The German-language part-time Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Leadership program gives you the opportunity to develop your management skills and leadership qualities in a targeted manner. The part-time program completes with the academic degree MBA.
The course is limited to 15 places, please contact us as soon as possible.
Through interactive teaching methods, practical case studies and intensive exchange with fellow students, you will become an expert in management and leadership. You will not only learn about the latest management tools and leadership techniques, but also develop your personal soft skills and current leadership competencies. You can apply these skills directly in practice.
Our experienced team of professors and lecturers from the field will help you to realize your full potential and bring you up to date with the latest developments.
Our part-time Master's degree program in Leadership stands for excellent quality in continuing education. With top lecturers, up-to-date content and small groups, we offer our students the ideal environment to take their career to the next level and enhance their skills in their current position. Benefit from our successful concept of didactics for professionals.
Use this opportunity to deepen your knowledge and expand your professional network. Become part of a community of motivated and talented working students in leadership positions who work together to achieve professional success for themselves and their organization.
After completing our MBA program in Leadership, a wide range of career opportunities is open to you. Through our strong partnerships with leading companies as well as hospital groups, associations and institutions, you will have the chance to gain valuable practical experience and unique insights into different industries. In addition, we support you in your career planning and offer you access to an exclusive network of alumni and corporate partners. With an MBA in Leadership, you will be well equipped to succeed in top companies, organizations and government agencies or even in your own business.
Our part-time generalist Master's degree course in Leadership with a focus on healthcare offers you a holistic academic education. A medical doctorate is a useful addition.
Places are limited to 15 students.
We would be pleased to enter into a dialog with you. Give us a call or use our contact form. You are welcome to register in order to secure your place without obligation.
Short form | LEA |
Type of study | Extra-occupational, chargeable |
Standard period of study | 5 semester |
Award | Master of Business Administration (MBA) |
Start of studies | Winter semester |
Admission restrictions | Specific |
Lecture location | Ansbach |
Language of instruction | German |
Course management | Frank-Andre Schlipp |
Student advisory service | Frank-Andre Schlipp |
Student Services | studierendenservice.lea(at) |
Information events | Please register via our webform. For online events, you will receive corresponding access data from us. Currently, no information events are planned. Please do not hesitate to contact us for individual advice! |
Study and examination regulations (German)
old: Fee schedule (German)
new: Schedule of fees and charges (German)
Leadership has been assessed by the accreditation, certification and quality assurance institute ACQUIN.
You can see the accreditation and assessment by the ACCREDITATION COUNCIL in the accreditation database (click here).
The overriding learning objective is the training, expansion and deepening of the participants’ range of skills to enable them to master leadership tasks. Students will internalize the idea of leadership as a philosophy and act according to a humanistic leadership model, taking into consideration scientific findings.
The Leadership course promotes the development of a personal leadership style. The focus is on enabling goal-oriented, value-driven, reflective leadership behaviour at all organisational levels (individual, team, corporate).
This training, expansion and consolidation of an individual's range of skills for handling leadership tasks is fundamental for (potential) managers in every profession and field of activity. Based on this objective, the course offers modern, personality-development forms of teaching and learning to acquire leadership competence. General leadership and management skills are required in many diverse professions and fields of activity. The course provides the techniques and methods of modern leadership. By focusing on selected areas, more specialised knowledge and skills can be developed.
The master’s programme in Leadership is intended to give highly qualified university graduates who have already started their careers the opportunity to qualify for management positions.
As part of the first – and, at present, only – focus on healthcare, the master’s programme offers (prospective) managers from the healthcare sector a scientific specialisation with a focus on leadership competence.
The courses take the special situation of working people into account. They are organised in such a way that they are compatible with full-time employment. Attendance phases are limited to an acceptable minimum. Lessons take place in small study groups in accordance with the latest scientific findings. We use innovative teaching and learning methods for this purpose.
Students benefit from interaction in interdisciplinary, cross-professional and cross-hierarchical participant groups, knowledge transfer by experts, a high level of practical transfer as well an orientation towards strengths and the future.
The lectures take place on the campus in Ansbach.
Applicants with a university degree and some subsequent practical professional experience are eligible. Detailed information on the admission procedure and the admission requirements can be found in the Study and Examination Regulations (SPO) or Nicole Guggenberger will be happy to answer your questions.
Applicants who did not gain their study qualification at a German-speaking institution need to provide recognised proof of their German language skills (e.g. TestDaF at least level 4, DSH at least level 2).
Winter semester: Application is possible from May 2 to July 15. The application period can be extended. Study begins on October 1.
Fees are charged at Bavarian universities for part-time studies. These are calculated to cover the additional costs resulting from the special form of organisation required. The costs per semester are 2,700 € tuition fees (see Schedule of fees and charges) plus 72 € student union fee.
Payment method
The tuition fees are due in one sum before enrollment or registration for further studies (re-registration). Monthly payment is also possible upon request. The fee for paying in installments is €50 and is due with the last installment (see Schedule of fees and charges).
The lecture plans are in German. You can find them on the German page.
Stephanie Blüml
Head of Corporate Communications and Development
"In the leadership course, everyone can contribute examples of situations from their (professional) everyday life. This means you benefit not only from the content of the course itself, but also from the experiences of others."
Florian Höhler, MD
Chief surgeon
Krankenhaus Kemnath der Kliniken Nordoberpfalz AG
The course was a welcome change for me. It broadened my horizons enormously and helped me to achieve my current position."
Andrea Kramp
Commercial director
Klinikum Altmühlfranken
The study offers a wide range of opportunities to work on your own leadership style and to surpass yourself. I would not have wished to miss this experience!"
Florian Trini, MD
Medical specialist for orthopaedics and accident surgery
Klinikum Fürth
My leadership skills enable me to network in a meaningful way at Klinikum Fürth and advance ideas."
Professorin Leadership (LEA), Studienfachberatung
Professorin Leadership (LEA), Studienfachberatung
Studiengangsassistentin Leadership (LEA)
0981 4877-124 BHS 3.05 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nicole.guggenberger vCard
Studiengangsassistentin Leadership (LEA)
Professor Leadership (LEA)
Professor Leadership (LEA)
Medizin- und Wissenschaftsjournalist u.a. für Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, WDR, FOCUS, DER SPIEGEL, Online-Redakteur und Programmplaner bei der Bertelsmann-Springer-Gesundheitsgesellschaft, selbständige Tätigkeit im Bereich Medienberatung für Life Science Unternehmen und Wissenschaftsverlage mit Fokus auf Online-Strategien.
Professor Leadership (LEA)
Professor Leadership (LEA)
Müller, Michael: Wissensmanagement. Reihe „WiWi klipp & klar“. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2022.
Förtsch, Ferdinand; Müller, Michael: Wissensmanagement – Karriere in der Verwaltung. Kommunal- und Schul-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2015.
Ittner, Friedrich-Alexander; Ambrosius, Ute; Müller, Michael: Wissensorientierte Strategieentwicklung für den Mittelstand (KMU). Schriftenreihe Campus Edition, Fachhochschule Ansbach, 2015.
Kaiser, Robert; Müller, Michael: Erfahrungsschätze bewahren. In Vitako aktuell, Zeitschrift der Bundes-Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kommunalen IT-Dienstleister e.V., 2010.
Punzel, Joachim; Schwarze, Jochen; Graubner, Christian; Müller, Michael: Fallstudie: Von der Mindmap zum Wiki - Wissensbewahrung im eGovernment-Center der Stadt Erlangen. In „Enterprise 2.0 - Planung, Einführung und erfolgreicher Einsatz von Social Software in Unternehmen“, Forschungsgruppe Kooperationssysteme der Universität der Bundeswehr München, 2009.
Graubner, Christian; Müller, Michael: Wissensmanagement für Innovationsmanagement - Systematische Unterstützung des Innovationsmanagements durch Methoden und Prozesse des Wissensmanagements. In Tagungsband WM 2007 (4. Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement), 2007.
Müller, Michael; Kaiser, Robert: Wissensbewahrung bei der Stadt Erlangen - Dokumentation und Kommunikation der Erfahrungen ausscheidender Wissensträger. In Tagungsband KnowTech 2006, S. 425-432, 2006.
Stoyan, Herbert; Müller, Michael; Bimazubute, Raymond; Grille, Barbara; Hausdorf, Carsten; Hormeß, Markus; Kraetzschmar, Gerhard K.; Schneeberger, Josef; Turk, Andreas: Wissenserwerb und Wissensmanagement. In Hammwöhner, R.; Rittberger, M.; Semar, W. (Hrsg.): Wissen in Aktion - Der Primat der Pragmatik als Motto der Konstanzer Informationswissenschaft, Festschrift für Rainer Kuhlen, Schriften zur Informationswissenschaft 41, Hochschulverband für Informationswissenschaft, S. 253-270, 2004.
Grille, Barbara; Stoyan, Herbert; Gaede, Bernd; Müller, Michael: Wissensmanagementprozesse - Mit Experteninterviews zum aufgabenbezogenen hypertextbasierten Informations- und Tutorsystem. In Buhl, H.-U.; Huther, A.; Reitwiesner, B. (Hrsg.): 5. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik 2001, S. 323-338, Physica-Verlag, 2001.
Hausdorf, Carsten; Stoyan, Herbert; Müller, Michael: Kaskadierter Wissenserwerb beim Wissensmanagement. In Gronau, N. (Hrsg.): Wissensmanagement: Systeme - Anwendungen - Technologien, Aachen, 2001.
Hogl, Oliver; Müller, Michael; Stoyan, Herbert; Stühlinger, Wolf: On Supporting Medical Quality with Intelligent Data Mining. In Sprague, R. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-01), IEEE Press, Maui, Hawaii, January 3-6 2001.
Hogl, Oliver; Stoyan, Herbert; Müller, Michael: The Knowledge Discovery Assistant: Making Data Mining Available for Business Users. In Gunopulos, D.; Rastogi, R. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 2000 ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD-2000), S. 96-105, Dallas, Texas, May 2000.
Müller, Michael: Interessantheit bei der Entdeckung von Wissen in Datenbanken. In Künstliche Intelligenz, Nr. 3, S. 40-42, September 1999.
Müller, Michael: Interessantheit bei der Entdeckung von Wissen in Datenbanken. Dissertation, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 1998.
Müller, Michael; Hausdorf, Carsten; Schneeberger, Josef: Zur Interessantheit bei der Entdeckung von Wissen in Datenbanken. In Nakhaeizadeh, Gholamreza (Hrsg.): Data Mining: Theoretische Aspekte und Anwendungen, Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik, S. 248-264, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1998.
Büchter, Oliver; Müller, Michael; Schneeberger, Josef: Improving Forward Selection with Background Knowledge: Finding Interesting Multiple Regression Models for Sales Prediction. In Lu, Hongjun; Motoda, Hiroshi; Liu, Huan (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the First Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD’97), KDD: Techniques and Applications, S. 344-357, World Scientific, Singapore, 1997.
Geschäftsführer der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
0981 4877-160 BHS 3.04, Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach nach Vereinbarung frank-andre.schlipp vCard
0981 4877-160
BHS 3.04, Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach
nach Vereinbarung
Geschäftsführer der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
© 2025 Hochschule Ansbach