This year's winning team of the ‘Campus of the Lions’ comes from IUE!
With their idea of developing sustainable and stylish products to promote mental and physical well-being, the three students were able to convince the jury and secure first place. The trio of founders' recipe for success: team spirit, different professional backgrounds complemented by start-up skills from the IUE Master's programme.
Short form | IUE / IUT |
Type of study | Full-time / part-time |
Standard period of study | 3 semester / 6 semester |
Conclusion | Master of Arts (M.A.) |
Study start | winter semester |
Admission restriction | none |
Lecture location | Ansbach |
Language of instruction | German |
Head of degree programme | Prof. Dr. Sarah Schöllhammer and Prof. Dr. Simon Gollisch |
Student counselling | Prof. Dr. Sarah Schöllhammer and Prof. Dr. Simon Gollisch |
Study programme assistant IUE | studiengangsassistenz-iue(at) |
Student Services | studierendenservice.iue(at) |
Are you passionate about innovative technologies? Full of creative ideas? Do you like to challenge the status quo and
look for better ways to solve problems?
If this sounds like you, you’re in the right place.
In the Master's program Innovation and Entrepreneurship, you'll learn how to develop groundbreaking business strategies, innovative products, and business models - and successfully bring them to market. You’ll work in dynamic, self-organized teams to launch your own startup projects and turn your ideas into action. Through close collaboration with industry partners, you’ll create innovative solutions for real-world business challenges and help companies secure their long-term success. Lead the way in innovation - turn your ideas into action. Whether you’re driving innovation within a company as an intrapreneur or launching your own business as an entrepreneur, this program is your stepping stone to shaping the future.
No matter your academic background—everyone is welcome to join and contribute their unique perspective.
"About nine months into my first job, my employer launched a major change project that I was eager to contribute to. I grabbed my notes from the Master’s program and thought about how we could design the change management for the project. It was a great feeling to apply what I had learned in a real-world setting. Since then, I often refer back to my study materials for inspiration or to refresh my memory on the theory.
I would recommend this Master’s program to anyone who sees their career in an innovative and future-oriented field - whether as the
founder of their own startup or as an innovator in an established company. The program prepares you for both paths through
practical projects, guest lectures, and a diverse range of courses."
Lisa , Alumni 2022
"What stood out to me the most were the small class sizes, the hybrid learning format, and the manageable number of modules, which allowed for deep dives into specific topics. I also really valued the close connections with our professors and classmates, the collaborative atmosphere, and the team-based projects and assessments.
My highlights were the integration of industry partnerships, the flexibility to tailor your focus, and the emphasis on real-world skills like client interaction and presentations. One of the program's signature features is the two-semester simulation of launching a startup - it was both challenging and incredibly rewarding. The practical course, in particular, gave me valuable insights into real-world business challenges, and the career guidance was equally impactful."
Luisa-Maria Stiller, Alumni 2023
"I chose this Master’s program because so many of my friends recommended it, and I was looking for a hands-on learning experience - I didnt get disappointed. I loved the focus on practical application rather than just plain theory. From the beginning, we had the opportunity to develop our own business ideas (in my team’s case, Finderling), which became a central part of the program. This module not only gave us first-hand insights into the startup world but also connected us with funding opportunities like Existency."
Niclas Egerer, Alumni 2023
The IUE Master’s program equips you with practice-oriented skills, mindset and confidence to thrive as an entrepreneurial leader. Whether you aspire to launch your own startup (Entrepreneur) or drive innovation within an established company (Intrapreneur), this program prepares you to think strategically and act entrepreneurially.
The program combines both perspectives with one mission: to proactively drive innovation and disruptive change, either in your own startup or within established organizations. You’ll developed the skills to collaborate with startups and be able to help established companies to renew their strategies and lead successful transformations.
The program is structured to give you a balance of foundational knowledge and practical experience:
In the first two semesters you’ll gain expertise in-depth knowledge and practical skills for building startups and driving innovation in established
companies. You’ll explore :
In the third semester, you’ll personalise your future path. Through the Disrupt Yourself module, where you'll refine your professional profile. Your Master’s thesis allows you to focus on a self-chosen topic within the fields of “Innovation & Entrepreneurship, positioning you as a leader in your chosen area. Throughout the program, you’ll learn to apply these skills in ways that drive economic growth, create jobs, and solve societal challenges.
Entrepreneurship - Through practical content and hands-on projects, this program thoroughly prepares you to launch your own business. Modules such as Business Creation & Management, Entrepreneurial Finance, and Innovation Leadership develop the essential theoretical Background and practical skills needed for entrepreneurship.
In the practical Startup Project module, you’ll apply your knowledge directly. Working in interdisciplinary teams and with the support of faculty, the university’s startup advisory service, and the digital startup center ANsWERK, you’ll advance your startup idea—potentially even taking it to market.
Intrapreneurship - For those aiming to innovate within established companies, modules like Corporate Innovation & Entrepreneurship and Business Transformation Management provide tailored preparation. You’ll cultivate entrepreneurial thinking, design and implement groundbreaking business models, and learn how to adapt startup approaches to corporate environments—all while strengthening your intrapreneurial mindset.
In the Radical Business Innovation Project, you’ll apply your skills in collaboration with partner companies. Student teams tackle real-world business challenges by developing innovative solutions, such as new products or radically disruptive business models.
Our program emphasizes experiential learning and real-world application.
In our program you’ll engage in:
The values of an innovation-driven culture - curiosity, openness to new ideas, experimentation, learning from failure, collaboration, respect, and trust - are actively lived in our daily interactions, fostering a supportive and dynamic learning environment.
We continuously evolving our teaching methods, incorporating innovative approaches to better support our students. These include interactive learning sessions, workshops, digital tools, blended learning, and serious games, ensuring that you’re fully prepared to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
The programme prepares you for a variety of career paths ...
Reynaldo Nina Garcia, Programm Manager I MAX!mize Start-up Incubator I Max Planck Innovation, IUE-Absolvent 2022
Luisa-Maria Stiller and the team of the Startups FooDia (IUE students of 2023)
Consulting/Startup Coach
for New Venture, Innovation, business
modell innovation, (Corporate)
Launch your own startup or join an existing one. Whether as a founder, team member, or advisor, you’ll be equipped to thrive in the dynamic world of startups. Drive disruptive changes in established companies - whether SMEs or multinational corporations - across various industries. Take on roles like innovation manager, project leader, or innovation coach to spearhead transformative projects. Use your skills to create social and environmental impact. From sustainable startups to non-profit organizations, the program equips you for careers at the intersection of innovation and purpose, focusing on "Social Innovation & Sustainable Entrepreneurship." Enter the growing field of consulting, helping companies innovate and develop cutting-edge business models, new ventures, and entrepreneurial strategies.
The IUE Master’s program starts in the winter semester. As with all degree programs, timely submission of your application through the online application portal is mandatory. Please note that the regular deadlines are final; your application must be submitted by the last day of the specified deadline.
For detailed information about the application process. Click HERE!
In addition to meeting the application deadline, you must hold:
A successfully completed undergraduate degree (domestic or international) with a minimum overall grade of 2.5 (German grading scale). Your degree should comprise 210 ECTS credits. Applications with a minimum of 180 ECTS credits are also accepted, provided with relevant qualifications.
The Master's programme has a deliberately interdisciplinary structure, as diversity promotes innovation and change-makers are needed in many areas. You can therefore apply with a Bachelor's degree from a wide range of disciplines, e.g. from business, technical or design-oriented degree programmes.
Yes, the missing credit points (ECTS) can be made up in the first two semesters from the degree programmes offered by Ansbach University of Applied Sciences or can also be credited. Relevant professional experience, internships or working student activities are particularly suitable for this. The scope must correspond to the missing 30 ECTS credits (1 ECTS = 30 hours).
Please apply for credit transfer at the university's student service centre (contact: baki.cengiz(at)
Admission is subject to the resolutory condition that proof of the missing ECTS credits is provided within one year of commencing the degree programme (Art. 43 Para. 5 Sentence 3 BayHSchG), otherwise enrolment will be cancelled. At the start of the Master's programme, the Bachelor's degree must have been completed in full.
You simply spread your courses over six semesters instead of three, i.e. in your first semester you take three modules, the other three modules from subject semester 1 you complete in your third semester at the university. In your second semester, you take three modules from semester 2, the others in your fourth semester and so on.
Most events take place in Ansbach at the Rettistraße campus. There are modern, well-equipped rooms and plenty of space for project work. Hands-on activities in particular, such as creativity sessions, prototyping or testing, thrive on interaction and mainly take place in person. Individual courses or events can also be held hybrid or online.
[Translate to Englisch:]
Drei bis vier Tage pro Woche. Natürlich hängt die semesterspezifische Planung auch immer von den Lehrenden ab. Ein Tag pro Woche ist auf jeden Fall vorlesungsfrei und kann z.B. für eine Werkstudententätigkeit genutzt werden.
No. If you already have a business idea, you are welcome to bring it with you and pursue it further. The Master's programme itself offers plenty of opportunities and inspiration to develop innovative business ideas.
The aim is to achieve a balanced mix of different competence-orientated forms of examination. Innovators and founders need practical skills above all. For this reason, there are many project assignments with presentations, student research projects, but also individual written examinations.
Of course, you can complete a semester abroad as part of the Master's programme and take a semester off for this.
You will get to know many of the partners of the degree programme in the context of courses, e.g. in joint projects. You can also contact them directly and make use of other offers if necessary:
among others the Gründungsberatung Hochschule Ansbach, the digital start-up centre of the city of Ansbach ANsWerk, der Social Impact Award Germany SIA Germany, die Campus Founders, the prototype laboratory at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
Studiengangleitung Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
Retti 035 (Rettistraße 56, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung sarah.schoellhammer vCard
Studiengangleitung Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
Publikation und Vorträge (Auswahl)
Akademischer und beruflicher Werdegang
Sarah Schöllhammer ist Professorin für Innovation und Entrepreneurship an der Hochschule Ansbach. Sie studierte International Management und Innovationsmanagement in Dublin, Deggendorf und Esslingen und promovierte in Glasgow.
Sie verfügt über fundierte Praxiserfahrung im Themenfeld Innovation und Entrepreneurship - aus Sicht der Wissenschaft, des Marketings und der Technik, Konzern- und Inkubator-Perspektive, operativ und strategisch. Als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Stuttgart/Fraunhofer IAO verband sie angewandte Forschung mit Industrieberatung. Weitere Erfahrung sammelte sie als Innovationsmanagerin und Projektleiterin in der Automobilzulieferindustrie, zunächst im Marketing der global operierenden Dräxlmaier Group, dann beim Joint-Venture und Corporate Incubator Intedis. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Innovation in modernen Organisationsformen sowie agile Methoden für Innovation & Entrepreneurship.
Studiengangleitung Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
+49 (0)162 2066351 Retti 041 (Rettistraße 56, 91522 Ansbach) Termin nach Vereinbarung simon.gollisch vCard
+49 (0)162 2066351
Retti 041 (Rettistraße 56, 91522 Ansbach)
Termin nach Vereinbarung
Studiengangleitung Master Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
2008-2013: Studium der Betriebswirtschaft (B.A.) und der Unternehmensführung (M.A.) an den Hochschulen Ansbach und Konstanz
2014-2017: Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter & Lehrbeauftragter an der Hochschule Ansbach
2017: Promotion zum Dr. rer. pol. an der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2018: Forschungssemester an der Simon Fraser University, Vancouver
2018-2021: Referent Strategie/Assistent des Vorstands bei einem international führenden Maschinenbauunternehmen
Seit 2021: Professor für Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insbesondere Strategieentwicklung und digitale Geschäftsprozesse an der Hochschule Ansbach
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Publikationen in referierten Fachzeitschriften:
Blettner, Daniela/Gollisch, Simon (2022): The role of reference points and organizational identity in strategic adaptation to performance feedback. Management Research Review, Special Issue on Behavioral Strategy.
Gollisch, Simon/Hedderich, Barbara/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2018): Strategien im Wandel: Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Hinweise für eine Mikrofundierung des strategischen Managements, in: Die Unternehmung 72 (2), S. 169-191.
Gollisch, Simon/Hedderich, Barbara/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2018): Strategic Preferences of Farm Supply and Grain Elevator Businesses: Empirical Evidence from Germany, in: International Journal on Foodsystem Dynamics 9 (1), S. 54-66.
Gollisch, Simon/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2015): Risikomanagement im Landhandel: Charakteristika, Herausforderungen, Implikationen, in: Berichte über Landwirtschaft, Band 93, Heft 1, S. 1-16.
Sonstige Publikationen
Gollisch, Simon/Theuvsen Ludwig (2021): Einführung, in: GenoAkademie/ Burg Warberg (Hrsg.): Agrarhandel: Fachwissen in Fragen und Antworten, Agrimedia, 7. Aufl., Clenze, S. 9-15.
Skripek, Markus/Gollisch, Simon (2020): Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Nutzung von Social Media im Vertrieb von B2B-Unternehmen in Deutschland?, in: Ambrosius, Ute/Gröner, Patrick (Hrsg.): Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2020, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, S. 82-97.
Gollisch, Simon (2018): Strategisches Risikomanagement im Landhandel, Diss., Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.
Gollisch, Simon/Hedderich, Barbara/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2017): Strategische Entscheidungspräferenzen im Landhandel, in: Agrargewerbe Intern 2 (3), S. 12-13.
Gollisch, Simon/Hedderich, Barbara/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2016): Reference Points and Risky Decision Making in Agricultural Trade Firms: A Case Study in Germany, Diskussionspapier Nr. 1609 des Departments für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung, Universität Göttingen.
Ambrosius, Ute/Gollisch, Simon (2016) (Hrsg.): Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2016, Shaker Verlag, Aachen.
Gollisch, Simon/Theuvsen, Ludwig (2016): Strategisches Risikomanage-ment: Theoretische Grundlagen und Perspektiven für die angewandte Managementforschung, in: Ambrosius, Ute/Gollisch, Simon (Hrsg.): Ansbacher Kaleidoskop 2016, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, S. 29-54.
Blettner, Daniela/Gollisch, Simon (2020): Reference Points as Drivers of Strategic Adaptation: An Exploratory Study, Vortrag auf dem 80th Annual Virtual Meeting of the Academy of Management vom 7.-11. August 2020.
Gollisch, Simon/Blettner, Daniela (2018): The Interplay of Reference Points and Organizational Identity in Strategic Adaptation to Performance Feedback, Vortrag auf dem „34th EGOS Colloquium“ der European Group of Organizational Studies vom 5.-7. Juli 2018 in Tallinn, Estland.
Gollisch, Simon (2016): Der private Landhandel im Wandel: Ergebnisse einer Branchenumfrage, Vortrag anlässlich der „Chefgespräche“ des Bundesverbandes der Agrargewerblichen Wirtschaft am 30.11.2016 auf der Burg Warberg.
Studiengangsassistenz Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
0981 4877-206 50.2.16 keine wiebke.nagel, studiengangsassistenz-bw, studiengangsassistenz-iue, studiengangsassistenz-kdt vCard
0981 4877-206
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Studiengangsassistenz Innovation & Entrepreneurship (IUE)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
0981 4877-143 BHS 3.02 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach) nach Vereinbarung ralph-peter.kappestein vCard
0981 4877-143
BHS 3.02 (Brauhausstraße 15, 91522 Ansbach)
nach Vereinbarung
Leiter Studierendenservice der School of Business and Technology (SBT)
Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
0981 4877-376 92.1.8 nach Vereinbarung jonas.haertfelder vCard
Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
© 2025 Hochschule Ansbach