The Erasmus+ program

The Erasmus+ program supports internships in the European area with a monthly grant. Students and graduates (only directly after finishing their studies!) can thus gain practical experience in an international working environment, improve their foreign language skills in active use and acquire key qualifications such as teamwork and communication skills as well as intercultural competences. This can be the obligatory practical semester or a voluntary internship. The minimum duration is two months and the maximum is twelve months.

Information film: Internship abroad with Erasmus+

Services provided by Erasmus+

  • Mobility grant (depending on the destination country)
  • Defined activities through internship contract between university, company and trainee
  • Contact person at the home university and in the company
  • Support in the preparation and implementation of the stay abroad (cultural, linguistic, organisational)
  • Participation in an online language course sponsored by Erasmus+ within the framework of Online Linguistic Support (OLS)
  • Academic recognition of achievements and skills acquired abroad (Diploma Supplement, ECTS, Europass)

Application deadlines

Please submit your application to the International Office as early as possible and at the latest eight weeks before the start of your internship. Graduate students must apply before the end of their last semester.

Application procedure

All applications go through a selection process in the Internationalization Working Group. This ensures that the award procedure is fair, transparent, coherent and properly documented. The required documents are accessible to all persons involved in the selection process. The funding decision is based on the criteria listed below.

Selection criteria

  • Matriculation
  • Progress of studies
  • Study achievements
  • Sensibility of the internship (for voluntary internships)
  • Language skills (national language and working language in the company)

Important information on eligibility:

  • Traineeships in European institutions or organizations, national diplomatic missions and organizations managing EU programs are not eligible.
  • Students from third countries who are enrolled at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences for a full course of study can also be supported by the Erasmus+ program for their internship abroad. However, please inform yourself in good time whether you need a visa or a work permit in the host country. Further information can be obtained from the consulate / embassy of your target country. The International Office will assist you in obtaining a visa.
  • Students who do not have their main place of residence in Germany are not allowed to complete the internship in their main country of residence.

Academic contacts for internships

If you have any technical questions regarding voluntary or compulsory internships, please contact the internship coordinators of the individual degree programmes!

Link to the application

Click here to apply: Erasmus+ Practical semester (SMP)

The application must be accompanied by:

  • Letter of motivation (max. 1 DIN A4 page)
  • tabular resume
  • current grade overview
  • Certificate of matriculation
  • Internship contract

Further documents

All documents relevant to the programme (Learning Agreement for studies, Grant Agreement, checklist for the process, experience reports) can be found in Moodle area of the International Office.

Further information on Erasmus+ study visits can be found at

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