerns mit Sitz in Brüssel und zuständig für die Bereiche Marketing/Vertrieb und Einkauf. Er managte eine Retail- und Franchise-Kette mit mehreren hundert Outlets. Davor führte er ein in einen Großkonzern eingebettetes, mittelständisch geprägtes Distanzhandelsunternehmen. Dieses hat er während seines Wirkens in eine Vielzahl europäischer Länder internationalisiert. Seine Karriere begann er als Vorstandsassistent bei der Celesio AG (heute: McKesson Europe AG).
  • Seit 2014 Professor an der Hochschule Ansbach für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere International Management.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Slama – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Slama

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

0981 4877-208 50.4.1 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Slama

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Slama – Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Studiengangsleiter Strategisches Management (SMA)
  • Studiengangsleitung Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Professor Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Professor Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
  • Mitglied Prüfungsausschuss Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Professor Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (NIW)
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft


  • Projektmanagement
  • Schwerpunkt Management im Mittelstand
  • Schwerpunkt Produktionsmanagement und Logistik

Karin Zimmer

Karin Zimmer – Studiengangsassistentin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)

Studiengangsassistentin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)


  • Fakultätsassistentin Wirtschaft
  • Studiengangsassistentin Internationales Management (BIM)
  • Studiengangsassistentin Internationales Produkt- und Servicemanagement (IPM)
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