Important info and news from the library

Postal delivery

It is possible to have pre-ordered media sent to you by post within Germany. You can find the instructions HERE and the form for sending books HERE. (forms in german)

Borrowing, return, overdue notices

  • You can return media by post (Hochschulbibliothek Ansbach, Residenzstr. 8, 91522 Ansbach) or via our return machine in the foyer (machine is accessible Mon.-Fri. from 6.00-24.00).
  • Borrowable and renewable items are automatically renewed five times by the library system (for 4 weeks each time).
    If there are reservations on media, these will not be renewed. You will receive an e-mail informing you that you have to return the items in question.
  • Overdue notices: The 1st and 2nd overdue notice are sent by e-mail to the e-mail address entered in your account. Please check your mail account regularly.

Digital offers

  • University members can use eduVPN to access our digital offerings, such as e-books and databases, from home. Info sheet eduVPN (PDF, English)
  • E-book collection from the publishing houses Springer, Hanser, Vahlen and UTB can be found via our CATALOG

(Digital) Training offer

Moodle course "Search, write and cite"
In this self-study course, you will find tips and information about writing a thesis or a scientific paper. Topics include searching and finding, citing, Zotero, and relevant library services.

The regular training offer is in German language.

Please feel free to email us for specific questions, such as research, scientific writing, Zotero, or citation issues. The library team will be pleased to help you. We could also arrange a consultation. For groups of at least 5 people, we can organise a training session on a topic as described above.


Opening times

Here you will find the personalised service times and information on opening without personnel.

Search tools

Here you will find the search options in the catalogue, in databases and tips for searching.


Here you will find instructions on frequently asked questions, e.g. interlibrary loan, special status ...

Information and services

Here you will find information on library cards, library use and services.

Training courses

Here you will find our offers for students, university members and schools.

Open Access

Here you will find our offer and information on Open Access.


Mailing address

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences


Post offic ebox 19 63

91510 Ansbach


Visitors address

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Library - Building 70

Residenzstr. 8

91522 Ansbach


Phone information desk

+49 981 / 48 77 - 431


#49 981 / 48 77 - 439

Head of library

Teresa Marku, Michaela Ramming

#49 981 / 4877 - 430





Ramona Albig

Ramona Albig – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Elke Dengel

Elke Dengel – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Beate Dettmar

Beate Dettmar – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Wolfgang Fischer

Wolfgang Fischer – Mitarbeiter Bibliothek

Mitarbeiter Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiter Bibliothek

Daniela Heidenfelder

Daniela Heidenfelder – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Claudia Schroll

Claudia Schroll – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek
  • 2. stellvertretende PR-Vorsitzende (Arbeitnehmer)

Dorothee Seifert

Dorothee Seifert – Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek

Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek
  • Vertrauensperson Schwerbehindertenvertretung
Total E-Quality Prädikat