Everyone should have equal access to the same opportunities in society regardless of their gender or sexual orientation. Gender differentiation, summarised under the term ‘gender’, contributes to the consideration and awareness of the needs of men and women and thus to equality. However, the concept of gender or sex is multifaceted and transcends the classic binary gender system of ‘woman and man’, encompassing intersex, transgender or non-binary identities. We wish to support all such groups at Ansbach University.

The contact details for the university women’s representatives, the women’s representatives for the faculties and the equal opportunities officer are listed on the Women’s Office webpages. You can find further information on the promotion of equal rights for women, for example through the mentoring programme Anke (ANsbach: Gain knowledge and exchange experiences) under the following link:
womens-office-Ansbach University


Here you will find information on the following topics:

Information: Gender and sexual orientation

In 2011, the United Nations Human Rights Council adopted the first ever resolution to end discrimination and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. In 2017, the Bundestag passed a bill legalising marriage for all. Marriage can now be contracted between two people of the same or different sex. In 2018, the Civil Status Act introduced the gender entry option ‘diverse’; in addition to the existing options of ‘female’ and ‘male’ as well as the possibility of leaving gender entry blank. (PStG- § 22 paragraph 3 PStG). These are just a few of the legal steps which have been taken towards greater equality and protection against discrimination for all possible forms of gender identity.

People who consider themselves to be outside the classic two-gender concept (woman-man) with regard to their gender identity and sexual orientation belong to the so-called LGBTQIA* or queer movement. Scepticism towards rigid gender classifications and the struggle for recognition and social equality characterise this community. Sexual self-determination and its appreciation and recognition is a human right for all people.

Forms of gender orientation

Transgender: Is a generic term for people who do not identify with the gender assigned at birth or feel inadequately described. This also includes transidentity and transgender persons. Gender reassignment measures (operations, hormone administration, etc.) are intended to adjust gender identity according to one's own wishes. There is a strong will to be allowed to live in the perceived gender: to change one's name, to behave according to the perceived gender identity.
Intersex: A person who, from a biologica perspective- genitalia, hormonal condition, gonads, etc. - can neither be clearly assigned as female nor clearly assigned as male. A person's internal experience may also be intersexual, regardless of physical sexual characteristics.
For more information on the different forms of gender identity and sexual orientation, see the following link:
Bay. Bavarian State Ministry for Family Affairs, Labour and Social Affairs: Sozial- Fibel- LSBTIG

Bay. Staatsministerium für Familie, Arbeit und Soziales: Sozial-Fibel- LSBTIQ


LGBTQIA+ and friends group at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

The abbreviation LGBTQIA comes from the English language and stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, queer, intersexual and asexual. It is used as a collective term to describe the different forms of gender identity and, or sexual orientation. Because not all forms of gender identity and sexual orientation can be depicted, the letter combination is supplemented with a plus. Friends, interested parties and supporters who are in solidarity with LGBTQIA + are of course also welcome to join the group. This is made clear by the addition of "& friends".

Since 2018, students have been able to exchange views on the topic of sexual orientation in a group at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. The aim is to offer the people described a discrimination-free environment, opportunities for exchange and equal rights. Just come along to the next meeting.
"We actively stand up against discrimination and exclusion. Racism and homophobia have no place on our campus!"

Here is the programme for the summer semester 2024

21.03., 19:00Games evening
Meeting point to be announced after registration
28.03., 19:00
Creative evening & clothes swap
Meeting point to be announced after registration
05.04., 19:00Bar tour
Meeting point to be announced after registration
12.04., 19:00Gaming evening
Meeting point to be announced after registration
18.04., 19:00
Crime Dinner #1
Room: Raum der Begegnung
26.04.Laser tag
Time and meeting point will be announced after registration,
additional costs apply for this event
May hike + barbecue/picnic
Time and meeting point will be announced after registration, additional costs apply for this event
08.05.Escape Room
Time and meeting point will be announced after registration,
additional costs apply for this event
17.05., 19:00
Meeting point will be announced after registration
23.05., 19:00Film evening
Meeting point will be announced after registration
28.05.Theatre: This play goes wrong
Time and meeting point will be announced after registration,
additional costs apply for this event
04.06., 19:00Crime Dinner #2
Room: Raum der Begegnung
06.06., 19:00Buffet & Quiz Evening
Meeting point will be announced after registration
Meeting point will be announced after registration, additional costs apply for this event
21.06., 19:00Pride Party
Meeting point will be announced after registration
27.06., 19:00

Study group
Meeting point will be announced after registration

For better planning of the individual dates, registration in the group or at the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity is required three days before the respective date.


LGBT+ & friends group
Mail: contact(at)lgbt-hs-ansbach.de

Office for Family Equal Opportunities and Diversity
Mail: diversity(at)hs-ansbach.de
Tel: 0981-4877-503

For more updates and photos, follow the group on Instagram: @lgbt_hs_ansbach

Further counselling services and contact points

Under the following links you will find various contact points for exchange in the queer community

Self-help group Trans-Ident e.V. Ansbach
You can find the regional counselling and information services under Bavaria III and Middle Franconia, Upper Franconia, Upper Palatinate.

German Society for Transidentity and Intersexuality e.V.-Counselling and Contact Points
Exchange of experiences on the topic of transidentity - organisation of joint leisure activities

Lilac Gay and Lesbian Centre Nuremberg


Unter dem nachfolgenden Link finden Sie weitere Anlaufstellen

FAU Nuremberg: Small guide to LGBTI offers-Metropolregion Nuremberg-2017 (Pdf) (German)



Please note the ongoing programme of our LGBT+& friends group at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences under the point Networks.


Dunja Zöller, M.Sc.

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc. –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity
  • Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte
  • Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
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