Library catalogue and interlibrary loan


  • The database information system DBIS provides an overview of the databases available at the Ansbach University Library.
  • Database WISO: Comprehensive German-language database for economic literature.
  • Database INSPEC: INSPEC contains bibliographic references from physics, electrical engineering, electronics, computer and information engineering, control engineering, and related fields such as mechanical engineering, manufacturing engineering, materials science, nuclear engineering, geophysics, oceanography, nanotechnology, biophysics, biomedical engineering, and others.
  • Database EBSCO Business Source: EBSCO Business Source Elite contains bibliographic references, abstracts, or full texts from journals in business and economics.
  • Database Beck online: Database with legal literature (Access only at the campus, no access via eduVPN possible)
  • Datenbank ScienceDirect (Elsevier): Search in publications of Elsevier publishing company
  • Datenbank SpringerLink: Search in publications of Springer publishing company
  • Datenbank Wiley Online Library: Search in publications of Wiley publishing company
  • Newspapers in full text (wiso module press, SZ archive, FAZ archive) can also be found via our DBIS. More information about newspapers can be found here.
  • Google Scholar and the Ansbach University Library - how to access electronic full texts of the University library Ansbach directly from Google Scholar: Infosheet (PDF)
  • Help: How do I get access to an article?
    In this screencast and in this info sheet (PDF) you will learn how to order full texts that are not available in Ansbach via the interlibrary loan.

Further search options

Search Tipps

The search is not case-sensitive

Use words from the title or subtitle that are as meaningful as possible (no articles, prepositions, etc.).

Search with Wildcards

  • "*" replaces any number,
  • "?" replaces exactly one character in the search term.
  • Example: "mark*" finds terms such as "mark", "brand", "brands", "marketing", "mark".

Phrase search

  • "...": Terms in quotation marks are searched for as a group of words.

Multiple terms in a field and multiple fields are automatically linked with "and", limiting the search.

A combination of multiple terms with "or" must be specified separately; this extends the search.

What to do with too many hits?

  • Restriction according to years of publication
  • Restriction with further search terms
  • Change of search field (e.g. "title keyword" or "keyword" instead of "free search")

What to do with 0 hits or too few hits?

    Writing errors?
    Reduce the number of keywords (fewer keywords = more hits)
    Truncate terms with wildcards (* or ?)
    Change field (e.g. to free search)
    search for headings, synonyms, subheadings, English translations

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