Preparing for studying abroad is an extensive process that takes a lot of time and research work. We have summarised the most important information for you here.

The following pages are aimed at students who would like to complete a degree programme at UAS Ansbach (degree-seeking students). Information for exchange students can be found here.

Counselling offer for young immigrants

Student counselling and funding of preparatory courses (also preparatory language courses) for immigrants interested in studying

Bildungsberatung Garantiefonds Hochschule beim CJD Nürnberg

Online counselling JMD4You by Youth Migration Services – supporting the integration of young people

JMD4YOU enables:

  • Fast and individual answers to questions about arrival and life in Germany
  • Live chat or counselling via email
  • Avoidance of time-consuming and costly journeys
  • Multilingual counselling through experienced advisors


  • for free
  • safe
  • anonymous
  • location-independent

Further information:


Preparation and application

When you obtained your school-leaving certificate in another EU or non-EU country, you have to consider a few additional points when applying:

  1. Is my school-leaving certificate equivalent to the university entrance qualification?
  2. Do I have to take the preparatory college assessment test to be able to study?
  3. How many ECTS points did I complete my studies with? (when you already have studied)
  4. What is my final grade (converted into the German grading system)?

General information on educational opportunities in Germany with foreign certificates are available on anabin - the information portal on foreign educational qualifications.

Preliminary review documentation of uni-assist e.V. and proof of German language proficiency are mandatory for your application. For a degree programme taught in German, at least B2 level is required. For degree programmes taught in English, you must have completed the A1 level in German with a certificate (exceptions may apply to the respective courses). On the uni-assist portal you can also find out how your foreign certificates are to be assessed:

You can find more information about applying for the preliminary review documentation as well as the recognised language certificates here: (under “foreign students”). This application process also applies to the Master’s degree programmes.

On the page for prospective students, you will find everything concerning application. In principle, we recommend that you apply in good time, as you have to plan your stay abroad in addition to your studies.

Applications can only be made online via university's own application portal (applications for Bachelor's programmes with restricted admission have to be made via as well). Therefore, please do not send us any documents by email or post. You can find the PRIMUSS application portal here.

Important note on PRIMUSS: Please do not forget to submit your application. Registration on PRIMUSS without submitting your application does not suffice for an application.

Health insurance

You have successfully applied and received the letter of admission. In addition to transferring a semester fee, you must also submit a certificate of adequate health insurance. A valid health insurance is the prerequisite for being able to enroll at a German university.

At best, you will then receive a certificate of adequate health insurance coverage, which you can submit when you enroll at UAS Ansbach. If you have no or insufficient health insurance in your home country, you must take out insurance in Germany. You are free to choose your health insurance, some examples are given below. Further information can be obtained directly from the respective insurance company.

Your certificate of insurance has to be verified by an insurance company in Germany, regardless of whether you are from a EU country and have the European health insurance card or you are from a non-EU country and have took out health insurance for Germany in your home country. When your certificate will be accepted, you will then receive a certificate of adequate health insurance coverage. Please submit this certificate in order to get enrolled at UAS Ansbach.

AOK Ansbach, Eyberstraße 63, 91522 Ansbach  (Health insurance in Germany – information for international students (

Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), Südwestpark 65, 90449 Nürnberg (Join our info sessions about health insurance for students | TK)

DAK-Gesundheit, Draisstraße 2, 91522 Ansbach (foreign-language counselling)

Barmer GEK, Fischstraße 5a, 91522 Ansbach  (Your partner in health insurance | BARMER)

Would you like to do everything digitally from the comfort of your home? Expatrio (TK), allyWays (Barmer) or Fintiba (DAK-Gesundheit) enable you to take out statutory insurance quickly and easily from abroad.

Health insurance for international students over 30
Dr. Walter / Provisit:

You can also find more general information on health insurance on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and Study-in-Germany.

Liability insurance

As an international student, you are not legally obliged to take out private liability insurance. However, this insurance protection is strongly recommended. If you damage someone else's property or health, you are protected by this insurance. Find out in advance in your home country whether you have this insurance and whether it is also valid in Germany. Otherwise, please look for a German insurance company. You will find many providers under the term “private liability insurance”.


Visa & Residence permits

The following are the most frequently asked questions about visa and residence permits. The contents were sourced from the website of the DAAD (The German Academic Exchange Service) and the Federal Foreign Office. If you need more detailed information in this matter, we recommend that you contact these institutions.

Overview of the countries here.


Before arrival in Germany


Who is not required to have a visa?

These are countries of students who are enrolled at the university as full-time students, viz. a long-term stay is planned

EU-Citizens: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Cyprus – An ID is sufficient

Nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA): Island, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway – An ID is sufficient

Swiss citizens
Nationals of Australia, Israel, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, the United States (Visa-free entry, however after arrival a residence permit must be applied for at the relevant immigration authority at the intended place of residence in Germany within three months)

Citizens of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldavia and Montenegro - if holder of a biometric passport

Citizens of Hongkong, Macao, Serbia, Taiwan - if holder of a passport with special features


I need a visa, which one do I have to apply for?

Schengen-Visa – short stays of up to three months every six months (visits, business and tourist stays); This type of visa cannot be extended

National Visa – For planned stays longer than six months (study, gainful employment); valid for up to one year or longer in exceptional cases


Where do I apply for the national visa?

Diplomatic Mission: The addresses can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office


I haven't enrolled yet because I:

  • Want to first further inform myself about study offers
  • First must visit a language course
  • First must attend preparatory college


What do I do in this case?

If this case arises you have the status of a university applicant and you need a national visa for the purpose of a university application.


What forms of certification do I need in this case?

  • Certification of adequate health insurance
  • Certification of sufficient funds for the securitization of your livelihood during the entire period of validity of the visa

In individual cases:

  • Proof of an entry qualification for higher education
  • Proof of any previous academic achievements


What does adequate health insurance include (what is included in statutory health insurance)?

  • Medical and dental treatment
  • Supply of medicines, bandages, therapeutic products and aids
  • Hospital treatment
  • Medical services for rehabilitation
  • Benefits for pregnancy and childbirth


What else do I need?

You may need proof of financing: Usually in the form of a security deposit on a blocked account. After January 1st, 2025: 11.904 Euros per year, a monthly withdrawal with a maximum of 992 Euros is permitted (Source: Federal Foreign Office). You can also open the blocked account here: or .


How can I check whether I need a blocked account?

You can check here whether you need a blocked account.


Main details about the national visa for the purpose of a university application:

Validity: 3 months

Extension possible: By the immigration authority as a residence permit for 6 additional months

Maximum length of stay: 9 months

Goal: The applicant presents admission to a course of study / admission to a university preparation German course or preparatory college


I have already been admitted to the university / the preparatory college. Which visa do I need?

In this case you have the status of a student and need a residence permit for purposes of study.


  • Approval or a preregistration for a place of study / an application confirmation from the university or preparatory college, which shows that the decision on the application for admission requires the personal presence of the foreigner at the university.
  • Adequate health insurance
  • Proof of financing
  • Proof of proficiency in the language of the course of study – not required if already required by the university


Main details about the national visa for purposes of study:

Validity: 3 months or 1 year if the Federal Foreigners Office was involved in the visa procedure.

If the stay is financed by a scholarship: Validity for the period of the scholarship as long as it does not exceed one year


After arrival in Germany


Residents of the EU, the EEA or Switzerland: Obligation to report at the residents' registration office

Third-country nationals: Residence permit which must be applied for before expiration of the national visa

Countries with visa waived entry (see above): The residence permit must be applied for within three months


Main details about the residence permit

It is issued with a limit of duration.


  • Education (studies, language course, job search after studies)
  • Gainful employment (employment, self-employment and job search)
  • International law, humanitarian or political grounds
  • Family reasons (succession of a child or a spouse)
  • Special residence rights (former Germans)


Key data on the residence permit for study purposes:

Granted for:

University application

Study preparation measures (e. g. attendance of a preparatory college or a preparatory language course: the period of validity of the residence permit should not exceed two years

Study at a state or state-recognized higher education institution or a comparable educational institution (as with the visa, proof must be provided of admission to the higher education institution, sufficient health insurance coverage, financing of studies)

Attendance of a language course without further study plans

Period of validity: at least 1 year, should not exceed 2 years; it may be extended for at least 1 year to a maximum of 2 years – subject to a proper academic success

The visa must be extended before expiration


After graduation in Germany – relevant for employment


I have successfully completed my studies (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate) and would like to stay in Germany to work here. What do I have to do?

In this case you have the status of a university graduate and you can extend your residence permit for up to 18 months to look for a job.


  • During this period, you can be gainfully employed.
  • The job found must correspond to the qualification of the university graduate.


I have found a job. What happens now?

In this case the Residence Permit for the Purpose of Taking Up Employment will be granted.


At what point can I get a permanent residence permit if I want to live and work in Germany long-term?

A permanent residence permit is called settlement permit.

Main points for granting of the permit:

  • The foreigner has had a residence permit for 5 years
  • His/her livelihood is secured
  • He/she has enough living space for him/her and for his/her family
  • He/she has made compulsory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pension insurance for at least 60 months/5 years
  • He/she has sufficient knowledge of the German language
  • He/she has sufficient knowledge of the legal and social order and the living conditions in the Germany
  • He/she is allowed to work (if he/she is an employee)
  • The grant is not allowed to be opposed by reasons of public safety and order


I am a graduate of a German university. Can I get a settlement period earlier?

Yes, under the following circumstances:

  • You have had a Residence Permit for the Purpose of Taking Up Employment
  • You have an adequate job after graduation
  • You have made compulsory or voluntary contributions to the statutory pension insurance for at least 24 months

For foreign university graduates, academics and scientists, the settlement permit opens the prospect of permanent residence.

Fees & Finance

Living expenses

Costs and financing is a very specific topic as every person is used to a different standard of living. According to the DAAD information, a German student needs an average of EUR 819 per month. This includes expenses for: rent, travel expenses, expenses for food, clothing, learning materials, health insurance, telephone, internet, license fee for radio and television as well as expenses for leisure activities. The average expenses for an international student are estimated at EUR 725 per month, as they usually have less money at their disposal than the German students.


How much is the semester fee?

There are no tuition fees (EUR 0) for our undergraduate Bachelor's degree programmes and advanced Master’s degree programmes. The semester fee has to be paid every semester. More information can be found here.


What is the license fee for radio and television?

The license fee for radio and television is obligatory and must be paid by all people living in Germany. The license fees are charged per housing unit, not per resident.

The contribution must also be paid if the flat is exclusively occupied by foreign students and they do not have a television or radio.

If you live in a shared flat (WG), the monthly fee is divided among all roommates.

You can find out more about the license fee on the following website. You can also register your flat here as soon as you have moved in:


Financing options

For scholarships, you must have very good knowledge of German (C1 level). In addition, your personal commitment in the social, political, school or university area as well as your high level of motivation are decisive. Basic research is necessary, as the conditions are different at each institution.


Basic questions:

Who can be funded? Students from EU countries and Switzerland or also outside the EU?

Are there funding possibilities only for Master's students or also for Bachelor's students?

Do I have to be in Germany when I apply for the scholarship, or can I do it from home?

Below you will find an overview of the possible funding possibilities. Please contact the respective institution directly if you would like to apply for a scholarship.


Internal scholarships:

UAS Ansbach awards the following scholarships and grants to international students:


Semester Grants of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art
You can find further information here.


Graduates from PASCH schools who are planning to study in Bavaria (except for German citizens)

The Bavarian support initiative for German schools abroad and partner schools (BayBIDS) awards grants at the beginning of the study program (subject to admission and enrollment at Ansbach University).

Apply directly to BayBIDS before the start of studies, call for applications at:


External scholarships:


BAföG for international students


You can also take advantage of BAföG advice service at the university


German Integration Foundation

The Ansbach University of Applied Sciences works with the following foundations, among others

You can find further funding opportunities on the website of the DAAD



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