The aim of business development is to support companies in setting up, expanding and doing business at a location. Because it is not always easy to set up a company or implement expansion plans, there are facilities in Ansbach to help you do this.

Technology and Innovation Centre Ansbach

The Ansbach Technology and Innovation Centre assists in the search for office and production space for medical technology, new materials, energy and environmental technology.


Ansbach Economic Development

The economic development department of the city of Ansbach supports companies and self-employed persons in many different areas. These include among others: Searching for industrial sites, support for start-up projects, company succession or expansion, searching for specialists and executives as well as support for company development by creating the necessary infrastructure.örderung-Ansbach



Are you a pioneer in digital media? We help you to create ideas, find team members and develop prototypes - whether as a start-up or in a media company. In the Media Lab Bavaria we support you in implementing your ideas for the future of media!



ANsWerk is the digital start-up centre of the city of Ansbach and is supported by the initiative Gründerland Bayern. The focus is on the transfer of skills and methods outside of work, vocational training and studies. The exchange between people interested in setting up a business, the public, the university and companies is to be promoted. The topic of digitisation and innovation is also brought into focus here.ünderzentrum-Ansbach





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