Future Lab Ansbach: visionary - systemic - sustainable

The Future Lab Ansbach at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is a research and teaching platform of the Faculty of Business.

What is the mission of the Future Lab Ansbach?

The Future Lab Ansbach is a platform for experimental, inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching in market, trend and future research. The platform is intended to create opportunities and promote projects that specifically encourage research, teaching and practice to engage in an open exchange and strengthen their profile.

Designed for a limited time frame, the platform challenges teachers, students and co-operation partners from business and science to develop concrete projects and plans and to translate the claim of transdisciplinary scientific practice into concrete action.

The Future Lab Ansbach sees itself as an open format! It thrives on the broad participation and co-design of as many network partners from research, teaching and practice as possible. Individual creativity meets collective creativity. In terms of creative interaction, a new level of knowledge innovation is created between the individual and the team. It is not enough to develop visionary ideas. Creativity also requires sustainable, responsible thinking that recognises the effects of our visionary actions in a systemic context.

Study programmesBW
Contact personsProf. Dr. Jochem Müller
Dr. Jürgen Rippel


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