Career Service
We can discuss your concerns confidentially and individually during a personal consultation.
We care about your career. Therefore, we counsel you individually and holistically and accompany you during all phases of your career development: Starting with professional orientation, the search for a company for your internship semester, your career entry or professional reorientation.
Would you like a consultation? We offer telephone and personal consultations as well as video consultations using the "Zoom" software. Please note our data protection information for the latter. Please get in touch with your contact person for Career Service.
We are happy to go over your documents and give you valuable tips for a successful application.
For a portfolio check, please make an appointment so that we have enough time to go over the documents together. Please send us your documents ahead of time so we can prepare.
In addition, we also offer short information sessions addressing the preparation of application documents. These short information sessions take place on an ongoing basis. Please arrange an appointment in advance by e-mail at: careerservice(at) Consultations are possible by telephone and in person as well as by video conference using the "Zoom" software. Please note our data protection information for the latter.
You have already sent one or more successful applications and got an invitation to an interview? Perfect! Now it is time to shine.
How do I respond to difficult questions?
What effect does my body language have during the interview?
How should I dress?
You will now ask yourself these and other questions.
To successfully master your first interview, take us up on our offer: We will simulate an interview that complements your application, so that you can practice difficult questions in advance, optimize your impact and convince all along the line.
You will find dates and a registration form in our “workshop and seminar offer” category (German). If you are unable to attend the dates listed, please contact us and we will find an alternative: careerservice(at)
The application is your business card and gives the employer a first impression. As you know, this is the most important part and decides whether you will be considered in the further application process or not. Therefore, you should take the time to prepare your documents and adapt each application to the respective company and the advertised job. We are happy to support you in this matter.
Here you will find important information and recommendations made by the Career Service of Ansbach University on the components of an application:
A good cover letter should be short and concise. A clear structure must be visible to the reader. In addition to the structure and content, the layout of your cover letter can decide over whether a human resource agent continues to read or not.
Design, layout and format of the cover letter:
In order to make it as easy as possible for the recipient to read the cover letter, it should not only be structured in terms of content, but also include an appealing and easy-to-understand layout. It is important to choose a universal font that is easy to read (e.g. Arial). Avoid using ornate fonts or wording in your application. The font size should not be larger than 12 pt and not smaller than 10 pt. The font color must be black.
A cover letter should contain between 3 and 5 paragraphs, which are thematically structured. The recommended line spacing is one line and the paragraphs should be separated by blank lines.
An adaptation of the design of the respective company (regarding color etc.) is very popular but can also be a distraction. Avoid conspicuous designs. Keep your application simple and try to prove your creativity by including work samples.
This section contains your personal information such as your name, address and telephone number. Make sure your contact information is easy to find.
The curriculum vitae is the most important part of an application. It gives HR professionals a brief overview of your entire professional career. Therefore, a clear structure is essential. The desired information should be as easy for the reader to find as possible. In addition, a harmonious, universal layout and, of course, quality content must be ensured.
Form and structure:
Nowadays, the application photo is still an important part of an application. It gives the employer a first impression of you. Therefore, the effect of a photo should not be underestimated. You should have your picture taken by a professional photographer. Photos from vending machines and leisure pictures are taboo.
Whether it's career orientation, finding a company for your internship semester or career entry, or sharpening your profile: We support you during your studies on your way into the working world. Because your career is close to our hearts.
You have already made an initial decision by choosing your field of study. In the course of your studies, it is now important to inform yourself about job profiles, fields of activity, requirements and opportunities on the labour market.
To do this, it makes sense to look at your own profile, to know your competences, interests and wishes and to expand them with additional qualifications.
The Career Service offers you orientation and support in this process with various events and advisory services. We will be happy to assist you in defining your career choice, in acquiring key qualifications and in starting your career.
We are happy to provide comprehensive and holistic advice. Please make an appointment for career counselling at careerservice(at) or call 0981 4877 544.
Entering professional life after graduation is sometimes rocky. However, it is often women who face particular challenges. The Family Office and the Career Service would like to offer career counselling for women to support and advise female students in particular when starting their careers.
How do I deal with issues such as pay gap, gender equality and women's quota? Does this affect me and what is my position on it?
In an individual discussion, we look together at what opportunities are open to you and how you can use your strengths in a targeted way and develop them systematically. In doing so, we take into account your current circumstances as well as your wishes for the future. We are also happy to go through your application documents together and optimise them if necessary.
Please feel free to make an appointment for a consultation:
careerservice(at) oder 0981 4877 544
In particular, female students with their own children or a caring role face major hurdles when applying for a job or entering professional life. We would like to provide you with the best possible support and advice. Visit our regular information event "QuikFix: Applying with a Child" or make an appointment for a consultation.
Relevant trade fairs
Since there are many career fairs in Germany, you should really consider which ones are interesting to you.
Good preparation
Those who simply stroll around on the fair will probably leave without success. Good preparation is key. Career fairs can be compared to speed dating with potential employers. As an applicant, you have to present yourself as a suitable candidate in the shortest period of time possible and still get important information about the company and the job offer.
Appointments in advance
Research the participating companies in advance. Find out more about vacant positions. Should you find any interesting offers, please contact the personnel department of the respective company directly and ask for an appointment during the trade fair.
Individual application folders
You have already informed yourself about the companies present and their vacant positions? Then you can prepare your application documents in advance. Design them individually for each position.
In order to be prepared for spontaneous interviews, always keep your CV on you during the fair. Even if you do not have complete application documents with you, your CV and your personal interview will give the HR manager a first impression and will help him remember you even after the trade fair.
At the career fair you should have your hands free so that you can spontaneously greet someone with a handshake. However, you should be equipped with your application documents, a notebook and a pen.
Dress code
Think about what a company might expect of you. The dress code often differs depending on the industry and position. It is better to be overdressed rather than too casual. Make sure, however, that you feel comfortable in your outfit and that it suits you. As a rule of thumb: Attend the trade fair in an outfit with which you would attend your first day of work.
Finding a job is difficult sometimes. Where can I find the right vacancies? What should I do when looking for a job? We recommend combining different strategies. For example, searching on online stock exchanges, but also using other sources such as trade journals and company databases and networks.
Below are some tips to help you find what you are looking for. We are also happy to advise you personally in a consultation on job and internship search. Make an appointment at: careerservice(at)
You would like to do an internship abroad? We have compiled the most important information for you below.
An internship abroad is an exciting experience. During your studies, you can immerse yourself in the working world of another country and get to know it intensively. You will make a lot of new contacts, enjoy unique experiences and gain your first professional experience.
Below we have compiled some important information for you. If you have any further questions or would like advice on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Of course, it is more difficult than finding an internship in Germany, but there are still some websites that will make your search easier. You can also find international job offers on our Hochschuljobbörse.
In addition, the Career Service of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences offers a QuickFix on the subject of applications in English and an application portfolio check for English applications. Information can be found on the current seminar and event program.
Below we have compiled some important information for you. If you have any further questions or would like advice on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Further information can be found on the pages of the International Office.
Timetable for career entry
In order to be successful in finding a job quickly, there are a few important points to keep in mind.
Important: Actively search for your dream job! But start early (six to eight months)!
Online job boards
There are several job boards on the Internet. It is always recommended to use several channels, portals and job search options.
For a successful search, first consider which type of job offers you are looking for. Select the job exchanges accordingly. Tip: Never search for just one job title. Always use the German and the English versions. Think outside the box and use different search terms. Not every company has the same job title, but the job description may be similar.
You can find more job search tips at the Career Service or in the QuickFix on this topic. Click here for more information on the offered events.
Below we have compiled a selection of job portals for you. On these pages you will not only often find job offers, but also application tips and articles about the application process, which might be helpful for your own application.
University Job Exchange
The university job exchange offers a wide range of internships, graduate positions, bachelor theses and working student jobs.
With the GO MATCH matching function, suitable positions are directly suggested to you. Based on your ideas and wishes, suitable positions in Germany and abroad will be suggested to you as part of a scoring process. Access to the service and further information can be found on the Hochschul-Jobbörse.
Job exchanges for internships
Job exchanges for graduates
Regional job exchanges
Job exchanges for the Faculty of Business
Job exchanges for the Faculty of Engineering
Job exchanges for the Faculty of Media
Public service
International job exchanges
*no claim to completeness
The start-up advice service at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of teaching formats, a certificate program and the option of taking a semester off for a start-up. At the same time, you will be supported with a wide range of individual and confidential consultation on the most important questions relating to business start-ups, funding opportunities and networks. The start-up advice service at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences looks forward to hearing from you or visiting the Pixel Campus. Further information are available on the homepage of the Start-Up Consultancy.
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