Welcome to the website of the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

The service organisation aims to enable equal opportunities for all people at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences - students, employees and prospective students.

In practical terms, this means promoting the compatibility of studies, family and career in the area of family. In the area of diversity, it means organising diversity and reducing structural forms of discrimination. Diversity encompasses seven dimensions: Gender, sexual orientation, disability, social background, age, religion and ideology. Organising appropriate conditions is also described by the term

In the area of family, we advise on all relevant issues related to: “Study and Child", “Work and Family" and “Study/Career and Nursing". We are constantly working on further developing a family-friendly university culture.

In the sub-areas of diversity and equal opportunities, the counselling center works towards providing equal opportunities for students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. Other topics are gender, sexual orientation and social background amongst other things. The aim is to create equal opportunities for all members at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.


Of course, all consulting contents treated confidentially.

Please make an appointment for a consultation by mail or phone. You can reach us at familie(at)hs-ansbach.de and diversity(at)hs-ansbach.de or 0981/4877-503.
The consultation takes place by phone, mail, zoom and on request in presence. For video counseling with the software "Zoom", please note our privacy policy (german).
Please adhere to the applicable hygiene measures during an on-site meeting.




The office regularly offers events/ campaigns at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences:

05 or 07 November 2024 | First aid course for children (students and employees of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
Registration until 31.10.2024 under:

20.11.2024 | Bring your child day (children of Ansbach University employees)
Registration until 15.11.2024 at:


December 2024 | Seminar: Self-care in nursing (students and employees of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
More information will follow shortly


11 December 2024 | Advent get-together for families (students and staff of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences with their children)
Registration until 04.12.2024 under:


Here you will find a map of the main campus of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences with details of the family-friendly and barrier-free facilities (parent-child rooms, baby-changing facilities, lifts, electric door openers etc....).  Just click on the speech bubble!

In the PDF „Who helps me if”, you will find not only the Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity, but also regional counselling centres and contact points for questions about the following topics: family, equality, care, disability and chronic diseases, mental health, changing or dropping out of studies, crises, and distresses, as well as addiction. Simply click on the text bubble.

The family app of the city of Ansbach provides important contacts, information, and events in the areas of family, children, and young people, as well as social institutions, such as in the areas of disability and participation, care, or migration. Here you will find the app (only german): : Wir in Ansbach

Groups at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

exchange of students and employees with children

For registration and further information, please visit the german version of “studying with a child” or “Work and family”

Meeting LGTBQIA+ & friends-Group
The programme for the summer semester 2024 can be viewed at the following link:

LGTBQIA+ & friends- Group at Ansbach University


Walking group for students
Promoting mental health

There are no dates for the group in the current summer semester 2024.

Studying with a child

More information

Work and family

More information

Study/Career and Nursing

More information

Studying with a disability

More information

Working with a disability

More information

Gender, equality

More information


Dunja Zöller, M.Sc. – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc.

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity

0981 4877-503 & 0162 2085083 54.0.6 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc.

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc. – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung : Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity
  • Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte
  • Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Total E-Quality Prädikat