Key areas

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has a broad range of expertise in the fields of technology - business - media. With its application-oriented knowledge, it addresses current issues in business and society and provides an innovative impetus for the region.


The Faculty of Technology offers a wide range of competences and well-equipped laboratories for solving technical and scientific problems. The topics range from product development and plant operation to the highly topical fields of energy efficiency and renewable energies.


Plastics technology

  • Surfaces (analysis, modification, functionalization)
  • Antibacterial surfaces
  • Recycling
  • 3D printing

Product design

  • Rapid and Creative Prototyping
  • Eco design
  • Product improvement
  • Design tolerances

Biotechnology and medical technology

  • ´Applied Bioanalytics
  • Bioprocess engineering
  • Food technology
  • ´Medical technology products

Industrial production

  • Production management
  • Digitalisation
  • Energy efficiency
  •     Plant and process engineering, process control

Renewable energies

  • Efficient energy conversion
  • Decentralised energy storage and energy networks
  • Power storage
  • Sector coupling

Sustainable building

  • Energy-efficient buildings and quarters
  • Sustainable building technology

Computational science & engineering

  • Big data
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Machine learning/KI
  • Flow simulation
  • Heat transfer


Smaller companies in particular often lack the know-how to make consistent and up-to-date use of digital media. The university offers support in various subject areas such as cross-media reporting, digital marketing and gamification, as well as competence transfer in the field of e-learning.


Specialist journalism

  • Specialist projects (e.g. medicine, environment, sports)
  • Live coverage
  • Cross-media reports
  • Data journalism on current issues
  • The Role of Journalism in the Digital Age

Cross-media communication

  • Storytelling & multimedia narrative forms
  • Conception and realisation of internet portals
  • Webdesign and Content Design
  • Digital Marketing

Multimedia didactics

  • Visualization (animation, infographics, explanatory videos)
  • Blended learning
  • Serious Games/Gamification
  • Media and data competence
  • Moderation training for specialists and executives

Media interaction and immersion

  • Media installations in public space
  • Virtual & Augmented Reality
  • Audio interaction
  • Human/Media interface


Efficient business and production processes promote the economic success of a company at all relevant levels. The Ansbach University of Applied Sciences provides companies with expertise in areas such as the targeted optimization of quality management and production control.


Digital Business

  • Enterprise transformation
  • Digital business models
  • Mobile development

Business intelligence

  • Performance measurement
  • Indicatorik

Production planning and control

  • Automation engineering
  • Manufacturing Execution Systems
  • Digitalisation

Enterprise management

  • Business process management
  • Creative Management
  • Knowledge management
  • Internationalisation
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