
Welcome to the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. If you are curious to find out more about what a young, modern university of applied sciences in Bavaria has to offer, then you have reached the right place. Our courses in economics, technology, media and natural sciences are sought after by both students and companies alike. The demand for study places is high and our graduates achieve above-average success in entering professional life.

On the campus of Ansbach University you can study successfully and feel at home: both are possible. Our expert and dedicated personnel work hard to ensure this is achieved: professors, lecturers, employees, students, a modern infrastructure and the university’s favourable location in the district of Nuremberg, all play their part in contributing to the success of the university. Our campus is a central hub designed to inspire you to discover and develop your talents through creative collaboration. Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is a vibrant platform for business and scientific  ideas and its global network of partner universities promotes the exploration of different cultures, new ways of life and engagement with our fellow human beings. It is a centre for the exchange of knowledge and technology. Its trademark is applied research and development.  

We invite you to explore further, to familiarise yourself with our university, its graduate, post-graduate and continuing education programmes and its main research areas and to read about the people who make all this possible every day.

Mission statement

Creative. Innovative. Competent.

Education is personality development. Our aim is to offer an excellent academic education to enable students to pursue successfully their future paths in life. Our courses are practice-oriented and teaching mainly take place in small groups, so personal attention is guaranteed.

We understand/believe education as a creative process, which should nurture the development of talents and gifts through a triad of knowledge, ability and responsible action. Creative thinking and its skilful application lead to productive achievements. We wish to foster these achievements not only for the benefit of the individual but for society as a whole.

The university provides a central meeting place where new ideas and experiences can be shared in a constructive, critical and respectful manner.

We value social variety and diversity discrimination of any kind will not be permitted. Tolerance and respect characterize the actions of all members of the university. We actively support and cultivate intercultural exchange through collaboration with our international partners.

Equal opportunities and inclusion.
We promote gender-equitable study and working conditions, i.e. equal rights and equal development opportunities for all people in all areas of the university. We see the promotion of equality as an all-embracing task at every level.

Work-life balance.
We create the structures and conditions necessary to help students balance the demands of the university, their working and learning environments and their personal situations.

Compatibility of family commitments with study or work at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

A family-friendly university

Students and employees with children or dependent relatives in need of care should not feel isolated or unsupported during their studies or work - Ansbach University of Applied Sciences wishes to offer  as much support as it can within its capacity, in the most non-bureaucratic manner possible. With regard to the issue of ‘family-friendliness’, Ansbach university is clearly on the right path as it already has a higher proportion of female professors compared to other universities in Bavaria. This inspires us to continue to promote and support the compatibility of family and children with studying and working at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, with the aim of further increasing the proportion of women among students and employees in both scientific and non-scientific fields.

From the offer of the university for families and children

  • Possibility of alternating teleworking for employees.
  • Flexible working hours for employees in technology and administration to ensure family-friendly, variable working hours.
  • Dual Career Network Northern Bavaria:

When recruiting qualified scientists, the involvement of the family is an important aspect of Ansbach University's family-friendly personnel policy.  For most couples, the decision to accept a job may also depend on what professional opportunities are available in the area for the accompanying partner. Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is therefore a member of the Dual Career Network North Bavaria (DCNN) and provides targeted support to dual career couples in their professional and private decisions. Further information can be obtained from the Personnel Department of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences or from DCNN.

  • Children's corner in the university library:

Books and toys are available in the children’s corner of the university library for children who are being supervised by their parents. There are baby changing facilities in the nearby toilets of the university library (for further baby changing facilities on campus, see below).

  • Collaboration with the nearby Mütterzentrum:

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences covers the annual membership fee for students and employees for the nearby mothers’ centre, Mütterzentrum Miteinander.

Further information can be found on the website of the Mütterzentrum Miteinander www. Membership reduces the cost of childcare.

During opening hours, children can be dropped off and picked up whenever necessary without prior notice.

Parents and children are welcome to share a hot lunch at the centre. General information on childcare at the Mothers’ Centre, opening hours and prices can be found on the website Mütterzentrum Ansbach.

  • Holiday Care:

During the Easter and Summer holidays, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences participates in a joint childcare scheme run by the Realschule (secondary school) in conjunction with other authorities in Ansbach.

You can find an overview of other attractive child-care options and leisure activities in Ansbach during the school holidays on the website of the Economic Development Agency for the City of Ansbach ( www.

  • A nursing room with changing facilities is located in building 92, ground floor, room 15 (92.0.15). The keys for the nursing room can be obtained from the post office (room 50.0.3).
  • Changing facilitiescan also be found in the spacious disabled toilets, which are cleaned daily:
    • Building 92 ground floor (92.0.8)
    • Building 51 ground floor east (51.0.16)
    • Building 50 1st floor east (50.1.13)
    • Mensa (canteen) building (87.0.15)
    • Building 70 (Toilets inside the library)
    • Building 54 Ground Floor next to the Campus Center (54.0.03)
  • Highchairs for children are available in the canteen for lunch with children.
  • The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg also offers students a free children's meal as an extra to the parents’ meal in the university canteen. Information (requirements etc.) can be found on the pages of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg (external link).
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