Welcome to the Healthy University Working Group!

We are committed to the well-being and health of all employees at our university. Together we design programmes, promote healthy lifestyles and create a supportive environment for everyday working life.

Join us to create a healthy and positive university atmosphere!


  • Annual participation in the Ansbach city run
  • Various sports programmes (active break, Pilates, Nordic walking, yoga, etc.)
  • E-learning courses in the areas of health & fitness
  • Off to play table tennis!
    The table tennis table is located in building 50 on the 1st floor. (donated by Prof Thoms)
  • Health days
  • Workshops and lectures
  • Cookery book (German) by employees for employees
  •  Health programmes in cooperation with various health insurance companies
  • Loan of massage belts
  • Support on the topic of "ergonomic office equipment"
  • and much more.

We appreciate your interest and will be happy to advise you on any questions you may have about health at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. We would be grateful to incorporate your ideas or suggestions into our work. Please contact us at gesundheit@hs-ansbach.de or speak to us directly!

Our employees can find all current offers on the intranet: Healthy University


Sarah Enser

Sarah Enser –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Personal – Recruiting und Personalentwicklung
  • Mitglied Senat und Hochschulrat

Andrea Gilg

Andrea Gilg –


  • Projektkoordinatorin Mentoringprogramm ANke
  • Mitarbeiterin Frauenbüro
  • Ansprechperson für Fragen im Zusammenhang
    mit sexueller Belästigung und sexualisierter Gewalt
  • Mitglied im Personalrat

Nina Ströbel

Nina Ströbel –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Personal

Claudia Schroll

Claudia Schroll –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bibliothek
  • 2. stellvertretende PR-Vorsitzende (Arbeitnehmer)

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc.

Dunja Zöller, M.Sc. –


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung / Büro für Familie, Chancengleichheit und Diversity
  • Antidiskriminierungsbeauftragte
  • Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Total E-Quality Prädikat