Consulting Services


The General Student Advisory Service is happy to assist you with any questions you may have about studying. Simply make an appointment by calling 0981/4877-574 or by e-mail at: studienberatung(at)

If you have detailed questions about individual courses of study, please contact the Student Counselling Service. The subject advisors are primarily professors of your course of study who can help you with questions about the course of studies and answer questions about the content of the respective study program. You will find the names of the various subject advisors in the table on the respective course page.

If you have any questions about studying with a child, balancing studies and family, equal opportunities and diversity, such as studying with an impairment, please contact our office set up for this purpose. Information and contact details can be found here.

Furthermore, the university is supported by external advisory services. Information on this can be found on this page.


Our fair visits

Are you interested in studying at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences? You want to find out more about this important step and are looking for a personal interview? Maybe we are near you at a fair.

Then let us advise you at our stand at one of the trade fairs listed below. We are happy to show you the possibilities of studying at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and to inform you about our study programs. We are looking forward to your visit at our booth!


Contact point and advice for university dropouts

Contact point and advice for university dropouts
You are faced with the following decision: (finishing) your studies or an apprenticeship?
Changing the study programme would also be an option?
Perhaps a career followed by further vocational training would be better?
You are dissatisfied with your study situation and attracted to a practical job?
You want to find out what suits you?
Then you are welcome to take advantage of our advisory services:

  • Individual counselling on alternatives to studying
  • Comprehensive information on training and the job market
  • Personal support throughout the application process
  • Independent and neutral mediation
  • Supra-regional networking

The consultation is carried out by Ms. Ute Jantek, job counsellor at Agency for Employment in Ansbach. Ms. Jantek supports and accompanies you on your way to new studies or vocational training or into the job market.

The counselling will take place on the following dates in room 53.1.7:
09.10.24, 13.11.24, 11.12.24, 15.01.25, 12.02.25, 12.03.25, 09.04.25, 14.05.25, 25.06.24, 23.07.25

Appointments are also possible out of these dates.
To make an appointment, please send an email to:

Ute Jantek
Job counselling
Agency for Employment

This offer is confidential, non-obligational and free of charge.

On site, telephone, and video consultations are possible. To make an appointment, please contact Ms. Jantek by email. For on-site consultations, please keep the current hygiene measures in mind.

Psychological counselling/ exchange

Psychological-Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center of the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences

Psychologist Kristin Fues
room: 53.1.7
Telephone: +49 (0)981 4877-147 (reachable by phone on Friday 12:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m.)

This is where students can turn to, for example for: Exam anxiety, learning and performance difficulties, lack of drive, fears, suicidal thoughts, difficulties with friends, partner, parents, etc. or suffer from other burdens.
Counselling can take place by appointment or within an open office hour (Current only by telephone Friday from 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.). Counselling during open office hours is currently only available by phone.

Office hours Ansbach:

  • Mondays from 08:00 am - 1:00 pm
  • Fridays from 08:00 am - 12:30 pm and 1:00 - 4:30 pm
  • Tuesdays from 8:00 - 12:00 on the following days: 02.07./ 23.07./ 20.08./ 10.09./ 24.09./ 08.10./ 19.11./ 03.12.

The counselling centre is not open on the following days:
02.–16.08.; 28.10.–01.11.; 23.12.2024–06.01.2025

Enquiries by e-mail are always answered. A telephone reply is possible on request. Please state your telephone number.

Please cancel any appointments you have made in good time if you are unable to attend. The free time slots can be used for counselling other students.

For further information, please click on this link: Psychological Counseling Center-Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg


Counselling on Scholarships

Here you can find valuable information on scholarships and foundations to make your studies easier.

Some of the foundations we work with are:

  • The German Academic Scholarship Foundation
  • Hans-Böckler-Foundation
  • Hanns-Seidel-Foundation
  • Heinrich-Böll-Foundation

For your own research you will find suggestions on the following pages:

Further information and numerous flyers on scholarship providers can also be found in the Career Service in Building 54.

If you need advice, please do not hesitate to contact us!



You would like to receive a financial injection during your studies?

Then pick up your pen and - if the requirements apply to you - apply for an Oskar-Karl-Forster-Scholarship.

The Oskar-Karl-Forster-Scholarship is a one-off grant (with a minimum of 100 EUR and a maximum of 500 EUR) for high-performing and destitute students to purchase books or other studying materials. The aid is not to be used for any other purpose with regard to training assistance under BAföG.

Who can apply for the scholarship? The subsidy can only be granted to students who have completed at least the second semester of their studies at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. The application must be in written form. The application must include a written endorsement of the university’s lecturer responsible for the respective course of study (= Student Advisor) regarding the expenses and previous academic achievements (incl. examination results from the current semester – an online printout is sufficient) as well as a detailed written cost summary (incl. the total amount).

Here you will find the checklist for students!

Here you will find the application!

Here you will find the attachment for the cost breakdown and endorsement!


BEA - Bavarian Elite Academy

The BEA - bayerische EliteAkademie is a foundation that offers study-related training within the framework of an ideal scholarship. It supports outstanding and socially committed students at Bavarian universities in developing into responsible leaders. The training programme includes exciting attendance phases full of seminars, fireside evenings, project work and outdoor activities. As well as a voluntary 10-day trip abroad. Each student is also assigned their own mentor, who accompanies them throughout their time at BEA. Applications can be submitted from October to December via the online portal of the Bavarian Elite Academy. (



The application phase for the new "GEH DEINEN WEG" cohort has begun!

Until 31. August committed and motivated young people between the ages of 16 and 29 with an immigration background, can apply for the scholarship and mentoring program. At the heart of the ideal scholarship program are the mentors who assist the scholarship holders over a period of two years as advisors and door openers. In addition to mentoring, a diverse workshop and seminar program is also offered.

Information on the program and online application can be found on the website:


The German Academic Scholarship Foundation

Support for students

The support of the Studienstiftung is in principle based on the requirements of the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG). You can apply for or be nominated for a scholarship from the Studienstiftung if you:

  • study at a state or state-recognized university (university, university of applied sciences, art and music college) in Germany or
  • completed part or all your studies at a higher education institution in a member state of the European Union (EU) or Switzerland.

You can find more information under:



The Hans-Böckler-Foundation is the DGB's co-determination, research and study funding organization.

Since 2007, the Hans-Böckler-Foundation has been awarding 30 % of their scholarships through the Böckler-Aktion-Bildung. They are explicitly awarded to applicants who are socially committed but whose parents cannot support them in their wish to study. This is a contribution to more equal opportunities in the higher education system.

Around 70% of the scholarships awarded under the Böckler-Aktion-Bildung go to young people with a migrant background. With the Böckler-Aktion-Bildung, the Hans-Böckler-Foundation awards scholarships to young people who could not afford to study in any other way. It is important to us that the applicants have not only performed well at school but have already volunteered during their school years and would like to continue doing so during their studies.

You can find more information under:



The Friedrich Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (FES) is the oldest political foundation in Germany. It is committed to the fundamental values of social democracy and therefore advocates fair access to educational opportunities. Support is provided to young, committed people from Germany and abroad who are studying or are pursuing their doctorate. You must bring with you: commitment to society, ideal attachment to the values of social democracy and good to very good grades. In the selection process, first-time academics, women and young people with a migrant background are given special consideration. Just like BAföG for Germans and educational residents, the scholarship amount is calculated based on the parent’s income. In addition, scholarship holders receive a flat-rate tuition fee of EUR 300 per month.

Doctoral candidates receive EUR 1,350 per month. In addition, there is a monthly research aid of 100 euros.

You can find more information under:


Scholarship for advancement

Student support for experienced professionals

The funding programme of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research implemented by the Stiftung Begabtenförderung berufliche Bildung (SBB) is aimed at skilled workers with vocational training, several years of practical experience and exceptional professional performance and supports university studies up to the first academic degree.

Special features: In addition to full-time study programmes, part-time study programmes are also supported - regardless of income.
Applications are possible before the start of the programme and up to the end of the second semester at the latest. There is also no age limit for applications.

In addition to the monthly financial grant, the focus is also on non-material support in regional exchange groups of scholarship holders or the accompanying seminar programme, e.g. on self-management during studies.

First application procedure: 26.03-10.06 of each year
Second application procedure: 17.09- 02.12 of each year

The multi-stage selection programme consists of a competence check and selection interviews.

Further information can be found at
Federal Ministry of Education and Research: Advancement Scholarship



The Max Weber Programme is aimed at highly talented students at Bavarian universities. The Free State of Bavaria has entrusted the implementation of the programme to the German National Academic Foundation. The programme is based on the Bavarian Elite Promotion Act (BayEFG).

The Max Weber Programme aims to promote academic and personal development. In addition to their university studies, the scholarship holders have access to a special academic programme with events for in-depth study and interdisciplinary exchange. This is supplemented by career-related events. Individual support from mentors at Bavarian universities enables early involvement in research and an insight into other areas of excellence.

Scholarship holders of the Max Weber Programme receive financial support in the form of an educational allowance of €1,290 per semester and additional financial support for stays abroad.

Further information can be found at: Max Weber Programme


Advertisement for the Research Training Group Ethics, Culture and Education for the 21st Century

The Doctoral College, which is supported by the Catholic Foundation University of Munich, the Munich University of Philosophy and the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as part of the cooperation partnership between Catholic universities in Bavaria, awards up to ten places for doctoral studies. The non-material and financial support is provided by the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung e. V. The awarded scholarships are funded by the BMBF.

The thematic focus of the doctoral program is on questions of value orientation and the image of humanity in the 21st century. Sketches for doctoral projects can be submitted on the following four topics:

  • The ethics of globalization
  • Humans and the digital society
  • Empowerment and care in social responsibility
  • (Trans-)cultural education

The advertisement is primarily aimed at graduates of the humanities, culture, education, health and social sciences. Graduates of universities of applied sciences are also explicitly invited to apply. Supervision is carried out in tandem by two professors from the participating universities. The doctoral college works in German, the dissertation can also be submitted in English. The scholarships are awarded for a period of up to 2.5 years.

You can find more information under:



Social commitment, special talents and outstanding achievements are no foreign words to you? Then the “Bahnbrecher"-scholarship is just right for you! A full scholarship with a total value of € 9,000 is awarded.

You can find more information under:


 My Stipendium – Savings-Scholarship

The Savings-Scholarship is aimed at thrifty students who master their lives excellently even with little money. The three scholarships include a monthly grant of 300 € for one whole year.

You can find more information on the home page of Sparheld!

With a selection of over 2,300 scholarships, there is exactly the right financial support for every student. Further information can be found at:


“Bad Grades” Scholarship

In their everyday life, students are often busy with lectures, studying, working, household, friendships and relationships. It can happen that the grade average suffers from that. But if you're still optimistic and don't lose sight of your goals, you deserve a break!

With a selection of over 2300 scholarships, there is just the right financial support for every student.


Introduction of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES)

The Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk (ELES) supports particularly gifted Jewish students and doctoral candidates. This support is based on the commitment and self-development opportunities of our scholarship holders. We strengthen Jewish identity, a sense of responsibility and a capacity for dialogue through measures of ideal promotion. Scholarship holders should be encouraged to help shape the future. The interdisciplinary ELES-Kollegs offer scholarship holders the opportunity to exchange ideas with international students and doctoral candidates and to reflect on contemporary topics in the context of their own religious tradition. Guest lectures and excursions complete the program.

Target group: Students and doctoral candidates

Selection criteria: In accordance with the guidelines of the BMBF, ELES supports particularly gifted Jewish students and doctoral candidates with German citizenship, citizenship of an EU member state or the status of an educational national within the meaning of §8 BAföG for their education at state and state-recognized universities, i.e. universities, universities of applied sciences as well as colleges of art and music in Germany, the European Union and Switzerland. Applications from non-Jewish students are possible.

Application and deadlines:

The application deadlines for grants for doctoral candidates are April 30th for admission on October 1st of the same year and September 30th for admission on April 1st of the following year.

June 1st for admission to study support in the winter semester

December 1st for admission to study support in the summer semester

Benefits: Financial support consists of a monthly scholarship and a monthly tuition fee flat-rate or rather a flat-rate research allowance. Family and childcare supplements may also be granted. The scholarships do not have to be repaid.


Further Counselling Services

Here you will find further counselling services at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences:

Representative of the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences for students with disabilities and chronic diseases
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt
Room: 51.1.5
0981- 4877-262

Office for Family, Equal Opportunities and Diversity
If you have any questions about studying with a child, reconciling studies and family life, equal opportunities, studying with a disability and chronic illnesses, or diversity, please do not hesitate to contact our contact persons.
Click here to go to the website.

BAföG Consultation Day
The Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nuremberg regularly comes to the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences for BAföG advice.
The dates of the next BAföG consultations will be announced here.

Handwerkskammer für Mittelfranken
New advisory service: Opportunities for students and dropouts in the craft sector.
The consultation days take place on the following dates from 12:00 p.m. - 02:00 p.m. in the Campus Center, in building 54: As soon as the next date has been set, it will be announced here.

Who helps me if…?
With studying a new phase of life begins, which brings along many challenges in everyday life. Most of the time, a lot of things get easier if you get advice.
This is why we put together a list of contact points for our students for the most diverse situations in which they can easily seek support without obligation.
In this file you will find different addresses that you can contact in the case of…

  • Disability and chronic illness
  • Mental health issues
  • Exam anxiety   
  • Change of course of study, discontinuation of studies
  • Crises and emergencies
  • Debt
  • Financial worries
  • Family, parenting
  • Pregnancy
  • Violence against women
  •  ....


In case of questions you may contact the following contact persons or any other German statutory health insurance provider.


Simone Hüttinger
Phone: +49 (0)40 460 651 042 72


Jenni Gebel
Phone: +49 (0)981 9092-253

Click on the photo of the contact person to be redirected to their respective homepage”


You will find contact persons of the Student Services under "Persons" for the respective degree programme!

Laura Müller

Laura Müller – Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Leiterin Bereich Beratung


Leiterin Bereich Beratung

Varun Friedrich Ort – Mitarbeiter Bereich Beratung: Allgemeine Studienberatung, Career Service

Varun Friedrich Ort

Mitarbeiter Bereich Beratung: Allgemeine Studienberatung, Career Service

0981 4877-544 54.0.8 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Varun Friedrich Ort

Varun Friedrich Ort – Mitarbeiter Bereich Beratung: Allgemeine Studienberatung, Career Service

Mitarbeiter Bereich Beratung: Allgemeine Studienberatung, Career Service


Mitarbeiter Bereich Beratung:
Allgemeine Studienberatung, Career Service

Total E-Quality Prädikat