Study overview

The Master "Smart Industry Management" (SIM) is an interdisciplinary course of studies consisting of engineering and economic parts.

The challenges for companies lie in the permanent innovation of existing products and services in order to successfully compete in the global market. For this purpose, it is necessary to combine sophisticated technology with economic thinking. The master's program therefore contains both technical modules (e.g. "Smart Machines" and "Smart Material Scienes") and modules with an economic focus.

Digital transformation is currently a key focus in strategic corporate development. The master's program "Smart Industry Management" provides the necessary skills to actively shape the future.

Graduates of the master's program are able to apply the acquired competencies independently and on their own responsibility in their future professional practice. A wide range of career opportunities open up across all sectors in middle and senior management.

Short formSIM / SIT
Type of studyFull time / Part time
Standard period of study3 semester / 6 semesters
AwardMaster of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Start of studiesWinter semester
(or in the summer semester as a module course)
Admission restrictions  specific
Lecture locationAnsbach, Rothenburg, Blended Learning
Language of instructionGerman
Course management Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover
Student advisory service

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Göhringer

Student Servicesstudierendenservice.sim(at)

Admission requirements and application to study

The Master's degree programme in Smart Industry Management (SIM) always starts in the winter semesters. However, the Master's degree programme is also available as a modular course in which individual modules can be selected per semester. In this case, it is possible to start in the winter or summer semester.

The prerequisite for application is a successfully completed university degree in a relevant degree programme with an overall examination grade of at least 2.5, the scope of which usually comprises 210 ECTS credits. Relevant courses of study are engineering courses such as industrial engineering, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, plastics technology and (business) informatics.

You can find all information on applying  HERE.

Study structure

The Master's programme "Smart Industry Management" comprises 90 ECTS divided into three semesters. There are modules that have a technical or economic focus. A number of courses link the technical aspects with a business perspective.

Individual profiling is possible through elective modules. The extensive team-oriented project work is excellent preparation for later professional life, as a task is structured and worked on independently in cooperation with fellow students. In particular, the topics relevant to companies such as digitalisation (Industry 4.0), artificial intelligence, smart materials and sustainable business will play an important role in the degree programme. For this purpose, several modern laboratories with machines and software are also available to deepen the theoretical topics in a practical environment. The degree programme is completed with a scientific Master's thesis, which is often written in cooperation with an industrial partner. After successful completion of the programme, the internationally recognised academic degree Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) is awarded.


The Master's programme in Smart Industry Management is highly recognised by companies in all sectors. In particular, through the combination of technology and economic know-how, it opens up excellent opportunities to take on leadership responsibility up to top management in the course of one's professional life. This applies to jobs in small and medium-sized companies as well as in internationally operating corporations. The path to research and public administration is also open. Thus, a wide variety of industries are the future field of activity:

  • Automotive
  • Aircraft industry
  • Mechanical engineering / electrical engineering
  • Plastics industry
  • Chemical, pharmaceutical and food industry
  • Research institutions

Career opportunities lie in various company departments such as development, production, sales or management consultancy. For example, the following positions are suitable:

  • Business Unit Management
  • (Partial) development management
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Production management
  • Project management
  • Management consultancy
  • Innovation management
  • Sales / Business Development
  • - product management


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover – Studiengangsleiter Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover

Studiengangsleiter Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

0981 4877-527 51.1.21 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexandru Sover – Studiengangsleiter Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Studiengangsleiter Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)


  • Studiengangsleiter Smart Industry Management  (SIM / SIT)
  • Professor Smart Industry Management  (SIM / SIT)
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Technik
  • Laserschutzbeauftragter der Hochschule Ansbach
  • Professor für Verbundwerkstoffe


  • Werkstofftechnik
  • Smart Materials
  • Kunststofftechnik
  • Kunststoffverarbeitung
  • Prüftechnik & Analyseverfahren
  • Fügetechnik
  • Prototyping und Design


  • Intelligente Werkstoffe
  • Kunststoffverarbeitung
  • Kunststoffprüfung, -analyse
  • Laserbearbeitung
  • Entlackung von Kunststoffbauteilen
  • Entschichten von Hybridmaterialien
  • Additive Manufacturing (FDM/FFF; SLS, SLA)
  • Produktentwicklung

Publikationen (Auszug)

  • 1. A. Sover, M. Zink, T. Vogel and R. C. Ciobanu, "The Use of Laser Technology for Recycling Hybrid Electronic Waste," 2022 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), 2022, pp. 360-363, doi: 10.1109/EPE56121.2022.9959803
  • 2. Mihalache A-M, Ermolai V, Sover A, Nagîț G, Boca M-A, Slătineanu L, Hrițuc A, Dodun O, Rîpanu M-I. Tensile Behavior of Joints of Strip Ends Made of Polymeric Materials. Polymers. 2022; 14(22):4990.
  • 3. Boca, M.-A., Sover, A., Slătineanu, L., Determining the Influencing Factors on the Cooling of a 3D Printed Thermoforming Mould. Macromol. Symp. 2022, 404, 2100399.
  • 4. Ermolai, V., Sover, A., Nagit, G., Strength of Contact Geometry for Multi-material 3D-Printed Samples. Macromol. Symp. 2022, 404, 2100320.
  • 5. Sover, A.; Ermolai, V.; Raichur, A.M.; Ciobanu, R.; Aradoaei, M.; Lucanu, N. Feasibility of Producing Core-Shell Filaments through Fused Filament Fabrication. Polymers 2021, 13, 4253.
  • 6. Ermolai V., Sover A. and Nagîț G., Design and physical validation of a non-planar interlocking element for tubular structures, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Volume 1235, The 25th Edition of International Conference (IMANEE 2021) 21/10/2021
  • 7. Sover, A. (2019). Research on the Process of Paint Removal from Thermoplastic Materials by Laser. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 564. 012028. 10.1088/1757-899X/564/1/012028.

Weitere Publikationen  siehe Liste

Violetta Remel

Violetta Remel – Fakultätsassistentin Technik

Fakultätsassistentin Technik


  • Fakultätsassistentin Technik

Betreute Studiengänge:

  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIG)
  • Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (AIW/NIW; AIW läuft aus)
  • Smart Energy Systems (SES)
  • Smart Industry Management (SIM)
  • Sustainable Building Systems (SBS)
  • Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIN/WIT)
Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

0981 4877-143 BHS 3.02 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)


  • Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Göhringer – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Göhringer

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

0981 4877-573 51.1.7 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Göhringer

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Göhringer – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)


  • Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)
  • Professor Angewandte Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitale Transformation (KDT)
  • Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Smart Industry Management (SIM)
  • Leiter Institut für Digital Production Management (IDPM)



  • Automatisierungstechnik
  • Digitalisierung in der Industrie
  • Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES)
  • Angewandte Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Industrie 4.0

Forschung und Weiterbildung:

  • Digitalisierung, IoT, Digitale Transformation
  • Manufacturing Execution Systems, Scheduling
  • Strategieentwicklung (Masterplan, KPIs, Scorecard)


  • Professor, Hochschule Ansbach
  • Leiter Strategie, Siemens AG, Digtial Factory
  • Leiter Business Development IT,Siemens AG, Digital Factory
  • Projektleiter, Leiter Consulting MES, Siemens AG, Software House
  • Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Lehrstuhl FAPS, Universität Erlangen
  • Studium Maschinenbau, Universität Erlangen

Publikationen (Auszug):

  • Predictive Maintenance und Condition Monitoring für Lötanlagen – KI4Service Cloud, J. Fleischmann, J. Göhringer, A. Neiser, A. Reinhardt, EBL Fellbach 2022, Tagungsband
  • Predictive Maintenance mit KI-Methoden zur Produktivitätssteigerung, J. Göhringer, Line-to-Circle Kongress, Ansbach 2021
  • Die Digitalisierung treibt MES, FAPS-IPC Fachtagungsband 2017
  • Ohne Strategie gibt es keine erfolgreiche Digitalisierung, FAPS-IPC Fachtagungsband 2017
  • Systematische Entwicklung und internationaler Roll-out innovativer Dienstleistungen, macrusevans, 2011
  • Produktionsoptimierung senkt Kosten, VDI-Z, 2008
  • Systematische Entwicklung und internationaler Roll-out eines Dienstleistungsportfolios,  Aachener Dienstleistungsforum, RWTH Aachen, 2008
  • Handbook of Industrial Engineering, Section Manufacturing and Production Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; New York, 3rd Edition, 2001
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Hufnagel – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Hufnagel

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

0981 4877-411 50.0.3 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Hufnagel

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Simon Hufnagel – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)


  • Studiengangleiter Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Praktikumsbeauftragter Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (WIG)
  • AN[ki]T Koordinator Fakultät Technik


  • Technische Informatik
  • Embedded Systems
  • Programmieren 1 / 2
  • Informationsmanagement
  • Anwendung von Datenbanksystemen


  • Ereignisdiskrete Simulation
  • Embedded AI


2005–2010: kombiniertes Studium
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Elektro- und Informationstechnik (Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg)

IHK Ausbildung zum Elektroniker für Automatisierungstechnik (Robert Bosch GmbH)

2010–2013: Industrie Promotion im Bereich Simulation digitaler Hardware (zentrale Forschung und Vorausentwicklung der Robert Bosch GmbH in Kooperation mit TU Kaiserslautern)

2013–2016: Forschungsingenieur für funktionale Sicherheit und Zuverlässigkeit elektronischer Systeme, Schwerpunkt Hardwarenahe Software (Robert Bosch GmbH)

2016–2017: Projektleiter Simulationsplattform eines elektronischen Steuergeräts für hochautomatisiertes Fahren (Robert Bosch GmbH)

2017–2018: Teamleiter Embedded Softwareentwicklung Produktbereich Wasser- und Wärmemengenzähler (Diehl Metering GmbH)

2018–2021: Spezialist für Fertigungsleittechnik, Produktionsdatenverarbeitung und Industrie 4.0 (Robert Bosch GmbH)

Seit 2021: Professor für technische Informatik und Embedded Systems (Hochschule Ansbach)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Müller-Lenhardt – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Müller-Lenhardt

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

09141 874669-305 51.2.20 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Müller-Lenhardt

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Müller-Lenhardt – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)


  • Professor für Kunststofftechnik
  • Studiengangsleiter Angewandte Kunststofftechnik (AKT)
  • Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Angewandte Kunststofftechnik
  • Professor Nachhaltige Ingenieurwissenschaften (NIW)
  • Professor Master Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)
  • Stellvertretender wissenschaftlicher Leiter Studienzentrum „kunststoffcampus bayern“ Weißenburg (WUG)


  • Analyseverfahren
  • Werkstoffkunde
  • Kunststofftechnik
  • Kunststoffverarbeitung
  • Spezielle Verarbeitungstechnik
  • Prüftechnik
  • Verbindungstechnik
  • Entwicklungsstrategien
  • Faserverbundkunststoffe
Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

0981 4877-262 51.1.5 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt

Prof. Dr. Torsten Schmidt – Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)

Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)


  • Professor Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professor Smart Industry Management (SIM / SIT)
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Technik
  • Beauftragter für Studierende mit Behinderung und chronischen Erkrankungen


  • Künstliche Intelligenz / Maschinelles Lernen
  • Zeitreihenprädiktion
  • Deep Medicine
  • Automatisierungstechnik
  • Mathematik 1 / 2
  • Physik 1 / 2


  • Zeitreihenprädiktion und deren Anwendungen
  • Effektive Lernalgorithmen für kleine Datenmengen
  • Multiphysikalische Greybox-Modelle und Algorithmen
  • Theoretische Grundlagen des Quantencomputing
StudyCheck Total E-Quality Prädikat