Health insurance
If there are any changes in your health insurance, you must inform your health insurance company immediately and send this to Ansbach University of Applied Sciences electronically. Otherwise, you may be denied re-registration or continued studies.
You must also inform your health insurance company if you have been exmatriculated from Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and re-register for the next semester in another degree programme.
Statutory accident insurance protection
Information is available at - Service questions & answers
If you as a student suffer an accident during a study-related activity, you are obliged to report it to the university - please get in touch with the contact persons in the Facility Management department.
Liability insurance
Liability for damages
Ansbach University of Applied Sciences accepts no liability for students, guest students or diploma students for any damage caused. For damages to the property of the university caused by this group of persons (particularly also in laboratories, television studios, sound studios etc.), the person causing the damage must pay the university damages.
An automatic liability insurance does not exist!
Students are therefore strongly advised to take out private liability insurance. Usually students may be covered via their parents’ insurance. In the case of laboratory activities, etc., it may be necessary to clarify with the private liability insurance company whether it covers damage, for example, in the laboratory, television studio, recording studio and, if applicable, damage to borrowed items. Otherwise a special liability insurance should be taken out.
An insurance certificate must also be submitted again if you have been ex-matriculated by Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and are re-enrolling for the next semester, e.g. in another course of study.
Re-registration means registration for further studies for the upcoming semester. Every student has to re-register online via the student portal. 72 € (Studierendenwerkbeitrag) are to be paid on due time or you will be ex-matriculated at the end of the semester.
The period for the re-registration can be found in the time schedule of the respective semester
If the fee is not required (e.g. due to ex-matriculation before the start of the semester) and the fee has already been deducted, it will automatically be refunded.
If you have any further questions, you can contact rueckmeldung(at) by e-mail.
The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg is responsible for issuing an international student ID card for students at Ansbach University.
Further information can be found here (German).
All modules available at Ansbach University are documented in the online course catalogue next to the courses.
Modules are completed with regard to time and content, provided with credit points, verifiable teaching units (APO).
All courses at Ansbach University are documented in the online course catalogue (myStundenplan PRIMUSS).
You will find it below short profiles of the respective degree programmes.
If your name, gender or citizenship changes, please provide us the information via the student portal.
If you wish to be exempted from the obligation to study properly (leave of absence), you must apply for this in due form and time.
Form and deadline:
The application for leave of absence must be submitted online via the student portal no later than one month after the start of the semester. If the reason for leave of absence only occurs after this and was not foreseeable, the application can be submitted by 25 January for the winter semester or by 10 July for the summer semester. Leave of absence can only be applied for one semester. A subsequent leave of absence for semesters already completed is excluded.
Please note that during a leave of absence
BAföG recipients and other scholarship holders should contact the Studierendenwerk or the respective scholarship provider in advance.
Foreign students who are not citizens of a member state of the European Union should discuss the legal consequences of a leave of absence with the relevant foreigners’ registration office before applying.
If you have any questions, please contact the Student Services.
With de-registration, the student status at the university is terminated.
De-registration upon application:
You can deregister from your studies at the university upon application at any time, even during the current semester.
De-registration is only possible for the future, at the earliest on the day on which the application for de-registration is received by the university.
De-registration ex officio:
De-registration will be effected automatically if the following reasons apply:
A study visit or a work-related internship abroad is now part of the requirement profile for most management positions. Intercultural competences and language skills that can be used in negotiations are best acquired during a longer stay abroad. In addition to English, a second foreign language is becoming increasingly important for a future professional career.
According to a study by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), employers today place greater value on experience abroad than on a short period of study. Ansbach University of Applied Sciences therefore advises students to take advantage of the opportunities that are already offered during their studies, whether as a study semester at a partner university or as a study-related internship with an international company.
A study semester or year abroad not only broadens the subject horizon with an international component, but also consolidates and expands foreign language skills and contributes to the acquisition of intercultural competences. Last but not least, this serves to improve career prospects. The recognition of examinations taken abroad for studies at home prevents unnecessary extensions of the duration of studies.
Further information on studying abroad and internships abroad can be found on the pages of the International Office.
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (NIW, WIG, MSE)
0981 4877-144 54.1.10 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.niw(at); studierendenservice.wig(at); studierendenservice.mse(at) vCard
0981 4877-144
nach Vereinbarung
studierendenservice.niw(at); studierendenservice.wig(at); studierendenservice.mse(at)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (NIW, WIG, MSE)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (NIW)
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIG)
Media Systems Engineering (MSE)
Leiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
Stellvertretende Leiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
0981 4877-570 54.1.9 nach Vereinbarung jessica.gunzelmann vCard
Stellvertretende Leiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
Mitarbeiter Bereich Studierendenservice (MUK/PMF)
0981 4877-152 54.1.12 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.muk(at); studierendenservice.pmf(at) vCard
0981 4877-152
nach Vereinbarung
studierendenservice.muk(at); studierendenservice.pmf(at)
Mitarbeiter Bereich Studierendenservice (MUK/PMF)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (RJO/VIS)
0981 4877-576 54.1.12 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.rjo; studierendenservice.vis vCard
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (RJO/VIS)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (AWM/BIM)
0981 4877-146 54.1.7 Termin nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.awm(at); studierendenservice.bim(at) vCard
0981 4877-146
Termin nach Vereinbarung
studierendenservice.awm(at); studierendenservice.bim(at)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (AWM/BIM)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (DIS)
0981 4877-140 54.1.7 Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag (jeweils vormittags) studierendenservice.dis(at) vCard
0981 4877-140
Montag, Mittwoch, Donnerstag (jeweils vormittags)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (DIS)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (BW, WIF)
0981 4877-515 54.1.14 nach Vereinbarung; studierendenservice.wif(at) vCard
0981 4877-515
nach Vereinbarung; studierendenservice.wif(at)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (BW, WIF)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (BMT/IBT/KIK)
0981 4877-572 54.1.10 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.bmt(at); studierendenservice.ibt(at); studierendenservice.kik(at) vCard
0981 4877-572
nach Vereinbarung
studierendenservice.bmt(at); studierendenservice.ibt(at); studierendenservice.kik(at)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice (BMT/IBT/KIK)
Betreute Studiengänge:
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