Staff mobility

The Erasmus+ program also supports staff mobility activities, such as teaching assistant ships (STA) and continuing professional development (STT), within the EU.

With the international mobility of university staff, the program recognizes the contribution of teachers and academic and non-academic staff to the modernization and internationalization of universities. The results and experience gained are incorporated into structural measures and teaching and research.

The teaching or work program is defined in advance by a mobility agreement. The university sees staff mobility as part of its human resources development and supports it through preparatory language courses and intercultural training.

Staff mobility for teaching and learning purposes (STA)

Video: Abroad for teaching purposes with Erasmus+

Erasmus+ supports teaching stays at European partner universities. Courses can take place in various forms: As seminars, lectures, presentations, tutorials, supervision of doctoral students, participation in rigorosa etc. It is important that the teacher is physically present (this excludes online events!). It is crucial that the quality of the teaching promotes the internationalisation and modernisation strategies of the sending university.

The duration of the stay ranges from two days to two months (excluding travel time). The teaching load must not be less than eight hours per stay/per week.

Who can be sponsored?

  • Professors
  • lecturers who have a contractual relationship with the sending university
  • Lecturers without endowment
  • Assistant lecturer
  • Emeritus professors and retired lecturers
  • Research associates
  • Company personnel (Incoming) from foreign companies and organisations active in the labour market or in the fields of education, training and youth.

Level of support

Both travel and subsistence costs are reimbursed in advance by means of lump sums, the amount of which depends on the destination countries. University staff with special needs may receive special funding.

Flat rates



The documents relevant to the programme and further information can be found in the Moodle section of the International Office under Erasmus+.

Detailed information can be found in the Erasmus+ Guide of the NA DAAD as well as in the Erasmus+ Program Guide.

Application form

Staff mobility for training purposes (STT)

Video: Erasmus+ University staff abroad

Further training of university staff for the purpose of internationalization of the home university and for professional development is also supported by the Erasmus+ program. Possible activities may include job shadowing/hospitation, participation in a staff training week, tutorials, seminars, workshops and language courses. Depending on the activity, the aim is to promote professional exchange, intercultural sensitization, the development of language skills, better networking with colleagues at partner universities at all levels and general personal development.

The destinations are the European partner universities or equivalent institutions in other European countries. As a rule, these are one-week stays, but at least two days.

Who can be sponsored?

In addition to teaching staff (see STA), staff from the following areas can also be supported:

  • General and technical administration
  • Library
  • Faculties (deaneries and laboratories)
  • Finances
  • International Office
  • Personnel
  • Public Relations

Level of support

Both travel and subsistence costs are reimbursed in advance by means of lump sums, the amount of which depends on the destination countries. University staff with special needs may receive special funding.

Flat rates



The documents relevant to the program and further information can be found in the Moodle section of the International Office under Erasmus+.

Detailed information can be found in the Erasmus+ Guide NA DAAD as well as in the Erasmus+ Program Guide.

Application form

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