Erasmus+ program

Erasmus+ is the European Union's program for education, youth and sport.

Program Overview

Information on Erasmus+ can be found on the European Commission's  websites and in the National Agency Guide (German).

Under the umbrella of the EU education program Erasmus+, the following mobility measures are funded in the program countries:

  •  Study periods abroad (SMS)
  •  Practical Training (SMP)
  •  Stays for teaching purposes of university staff (STA)
  •  Stays for further education and training of university staff (STT)


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Staff mobility

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Contractual basis

Each higher education institution participating in the Erasmus+ program must have a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The ECHE is awarded by the European Commission. It proves that a higher education institution meets all the requirements for successful participation in the Erasmus+ program.

ECHE of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

European Policy Statement

    Erasmus+ Financing/Funding Rates

      Funding rates Student mobility for studies and internships abroad

      The financial support for ERASMUS+ student stays is based on the different costs of living in the target countries (‘programme countries’).

      From project year 2024, the following minimum amounts will apply throughout Europe in the respective country groups:

      Student mobility for studies and internships abroad

      Country groupDestination countryFunding amount for students per month

      Country group 1
      Countries with a higher cost of living


      Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

      Partner countries from regions 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State) and 14 (Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom)

      EUR 600

      Country group 2
      Countries with a medium cost of living   

      Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus

      EUR 540


      Country group 3
      Countries with a low cost of living   

      Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey    


      EUR 540
       Non-associated partner countries from regions 1 to 12EUR 700


      Top-up amounts (top-ups)    

      for internships: EUR 150 / month
      for participants with fewer opportunities:EUR 250 / month
      for sustainable travel:EUR 50 one-off
      (call for 2022 and 2023)

      All figures subject to change and according to the allocation of funds by the European Commission.

      There is no legal entitlement to a subsidy or to a certain amount of funding.

      Zero grant funding
      Students will be awarded the mobility grant for a shorter period of time, unless sufficient financial resources are available.
      The remaining stay is recorded as a so-called zero-grant period. A mobility can also be carried out as a complete Zero Grant period, i.e. students benefit from the advantages of the Erasmus programme, but do not receive any financial support from the programme.

      Funding rates for teaching and staff mobility

      The financial support for ERASMUS+ mobilities for teaching purposes or for further education and training is based on the different costs of living in the target countries (‘programme countries’). Standardised daily rates apply for funding from German universities.

      From project year 2024, the following fixed daily rates apply for Germany for the country groups listed below up to the 14th day of the stay; from the 15th to the 60th day of the stay, the funding amounts to 70% of the daily rates mentioned.

      The financial support for ERASMUS+ student stays is based on the different costs of living in the target countries (‘programme countries’).

      From the 2024 project year, the following minimum amounts will apply throughout Europe in the three respective country groups:

      Staff mobility for teaching and learning purposes as well as further education and training (unit costs for days of stay)

      Destination country

      Funding amount (cost per unit) up to the 14th day of the activity

      Funding amount (cost per unit) from the 15th to the 60th day of the activity

      Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Sweden

      Partner countries from regions 13 (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State) and 14 (Faroe Islands, Switzerland, United Kingdom)

      180 EUR126 EUR
      Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus160 EUR112 EUR
      Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary140 EUR98 EUR
      Non-associated partner countries from regions 1 to 12 190 EUR133 EUR


      Funding rates for staff mobility (ST) see funding rates


      Reimbursement of travel expenses

      Call 2024

      In addition to these daily rates, there are travel costs depending on the actual distances between the place of departure and destination of the mobility, which are calculated using a standardised calculation tool throughout Europe.

      Which groups of people receive a travel allowance?

      1. KA171 (regions 1-12)
        All SM and ST mobilities
      2. KA131 (incl. KA131 International)
        All ST mobilities
      3. KA131 (incl. KA131 International)
        Students participating in a short-term mobility
      4.  KA131 International (regions 1-12)
        all SM and ST mobilities
      Travel distanceStandard tripGreen Travel

      10 to 99 KM

      28 EURO

      56 EURO

      100 to 499 KM

      211 EURO

      285 EURO

      500 to 1.999 KM

      309 EURO

      417 EURO

      2.000 to 2.999 KM

      395 EURO

      535 EURO

      3.000 to 3.999 KM

      580 EURO

      785 EURO

      4.000 to 7.999 KM

      1.188 EURO

      1.188 EURO

      8.000 KM and more

      1.735 EURO

      1.735 EURO


      Which groups of people do NOT receive a travel allowance?

      KA131 (Programme countries and regions 13 and 14)
      Students participating in an intra-European long-term mobility programme do NOT receive a travel allowance


      Liability clause

      This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


      For further information and advice on Erasmus+ mobility schemes, please contact the

      German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
      National Agency for EU-University Cooperation
      Kennedyallee 50
      53115 Bonn
      Phone.: +49(0)800 2014 020
      Fax: +49(0)228/882-555


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