For students
Here you will find detailed information on selected topics.
BAföG counselling
The next BAföG consultations will take place on the campus of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences as follows:
18.03, 22.04, 27.05, 24.06, 22.07.2024 from 13:15-14:45 in room 53.1.7
13.04.2024, 10.00-14.00, Foyer Building 50, on the "Open Day"
No appointment is necessary for counselling.
The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg (office Erlangen) is responsible for the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.
Information on BAföG can be found here: Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg.
All forms and general information can also be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Education and the Arts.
Proof of performance
From the 5th semester onwards, educational support is only provided from the time when the student submits a certificate from the university (Form 5: Leistungsbescheinigung nach § 48 BAföG). This can only be issued by the Student Service after the grades from the 4th semester have been received. This certifies that the student has performed the usual services by the end of the respective semester if the course of study is in order.
You can obtain Form 5: Leistungsbescheinigung nach § 48 BAföG online from the Studentenwerk.
You enter the header data and your grant number and send the completed form, also in electronic form if you wish, to the Student Services.
Your certificate of achievement will be assessed positively if you have achieved 100% of the examination results (30 ECTS points per semester), i.e. 120 ECTS points after 4 semesters.
Deviating from this, your certificate will also be assessed positively if you have achieved at least 85 ECTS points at the end of the fourth semester - this is the maximum lower limit.
If you need the certificate of achievement for a subject semester other than the end of the 4th semester, it can be issued positively if you have received it by the end of the 4th semester.
have been achieved.
If your performance certificate is assessed negatively, no BAföG will initially be paid, but you have the option of issuing a new performance certificate in accordance with § 48 BAföG.
Continued support can be assessed positively if you have completed your studies by the end of the
have been achieved.
BAföG Repayment
Important information on the repayment obligation and the BAföG partial waiver can be found here, for example:
Internetseiten des Bundesverwaltungsamtes
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Loan Fund of Bayerische Studentenwerke e.V.
The Darlehenskasse der Bayerischen Studentenwerke e.V. grants long-term, low-interest loans to needy students to help them prepare for their exams (e.g. when BAföG benefits are no longer available) and to enable them to successfully complete their studies.
You can find information on student financing >>here<<.
Information on leave of absence can be found above.
If you are pregnant or breastfeeding during your studies, you should inform the university in accordance with § 15 Paragraph 1 MuSchG.
Please contact the Office for Family Affairs, Equal Opportunities and Diversity for notification and further information.
During the internship semester, the notification should also be made to the internship location as the employer within the meaning of the Maternity Protection Act. For data protection reasons, the notification to the internship office cannot be made by the university, but only by yourself.
After your notification of pregnancy or breastfeeding, the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences or your internship agency can take the specific protective measures that may be required for you, depending on the course of study.
When will the discounted Deutschlandticket for students be available?
The ticket will probably be available from mid-September for the winter semester 2023/24 and will be valid from 1 October
Where and how can I purchase the ticket?
The ticket is only available online.
According to current planning, there will be an additional button at for applying for the discounted Deutschlandticket for students.
Do I have to submit documents/proofs from the university for the ticket?
No, you do not have to fill out any forms or submit any certificates.
You can only purchase the ticket if you are registered as a student in the campus management system for the relevant semester.
Your student status is verified automatically and electronically by VAG when you purchase your ticket.
The following applies to first-year students:
You must already be fully enrolled and the student account must be activated. The accounts are created two weeks before the start of the semester.
You will receive an email reminder to set a password for the account and to apply for the CampusCard and the discounted Deutschlandticket.
We will inform you as soon as we know more details or receive different information.
Further information on the Deutschlandticket can be found here:
Für Studienanfänger/innen gilt:
Sie müssen bereits vollständig immatrikuliert und der Studierendenaccount muss aktiviert sein. Die Accounts werden zwei Wochen vor Semesterstart angelegt.
Sie erhalten per E-Mail eine Erinnerung zum Setzen eines Passworts für den Account sowie zur Beantragung der CampusCard und des vergünstigten Deutschlandtickets.
Wir informieren, sobald Genaueres feststeht oder wir abweichende Informationen erhalten.
Weitere Informationen zum Deutschlandticket finden Sie hier:
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