Accessibility Declaration

We endeavour to make our services accessible barrier-free in accordance with § 1 BayBITV  2.0
The Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology and the Federal State Law Implementation in the Bavarian Information Technology Ordinance or the Bavarian eGovernment Ordinance corresponds to the implementation of the policy (EU) 2016/2102 for the barrier-free access to websites and mobile applications of public sector entities.
According to the Federal Ordinance on Barrier-Free Information Technology (BITV 2.0) and the Federal State Law Solution of Bay-BITV, only content in German language is to be provided on the start websites of public sector entities in order to describe the entity.
A video in sign language and a document in easy language are therefore only available in the German version.
Accessibility Declaration – Ansbach University of Applied Sciences (German).

Legal Name

Hochschule Ansbach (Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)

Websites with all subdomains according to the privacy policy.
These websites partly comply with § 1 BayBITV. The non-compliant web pages are listed below.
Content not accessible barrier-free:

  • On the university’s website with its corresponding subpages, there are no alternative texts describing images, graphics, or tables.
  •  Films in sign language for the navigation on the website and for the explanation of accessibility are currently not available.
  • There may be errors in the content hierarchy of the website or links may be incomprehensible.
  • The heading hierarchy is sometimes not adhered to.
  • A large part of the integrated documents is not available in a barrier-free version.
  • Only partial subtitles and no audio descriptions are currently available for the integrated videos.
  • A map showing how to get to the main campus is not yet available in a barrier-free version.
  •  In case of automatically generated content, reference is made to links with the same name, however, these links contain different PDFs.

Creation date

September 2020

Last review

Dezember 10th, 2021

Services for further assistance

Students with disabilities find support at the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity at dunja.zoeller(at) Students with disabilities and chronic diseases find support at (Mr. Torsten Schmidt).

The Severely Handicapped Employee Representative and the Inclusion Representative support employees with their concerns.

Enforcement procedure

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences endeavours to respond to your request within one week. If a request for contact remains unanswered in whole or in part within six weeks, the State Office for Digitisation, Broadband and Surveying will examine, at the request of the user, whether measures are necessary in the context of monitoring vis-à-vis the obligated party.

Contact information of the institution responsible for the enforcement procedure:

State Office for Digitisation, Broadband and Surveying
IT Service Center of the Free State of Bavaria
Enforcement and monitoring body for barrier-free information technology
St.-Martin-Strasse 47
81541 Munich
Phone: +49 89 2129-1111
fax: +49 89 2129-1113
Optional online request form (German)

Feedback mechanism

As a user, you can inform us about the shortcomings in compliance with the accessibility requirements: digitale-Barrierefreiheit(at)

Information on data processing: We provide this in our privacy policy.

HERE you will find further information on data protection consent.

Further information on the "Bayern barrierefrei" signet
can be found under the following link:

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