As a Bavarian university, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is committed to the guiding principle of equal rights for women and men. Increasing the proportion of women at all levels of academia is a declared goal of the university. The Women's Office supports the university in this endeavor.
It is the contact point for all questions and problems of female students, professors and female teaching staff that may arise in connection with working or studying at the university. Whether it is a question of childcare, career planning or even cases of discrimination in everyday life at the university: contact the Women's Office.
The Women's Office is run by the university's Women's Representative and her team.
Non-academic female employees and all male members of the university are supported by the Equal Opportunity Officer.
It is particularly important to us that all our students and university staff feel safe and respected.
If you are confronted with or witness any incidents of sexual harassment or sexualised violence, please do not hesitate to contact us,
contact us.
Contact person
Andrea Gilg
Mail to: neinheisstnein(at)
We would like to emphasise that confidentiality and anonymity are absolutely guaranteed at all times. Your safety and well-being are important to us.
No means no!
Together against sexualised violence and sexual harassment at our university.
Women's Power Special - an event organised by our Women's Office
On 23 October 2024, the motto on campus was once again - strong, networked, empowered: d
The Women's Office's Women's Power Special took place!
In a lecture theatre, female students and women from Ansbach University of Applied Sciences were able to attend three interesting lectures on the topic of ‘Radiance on the Net’. The topics covered included Instagram, LinkedIn and life as an influencer. Afterwards, there was the opportunity to network on campus over free tarte flambée and puff pastries from the ‘Monsieur René’ food truck.
We would like to thank all the women who made the evening so special!
Last Thursday, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences opened its doors for a fascinating insight into the STEM fields (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology). Around 50 schoolgirls from various schools took part in this year's Girls' Day and were given the opportunity to get to know the university's diverse degree programmes. In addition, the training programme for "industrial mechanics" was presented.
Every year, Girls' Day offers schoolgirls the opportunity to gain an initial insight into technical and scientific professions. The aim is to increase the proportion of women in these fields and to inspire them for possible career paths.
An insight into the "Resort Journalism" (RJO) degree programme was provided through the "Filming with a smartphone" offer. Under the motto "Sound off, shut up and action", the students had the opportunity to try their hand at being a presenter. They also gained an initial insight into the topics of digitalisation and artificial intelligence (AI) at the university's Retti Campus.
In the biotechnology laboratory, the participants were able to familiarise themselves with the day-to-day work of a bioengineer. The Business Informatics programme (WIF) presented the creation of an app. The Production Engineering Laboratory presented the training programme for industrial mechanics.
Andrea Gilg, organiser of Girls' Day at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, was delighted with the high level of participation: "Every year, it's great to see how enthusiastically the schoolgirls take up the offer at our university. We hope that we were able to provide an interesting insight into the STEM fields and that the participants gained a lot of inspiration."
A warm invitation goes out to all female students at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Our Women's Power Special will take place on 25.04.2023 from 15:30 - 18:00 on the campus of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in the new refectory building. Let yourself be inspired by impulse lectures from professional speakers on how you can score points with strengths and competence in your studies, when entering professional life and in your career. During an interesting exchange with speakers and fellow students, we will enjoy the remaining time and fortify ourselves at the food truck with sweet and hearty crêpes and coffee.
I am looking forward to a great afternoon with you.
Kind regards from your Women's Office
Andrea Gilg
It is with great pleasure that the new round of the mentoring programme "ANke Premium" starts at our university.
"Finally back in presence" is the positive feedback from the tandems from the kick-off event on our campus. With a record participation of 40 mentors and mentees, we are opening the new 2022/23 season.
The mentoring team: Prof. Tanja Schmidt and Andrea Gilg
In sunny weather, after a long corona break, the final event of the ANke Premium mentoring programme could take place in a personal setting after all. These were two successful evenings, where the goals of the program, such as supporting mentees, seminars and building a career network were discussed. The program lives from its participants and so the joy of community and mutual motivation is not neglected. The ANke mentoring programme of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences supports female students of all courses of study and semesters by imparting knowledge and experience, also within the framework of high-quality seminars, to ensure a successful start to their studies and on their way into the working world.
We wish you all a restful summer and perhaps you too will be part of the new mentoring round in autumn.
"The women's representatives shall take care to avoid disadvantages for female academics, female teaching staff and female students; they shall support the university in the performance of its task of promoting the implementation of equal rights for women and men and working towards the elimination of existing disadvantages..."
The women's representatives advise and support the university in the
At the Universities of Applied Sciences in Bavaria, female professors, sometimes also professors, are usually active as women's representatives. The women's representatives are elected for this office and perform their duties within the framework of their official duties.
The Women's Representatives of the Bavarian Universities of Applied Sciences coordinate their activities at state level; in the State Conference of Women's and Equal Opportunities Representatives they work together with the representatives of all types of Bavarian universities.
Information on gender justice
Despite an increase in the proportion of women employed in business and higher education, top positions are still frequently filled by male applicants. On the other hand, men are clearly under-represented in certain sectors such as education, social pedagogy and linguistics. Information on background and causes can be found here (German):
For more information on gender equality in society and politics, please click here (German):
The GENDER 2020
project aims to develop gender-equitable control and action options to promote cultural change. This goal will be achieved by pooling and reflecting the knowledge and experience of experts from gender and university research, science organisations and policy, and gender equality practice.
Women in science and research
The Online-Plattform und Datenbank CEWSwiki from Kompetenzzentrums Frauen in Wissenschaft und Forschung CEWS ddocuments ongoing and completed research projects in the field of "Women in Science and Research" in the German-speaking areas.
Search here using the project search or navigate in the following lists
Pay differences between women and men
You can find more information on the topic of "Pay differences between women and men" here:
Internet site of the "Equal Pay Day"
an essay from issue 4/2010 of the "Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung" (Contributions to Higher Education Research) of the Bayerisches Staatsinstitut für Hochschulforschung und Hochschulplanung (IHF) ( Susanne Falk: Gleicher Lohn bei gleicher Qualifikation? Eine Analyse der Einstiegsgehälter von Absolventinnen und Absolventen der MINT-Fächer
As part of our career development programme for women, which is aimed at schoolgirls, students and women with university degrees and professional experience, we make an active contribution to supporting women sustainably and effectively on their path to university, professional life or an academic career.
BayernMentoring – Promotionsstipendien – Qualifizierungsprogramm „rein-in-die-hörsäle“ are the three pillars of our career development programme, which focus on the different phases of women's lives. The flyer (German) gives you an overview..
Doctoral Scholarships
Within the framework of the support programme, two different doctoral scholarships are offered, which require different qualifications. Either the applicants have already completed their studies at a university of applied sciences or at a university and relevant professional experience of at least 5 years, or they have completed a HAW university course of study and would like to gain a doctorate immediately afterwards. The duration of both doctoral scholarships is usually two years. There is also a qualification scholarship, which is aimed at women who have completed a diploma at a university of applied sciences/technical college and who wish to gain further qualifications in order to gain admission to a doctorate. The scholarships are awarded once a year. The closing date for applications is always 1 February of each year! Further information can be found at
Qualification program "rein-in-die-hörsäle"
With the qualification programme "rein-in-die-hörsäle" LaKoF Bayern/HAW supports in particular, qualified women with a university degree who are aiming for a career as a university professor. The programme is aimed at women who already have the qualifications required for an appointment or who will acquire them in the foreseeable future (see: Appointment requirements).
"rein-in-die-hörsäle" supports you when you need it:
Find out more here:
Weitere Fördermöglichkeiten:
A total of 1890 tandems participated from 2005 to 2015. 1413 junior mentors and 2555 junior mentees took part in the Bavaria-wide programme from 2009 to 2015. All 17 universities taking part in BayernMentoring present themselves in the BayernMentoring brochure (German) published in September 2015..
Career Kick for girls
The mentoring program "ANke" gives students of all courses of study at Ansbach University the perfect career glaze! "ANke" means gaining knowledge and exchanging experiences at the ANsbach University of Applied Sciences. Mentoring within the framework of "ANke" is networking with female role models: An experienced, competent and successful woman (mentor) passes on her experience to a younger (mentee) and helps her develop her potential. This career advancement takes place in three stages:
Stage 1 ("ANke Premium")
An experienced, competent and successful specialist from industry (mentor) passes on her experience to a student from the 4th semester (mentee). Goals: Passing on and imparting knowledge, advice and exchange of experience, support and motivation, career network and contact mediation, introduction to professional life.
Click here to register: (German)
Stage 2 ("ANke at start")
An advanced student advises students from the first semesters. Goals: Support in setting up the course of studies, passing on one's own experiences, motivation and crisis management.
Click here to register: (German)
Level 3 ("ANke goes to school")
Support and supervision of female pupils in technical and scientific subjects by female students at the university within the framework of cooperation between the university and secondary schools.
Girls'Day events at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences took part in Girls' Day with a range of events:
Girls' Day takes place nationwide. Find out more at
Event preview of the mentoring programs
Beauftragte der Hochschule für die Gleichstellung von Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst
0981 4877-268 Retti 122, Rettistraße 56, 91522 Ansbach nach Vereinbarung magdalena.molina vCard
Beauftragte der Hochschule für die Gleichstellung von Frauen in Wissenschaft und Kunst
Projektkoordinatorin Mentoringprogramm ANke I Frauenbüro
Projektkoordinatorin Mentoringprogramm ANke I Frauenbüro
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Technik
0981 4877-304 53.1.4 nach Vereinbarung sibylle.gaisser vCard
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Technik
Publikationen (Auswahl):
[1] S. Gaisser, T. Reiss (2014): Synthetische Biologie im Spannungsfeld von Forschung, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft - von der Notwendigkeit eines interdisziplinären und ergebnisoffenen Dialogs. pp. 69 - 90. In "Chancen und Risiken der modernen Biotechnologie". M.Schartl, J.M. Erber.Schropp (Herausgeber). Verlag Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
[2] S. Gaisser, T. Reiss (2009): Shaping the science-industry-policy interface in synthetic biology. Systems and Synthetic Biology 2009 Dec;3(1-4):109-14.
[3] S. Gaisser, Reiss T, Lunkes A, Müller KM, Bernauer H. (2009): Making the most of synthetic biology. Strategies for synthetic biology development in Europe. EMBO Rep. 2009 Aug;10 Suppl 1:S5-8.
[4] S. Gaisser, Hopkins MM, Liddell K, Zika E, Ibarreta D. (2009): The phantom menace of gene patents. Nature. 2009 Mar 26;458(7237):407-8.
[5] M. M. Hopkins, D. Ibarreta, S. Gaisser, C,M. Enzing, J. Ryan, P.A. Martin, G. Lewis, S. Detmar, et al.: "Putting pharmacogenetics into practice". Nature Biotechnology 4/2006
[6] Gaisser, S.; Nusser, M.; Reiß, T.: Stärkung des Pharma-Innovationsstandortes Deutschland. Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag (2005), 224 S.
[7] S. Gaisser, A. Trefzer, S. Stockert, A. Kirschning, A. Bechthold: "Cloning of an avilamycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces viridochromogenes Tü57". J. Bacteriol. (1997), 179 (20): 6271-6278.
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Technik
0981 4877-285 51.2.5 Donnerstag 10.45 - 11.45 Uhr astrid.blumenthal vCard
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Technik
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Wirtschaft
0981 4877-218 50.4.7 Mittwoch 14.00-15.00 Uhr (nach Vereinbarung) sabine.mcintosh vCard
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Wirtschaft
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Wirtschaft
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Wirtschaft
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Medien
Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Medien
Ich bin seit 1999 freie Wissenschafts- und Umweltjournalistin mit Schwerpunkt audiovisuelle Medien. Vor meiner Berufung an die Hochschule Ansbach lag mein Lebensmittelpunkt in Köln, wo ich u. a. für die TV-Wissensredaktionen des WDR (Quarks & Co, W wie Wissen, Kopfball, Planet Schule u.v.m) und für freie Produktionsfirmen im Edutainment-Bereich gearbeitet habe. Zu meinen Auftraggebern zählten außerdem verschiedene Hörfunkredaktionen (u.a. WDR 5 Leonardo, DLF Forschung Aktuell, dradio wissen) und die Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung. Daneben habe ich regelmäßig moderiert (Veranstaltungen der Wissenschaft im Dialog gGmbH und des Deutsche Museums Bonn, Podiumsdiskussionen für verschiedene Landes- und Bundesministerien und Forschungsinstitute). Aktuell arbeite ich mit der Redaktion „IQ – Wissenschaft und Forschung“ des BR (Bayern 2) und mit der Längengrad Filmproduktion GmbH, die TV-Dokumentationen und Magazinbeiträge für ARD, ZDF und ARTE im Themenfeld Wissenschaft, Umwelt und Medizin produziert, zusammen.
Mein Studium (Biologie) habe ich an der TU München absolviert. Darauf folgte ein Jahr Forschung an der Harvard Medical School in Boston, und danach meine Promotion auf dem Gebiet der marinen Ökotoxikologie an der Universität Hamburg und der Meeresstation Helgoland des Alfred Wegener Instituts für Polar und Meeresforschung. Bereits während Studium und Promotion begann ich, journalistisch zu arbeiten. Dank eines Stipendiums der Studienstiftung habe ich danach in einem Praxisjahr in verschiedenen Hörfunk- und Fernsehredaktionen mein Können vertieft und mich anschließend als freie Journalistin in Köln niedergelassen.
Seit 2011 lehre ich an der Hochschule Ansbach im Studiengang Ressortjournalismus: zunächst als Lehrbeauftragte, und seit 2014 als Professorin.
Meine Forschungsinteressen liegen im Bereich Repräsentation von Expertise in den Medien und Narration in XR-Medien.
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Medien
Stellvertretende Frauenbeauftragte Fakultät Medien
1989–90 Studium Architektur, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, Paris (F)
1990–91 Studium Design, Atelier de Sèvres, Paris (F)
1994 Studium Grafik-Design, St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Industry (RUS)
1991–97 Diplomstudium Kommunikationsdesign, Schwerpunkt Audiovisuelle Medien, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
1997–2014 Selbständige Designerin in verschiedenen Kommunikations- und Designagenturen in München und Nürnberg für Endkunden wie adidas, Siemens, BMW, Audi, Mini, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (Auswahl). Entwicklung von Gestaltungskonzepten und deren visuelle Umsetzung bis zum Endprodukt. Leitung des Design-Teams, Kundenkontakt sowie Projektkoordination in den Bereichen Printdesign, Webdesign und im Schwerpunkt Motion Design.
2002–2015 Lehraufträge für Motion Graphics und Visual Effects an der TH Nürnberg und der macromedia Hochschule München
2014–2021 Professur und Studiengangleitung Film + Motion Design, University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Hamburg
Seit 2021 Professur für grafische Visualisierung in Bild und Bewegtbild an der Hochschule Ansbach
© 2025 Hochschule Ansbach