In the practical course in computer science, students learn the object-oriented programming language Java with algorithms that they are to apply to engineering problems.

In the exercise Process Simulation, the focus is on teaching basic principles of the simulation of dynamic systems with the program Matlab / Simulink, which is widely used in the industry.

In the practical course Simulation of Discrete Systems, event-oriented controls are realized with the Matlab tool Stateflow and material flow simulations are developed in Simio.

In the practical course on industrial communication technology, the focus is on process visualization and control with the software Labview.

The aim of the practical exercise on Internet and databases is to teach the basics of creating simple HTML pages, the implementation of Access applications up to web-based database applications.

In the elective course on flow simulation, students learn the basic procedure for flow simulations on the basis of simple tasks.


Study programmesFaculty of Engineering
Contact personsProf. Dr. Wolfgang Schlüter (Laboratory management)
Richard Kiefer
Alexander Roll


Laboratory equipment


  • 38 workingstations (i7-4790, 3,6 GHz, 16 GB RAM )
  • A0 Plotter


  • Matlab/Simulink/Stateflow
    Dynamic simulation of continuous systems
    Simulation of event driven systems
    Fuzzy systems and neural networks
    Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
    steady-state and transient flow simulations
  • Labview
    Process visualization
    Virtual laboratory
  • Hochschule Ansbach uses Simio simulation software under a grant from Simio LLC (
    3D-Simulations-Software zur Materialflusssimulation und Optimierung von Prozessen auf den Gebieten Logistik, Fertigung und Produktion und Supply-Chain-Management
Total E-Quality Prädikat