What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Ansbach University of Applied Sciences?
Prof. Ismeni Walter, who gave me your mobile phone number in case the police picked me up during a night-time investigative research.

What was the best experience at Ansbach University that you remember?
A strong sense of belonging, triggered by a dozen fellow students who all called my name loudly to get me to come along to a party.

You can't have studied in Ansbach without...
...having listened to a joke by Joe in the Störtebeeker.

What motivations determined your choice of studies and career?
A strong sense of justice, probably triggered in childhood by Superman comics and the therefore well-known star reporter Clark Kent.

What influence did your studies at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences have on your life? Is there anything that has remained particularly memorable for you?
Especially the realisation that I don't want to give away a minute of my life, but rather invest it sensibly and enjoy it.

What did you take away from your studies for your professional future?
I learned a lot in the areas of species studies, biology, climate protection and energy technology, which you wouldn't expect in either of my degree programmes, but which laid the foundation for my current profession.

If you could study again today, would you do anything differently?
It was only in my RJO studies that I realised

Looking back on your time as a student: What would you like to pass on to students?
Studying has to be fun - if it isn't, you should choose a different degree programme if necessary. The time itself should be considered immensely valuable. Later you will never have so much free time again

To what extent do you still find yourself connected to the university today? Do you still have contact with fellow students?
I am still in contact with some of my former fellow students and I am very happy to be in touch with such great people.

What were important stages in your career?
Before I started my studies, I had already completed a non-specialist training and worked in IT for a long time. I think that, on the one hand, meant that I didn't have the "fresh out of university" tag on. On the other hand, it's hard to make recruiters and employers understand that you want to work in a new domain.

What do you particularly like about your job today?
That every day I feel I can make the world a little better and do something for a good future - for all of us.

What are the three most important competences in your everyday work?
Independence, responsibility and a constant willingness to learn.

In your opinion, how do you make a good career start in your sector (entry routes, application tips)?
Theses are a very good way to start and should be chosen well.


Laura Müller

Laura Müller – Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Leiterin Bereich Beratung


Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Louisa Späth – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

Louisa Späth

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

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Louisa Späth

Louisa Späth – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Beratung: Alumnimanagerin


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