Study overview

"Digitise learning."

Do you want to coordinate learning processes in the digitalised world of work?
You want to develop functional blended learning concepts?
You would like to prepare learning content in a multimedia and interactive way?
You would like to pass on your knowledge as an (online) trainer?
Would you like to help shape the digital revolution in the education sector?

In the master's programme "Multimedia Didactical Design" you will develop the necessary skills to design, implement and evaluate target group-oriented and attractive learning offers using classical and digital media. You will experience the potentials and challenges of digital education and reflect on the influence of organisational, economic and legal framework conditions.

The programme aims to train experts for learning in the digital working world who can design and interlink both physical and virtual learning spaces. In this way, a holistic approach to training is pursued which takes into account the growing complexity of this field of activity and offers you a varied and sector-independent career perspective.


Short formMDD
Type of studyFull-time
Standard period of study3 semester
Admission restrictionsMaster of Arts (M.A.)
Lecture locationAnsbach
Language of instructionGerman
Course management Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner
Student advisory serviceProf. Dr. Verena Gerner
Student Servicesstudierendenservice.mdd(at)

Elective modules

In order to complete the elective modules, you can take advantage of offers from the module catalogue of the Media Faculty's Master's programmes or develop your foreign language skills, which are particularly beneficial in internationally active organisations. By arrangement, it is also possible to take courses at the Virtual University of Bavaria, which offer additional flexibility in terms of time and geography.

Master thesis

Depending on the topic, supervisor and previous education, Master's theses can be of a descriptive, formative or evaluative character. Your Master's thesis can, for example, relate to the (re-)conception and practical testing of a learning offer, to the evaluation of learning technology or to the investigation of framework conditions for the use of digital media in specific learning contexts (e.g. strategy, learning culture).

Catch-up modules

From a content perspective, modules from the Bachelor's programmes of the Media Faculty are recommended (e.g. web development, video editing). In agreement with the respective lecturers, modules from the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration can also be taken (e.g. human resources development, knowledge management). You can also take online courses at the Virtual University of Bavaria (e.g. Ethics of Digital Communication, Introduction to Human Resources Management, Digital Knowledge Management, etc.), which gives you additional flexibility.

Teaching and testing methods

Since teaching methods and formats are themselves the subject of learning in this programme, different didactic scenarios are used in the modules. These include traditional face-to-face seminars with classical and/or digital media, blended learning scenarios, asynchronous online courses and courses in the virtual classroom. In this way, you experience the effect of different combinations of methods and media and receive role models for your future actions. Depending on the competence objective, project work, oral examinations/presentations or written examinations are used as examination forms.

Study organisation

The respective lecturers of the modules are responsible for the temporal and spatial arrangement of the course offerings. In principle, courses can be taken on all weekdays during the semester. Experience has shown that the virtual parts of the programme result in a comparatively higher degree of spatial and, in part, temporal flexibility in the weekly timetable, which enables students to work alongside their Master's programme (to a manageable extent). However, this Master's programme is not a part-time programme tailored to the needs of employed persons. The self-study and project phases are demanding and time-consuming, so the focus should be on studying rather than working.


Further Information




Forms of

More information

Career prospects


After completing the Master's programme, you will be able to work in the field of in-company initial and continuing vocational training, in e-learning agencies, in adult and continuing education, in media and publishing houses as well as in interface or multiplier functions in companies and organisations in an operational, advisory or management capacity.

Possible job profiles are:

  • Digital Learning Expert
  • E-Learning Coordinator
  • Blended Learning Designer
  • Consultant for holistic learning formats
  • Presence trainer
  • Live online trainer
  • E-Learning Author
  • Screenplay developer
  • Corporate Learning Manager
  • Project Manager Digital Education



Guest: Experts for digital learning at Schwäbisch Hall Training GmbH

"10.000 € for an explanatory film?! For 1,000 learners that's 10 euros per person – that should be possible...". On 09.12.2020, guest speakers Arthur Kohlmai and Sarina Scheuermann from Schwäbisch Hall Training GmbH reported on how they convince their customers, which concepts & tools they use to implement digital learning paths and how they have mastered the Corona Year.


First semester kick-off in WS 2020/2021

In compliance with all distance and hygiene regulations, the study programme team is pleased to welcome a new group of students to the Ansbach campus on 1 October 2020. 12 first-year students* get to know each other personally, make first contacts and lay the foundation for a successful start to the semester. In addition, we welcome two new lecturers this semester, who will bring even more practice into the teaching: Dr. Katja Dippold-Schenk and Carola Heck-Volz.


Website for live online teaching

Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner developed the website on the occasion of the Corona situation, where interested teachers can inform themselves about the possibilities of synchronous online teaching. The website contains numerous tips for didactic design in the virtual classroom, descriptions of methods to be activated as well as technical tutorials on frequently used functions in "Zoom" and "Adobe Connect".


Study start in summer semester 2020 with digital teaching

On 15.03.2020, a new cohort will begin their MDD master's studies. Due to the discontinuation of classroom teaching due to corona, all courses in this semester will take place in virtual form. Teaching will be offered and carried out in full, so that students will not suffer any disadvantages for their personal progress.


Excursion to the "Learntec"

On 29/30.01.2020 the course of studies will undertake an excursion to the leading fair for digital education. We are looking forward to new trends and stimulating discussions.

Photo: Karlsruhe Fair / Behrendt and Rausch

Guest lecture on "Challenges in the introduction of e-learning

On 06.12.2019, we had the pleasure of welcoming a guest speaker as part of the module "Media Didactics I: Conception and Implementation of Digital Learning Formats", who reported on the experiences of his company.



Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner – Studiengangsleitung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD) / Studienfachberatung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)

Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner

Studiengangsleitung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD) / Studienfachberatung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)

0981 4877-126 92.2.4 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner

Prof. Dr. Verena Gerner – Studiengangsleitung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD) / Studienfachberatung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)

Studiengangsleitung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD) / Studienfachberatung Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)


  • Studiengangsleitung Digital Learning (DL)
  • Vorsitz Prüfungskommission Digital Learning (DL)
  •  Wissenschaftliche Leiterin Servicecenter für digitale Lehre und Didaktik (SDL)


  • Mediendidaktik
  • Digitale Lehr-/Lernszenarien
  • Online-Moderation


  • Seit 10/2019: Professorin für Didaktik digitaler Medien an der Hochschule Ansbach
  • Seit 2015: Freiberufliche Trainerin und Beraterin für Unternehmen und Akademien, u.a. WiSo-Führungskräfte-Akademie Nürnberg und Zentrum für Hochschuldidaktik (DiZ) Ingolstadt
  •  2016-2019: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Hochschule Ansbach; Lehrbeauftragte an der TH Nürnberg; Erwerb des Zertifikats Hochschullehre Bayern; Promotion zum Thema „Digitale Kompetenz bei Pädagogischen Professionals fördern“ am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftspädagogik und Personalentwicklung der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • 2012-2016: Berufspraxis bei zwei Weiterbildungsakademien (Grundig Akademie Nürnberg, Professio GmbH Ansbach); zertifizierte Weiterbildungen als Trainerin, Business-Coach und systemische Organisationsentwicklerin sowie Qualifizierung als Live-Online-Trainerin, Blended Learning Designerin und virtuelle Moderatorin
  • 2008-2013: Studium der Sozialökonomik (M.Sc.) an der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg und Zweitstudium der Psychologie (B.Sc.) an der FernUni Hagen
  •  2006-2008: Ausbildung zur Mediengestalterin für Digital- und Printmedien (IHK)


Diener, F., Gerner, V. & Kätzel, C. (2024). Die Corona-Pandemie als Game Changer der (Online-)Lehre. Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Hochschule Ansbach. In A. Schneider & C. Scholz (Hrsg.), Digitale Transformation in der Bildung – Digital Change Summit 2022. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Diener, F., Gerner, V. & Kätzel, C. (2022). Gruppenarbeiten mit hohen Teilnehmerzahlen effektiv gestalten: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für die synchrone und asynchrone Online-Lehre. In M. A. Pfannstiel & P. F.-J. Steinhoff (Hrsg.), E-Learning im digitalen Zeitalter (S. 703-720). Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler.

Gerner, V. (2020). Live-Online-Lehre (Website). Abrufbar unter:

Gerner, V., Jahn, D. & Schmidt, C. (2019). Blended Learning: Die richtige Mischung macht’s! Hochschuldidaktischer Leitfaden. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. (2019). Digitale Kompetenz bei Pädagogischen Professionals fördern (Dissertation). Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. & Vode, D. (2019). Die Schreibkompetenz von Studierenden mit digitalen Medien fördern. DIZ Didaktik-Nachrichten, 6/2019. >>> zum Volltext

Gerner, V. & Vode, D. (2018). Schreiben digital in die Lehre integrieren. Neues Handbuch Hochschullehre, 9/2018.

Gerner, V. & Roderus, S. (2017). Digitale Werkzeuge für eine aktivierende Hochschullehre. DIZ Didaktik-Nachrichten, 11/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Rölz, H., Vött. M. & Gerner, V. (2017). Das wäre doch gelacht?! Humor als Erfolgsfaktor beim interkulturellen Lernen. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 3/2017.

Gerner, V. & Waible, F. (2017). Online-Workshops – Interaktive Webkonferenzen gestalten und moderieren. Handbuch E-Learning, 04/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Engelhardt, E. & Gerner, V. (2017). Einführung in die Online-Beratung per Video. e-beratungsjournal - Fachzeitschrift für Onlineberatung und computervermittelte Kommunikation, 1/2017. >>> zum Volltext

Rölz, H., Gerner, V. & Tissot, O. (2016). Humor in Training und Organisationsentwicklung. Handbuch PersonalEntwickeln, 04/2016.

Gerner, V., Rölz, H. & Carl, M. (2015). Wenn alles ganz schnell gehen muss. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 1/2015

Anika Fischer-Burkholz

Anika Fischer-Burkholz – Fakultätsassistentin Medien

Fakultätsassistentin Medien


  • Fakultätsassistentin Medien

Betreute Studiengänge

  • Multimediale Medienproduktion (MMP)
  • Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)
  • Digital Learning (DL)
Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

0981 4877-143 BHS 3.02 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung vCard

Ralph-Peter Kappestein

Ralph-Peter Kappestein – Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)


  • Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)

Prof. Philipp Walliczek, M.A.

Prof. Philipp Walliczek, M.A. –


  • Professor Multimedia und Kommunikation (MUK)
  • Professor Multimediale Information und Kommunikation (MIK)
  • Studienfachberatung Multimedia und Kommunikation (MUK)
  • Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Multimedia und Kommunikation (MUK)
  • Leiter Fotostudio
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Medien


  • Fotodesign
  • Journalismus
  • Mediendesign

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Roderus

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Helmut Roderus – Professor Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)

Professor Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)


  • Professor Multimedia und Kommunikation (MUK)
  • Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
  • Professor Digital Learning (DL)
  • Professor Multimediales Didaktisches Design (MDD)


  • Informatik
  • Programmierung
  • Internet- und Webtechnologie


  • Studium der Informatik am Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung (IMMD) der Friedrich-Alexander-Universtität Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Promotion am Institut für Mathematische Maschinen und Datenverarbeitung der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg im Bereich der Theorie der Programmiersprachen
  • Tätigkeit als Referent und Führungskraft im Bereich Software Engineering und Systemarchitektur bei DATEV in Nürnberg
  • seit 1999 Professor an der Hochschule Ansbach

Weitere Kontaktmöglichkeiten:

  • Business-Kontakte: XING
  • Fachliches, Persönliches: Google+
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