In cooperation with the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases, the Counselling Center wants to enable students with disabilities to study with equal opportunities. The recommendation of the German conference of higher education “A University for All" is decisive in this matter. Because a disability and its effects on studies are always individual.

Possible disabilities and chronic diseases are for example:

  • Physical disabilities such as visual impairment
  • Chronic diseases such as multiple sclerosis
  • Mental illnesses such as depression
  • Partial performance disturbances such as dyslexia read-write weakness

In the implementation of equal opportunities, we are guided among other things by current laws, e. g. the Disability Equality Act (BGG), social legislation, university law and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.


Here you can find information and advice on the following topics:

Compensation for disadvantages during studies

Disadvantage compensation for students with disabilities and/or chronic illness should enable them to complete their studies and examinations under equal conditions.

A typical example of disadvantage compensation is a time extension on an exam. The examination-relevant activity of writing is limited by a proven health impairment and one is significantly inhibited in taking the test.

The Office for Family Affairs, Equal Opportunities and Diversity and the Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences support and advise in matters of disadvantage compensation. However, you must submit your application to the examination board in due time during the registration period and submit it to the Student Service.

The application can be submitted online, directly in PRIMUSS. The form and the information sheet for the application as well as a form for the specialist medical report can be found in the system under the following path: "Anträge" > "Anträge und Formulare" > Nachteilsausgleich

Disadvantage compensation


Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases

Herr Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt
Room: 51.1.5


Infrastructure-technical support

Family-friendly and Barrier-free campus plan
For parents, older people and people with various disabilities, a plan of the main campus of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is available in pdf format with details of family-friendly and barrier-free facilities (parent-child room, baby-changing facilities, lifts, electric door openers …)

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the plan, please contact the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity.
Email: diversity(at)
Tel: +49 (0) 981 4877 503


Room of Meeting / Silence

There is the possibility to withdraw from everyday university life in the room of silence.
Building 51, GF, Ground floor directly opposite the main entrance between the two stairs


Barrier-free toilets

You will find wheelchair-friendly toilets in the following buildings:

  • Building 92, GF (92.0.8)
  • Building 51, GF East (51.0.16)
  • Building 50, First Floor East (50.1.13)
  • Building 54, GF (54.0.3)
  • Library (Gebäude 70)
  • Cafeteria (87.0.15)


Technical Support

We inform you about the technical support options at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences during your studies. At Ansbach University there is the possibility of using document cameras for the visually impaired.



Different cost units can be responsible for financing a study program with a handicap. There are usually additional costs, e.g. for the purchase of technical aids. The classic cost bearers are, among others: the BAföG office, the local and regional social welfare institutions, the basic security for job seekers and the health and nursing care insurance companies. Other sources of funding such as scholarships are also possible.

If the own financial means or those of the parents are not sufficient, BAföG can be applied for. Contact the responsible BAföG office of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg early on and use the associated social counseling. There are some special requirements for studying with a handicap.

According to the Ninth Social Code, students with impairments are entitled to benefits from integration assistance to complete their studies (study-related additional needs). These can be, for example, personal assistance. The costs are usually covered by the supra-local social welfare agency. In Bavaria, these are the districts. For Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, it is the district of Middle Franconia. Some aids are also financed by the health insurance fund.

Costs for additional living expenses that are not directly related to the educational goal of the degree programme can be covered by the Job Centre under certain circumstances. These are, for example, health care costs.
Studying with an impairment can be associated with various imponderables. Further information on the above-mentioned and other sources of funding can be found on the websites of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg, the Information and Counselling Centre for Studies and Disability (Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung- IBS) of the German Student Union, the city of Ansbach and the district of Middle Franconia.


Scholarships and support programs

Under the following links of the Deutsches Studentenwerk, the non-profit foundation My Handicap and futher initiatives various foundations and scholarships are listed especially for handicapped or restricted persons.



We are establishing collaborations with other university and regional institutions in the areas of inclusion and accessibility. In this way, we would like to support you in your studies. You will find a list of various regional institutions and advice centres on the office's homepage in the document "Who can help me".

Career entry

Starting a career with a disability or chronic illness is often not easy. Various programme initiatives provide support. We can help you find the right programme for you.

Here are a few tips that may be of interest to you:

  • The Information and Counselling Centre for Studies and Disability - IBS of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk offers seminars for graduates with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Find out more via the following link: Deutsches Studierendenwerk-IBS: IBS events and further education programmes
  • The myAbility programme initiative supports students, graduates and doctoral candidates with a disability or chronic illness in making a good start to their professional life, e.g. with practical tips for a successful application with the right CV and cover letter.

    Take a look at the associated website:

    The initiative also maintains an inclusive job platform:

    The talent programme specifically promotes networking with well-known companies. The application deadline for the next round in Germany is 05.05.2024
    All information about the programme and how to apply can be found under the following link:
    myAbility Talent Programm Germany 2024.

  • The non-profit foundation MyHandicap supports people with disabilities to master their career entry through targeted online coaching. The EnableMe portal provides information and opportunities to discuss disabilities and chronic illnesses.
    Further information on the mentoring programme can be found under the following link: MyHandicap: EnableMe_Online-Mentoring

Further Counselling Services and contact

In the following listed links you will find further tips and information.

Under the following links you will find further information.


You will find further information on counselling in the following notes and listed links.

Commissioner for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases:

Herr Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt
Room: 51.1.5
+49 (0)981 4877-262


Additional independent participation advice from the city of Ansbach: EUTB Ansbach (german)


Psychological counselling/exchange:

Psychological Counselling Centre of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Psychologist Kristin Fues
Room: 53.1.7
E-Mail: Kristin.Fues(at) 
Phone: +49 (0)981 4877-147 (telephone availability on Friday 12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

This is where students can turn to, for example for: Exam anxiety, learning and performance difficulties, lack of drive, fears, suicidal thoughts, difficulties with friends, partner, parents, etc. or suffer from other burdens.
Counselling can take place by appointment or within an open office hour (Current only by telephone Friday from 11:00 a.m. –12:00 p.m.). Counselling during open office hours is currently only available by phone.

Office hours in Ansbach are:

  • Mondays from 08:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Fridays from 08:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00-4:30 pm
  • Tuesdays from 8:00-12:00 on the following days: 02.07./ 23.07./ 20.08./ 10.09./ 24.09./ 08.10./ 19.11./ 03.12.

The counselling centre is not open on the following days:
02.–16.08.; 28.10.–01.11.; 23.12.2024–06.01.2025

Enquiries by e-mail are always answered. A telephone reply is possible on request. Please state your telephone number.

Please cancel any appointments you have made in good time if you are unable to attend. The free time slots can be used for counselling other students.

For further information, please click on this link: Psychological Counseling Center-Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg


Social counselling
Sabine Eschelbach
Hofmannstraße 27, 2. OG, Zimmer 206
91052 Erlangen
Phone: +49 (0)9131 8002-757


Diakonie Ansbach: Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst

Contact and information point for self-help groups:



We would like to offer events such as further training or corresponding action days on accessibility and inclusion for students, staff and lecturers at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.

The following events will take place in the summer semester 2024

09.04.2024 | Career Service Webinar: myAbility Talent ® Programme
(for students of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
A career programme for students and graduates with disabilities, chronic illnesses or a neurodivergent background
Registration is possible until 02.04.2024 under the following link:
moodle: Karriere-Seminar_myAbility

04.04.-11.07.2024 | "Sign language course for beginners"
(for students and employees of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
Registration is possible until 02.04.2024 under the following link:
moodle: Gebärdensprachkurs

14.06.2024 | Workshop: "Reducing exam stress through mindfulness" - Studierendenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg
(for students of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
Registration is possible until 07.06.2024 at the following e-mail address: Kristin.Fues(at)

In December 2019 and 2020, days of inclusion took place under the motto of mental health and digital and structural accessibility, respectively.

Under the following link, information on the accessible design of Word documents and Power Point presentations from the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity can be accessed, among other things.
moodle_HS-Ansbach_SDL_Tools und Tipps_Digitale Barrierefreiheit


Dunja Zöller, M.Sc.

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc. –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity
  • Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte
  • Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
StudyCheck Total E-Quality Prädikat