Plastic Omnium Auto Components GmbH, Munich, Germany
"In my professional life, my studies have paid off directly. I am now a team leader in an engineering center and lead an international team there...".
Bachelor's programme "Biomedical Engineering"
"Nice people and familiar relationship among the learning groups and seminars by small groups", "I liked the numerous internships and excursions".
„nette, freundliche und familiäre Atmosphäre an der Hochschule Ansbach“, „sehr gute Betreuung“, „gute Beziehung zwischen Lehrenden und Studierenden“,
„praxisnahe und teilweise einzigartige Praktika“, „spannende Projektarbeiten, wie z.B. Aufbau von Praktikumsversuchen.“
Bachelor's programme "Biomedical Engineering
"good supervision by professors", "good relationship between teachers and students", "internship at Ansbach Hospital", "all internships were very interesting and instructive".
Master studies "Applied Research and Development" at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
"The special feature of the course is its great practical relevance. There is an exercise or a laboratory internship for almost every lecture, and the theoretical knowledge learned can be used immediately, and thus further deepened. The highlight is the hospital practical course in the clinical center Ansbach.
"The special feature of the course is its great practical relevance. So there is to almost every lecture an exercise or a laboratory internship, and you can immediately use the theoretical knowledge you have learned, and thus also further deepen. The highlight is the hospital internship at the Ansbach Hospital. There one learns in ten different the use of the respective diagnostic or therapy systems, and sees what requirements the equipment has to meet. to be able to deliver the best possible result for the patient. A further advantage of the study programme is the very personal Contact to professors and laboratory engineers. This ensures optimal individual support in the day-to-day study routine as well as in the laboratory internships. guaranteed. Due to the very broad and practice-oriented content of the course of studies, one is well prepared for everyday professional life as well as for the following Master's program very well prepared."
"After studying industrial biotechnology for 7 semesters at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, I joined the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim (turnover 2016: 16 billion euros) will be employed as a technical employee."
"The Industrial Biotechnology course was a complete success for me."
"The bachelor's programme in industrial biotechnology at Ansbach University was a complete success for me. In addition to the basics in the first two semesters, a large number of different core subjects are offered. Due to this wide range, I was able to recognize my inclinations during my studies and to deepen them later in my studies through compulsory electives and project work. The professors were very committed and maintained very personal contact with the students. A large part of the studies were also internships, during which a lot of practical knowledge was imparted in manageable groups and good supervision. The good and practical training was demonstrated during the six-month internship at Roche, the world's largest biotech company. I was also able to do my bachelor's thesis with this company. I owe my master's degree in biotechnology/bioengineering in cooperation with Roche in Freising not least to the excellent training at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.
After the 7-semestrigen Bachelorstudium of the industrial biotechnology at the university Ansbach I have with the pharmaceutical company Boehringer Ingelheim (turnover 2016: 16 billion euros) as a technical employee. Boehringer Ingelheim's core business is the research, development and production of drugs. My department belongs to to the transfer group, in which we produce products of our customers (other pharmaceutical companies) on their behalf in our large-scale plants. My daily work includes both laboratory and office activities, which makes my daily work very varied. In the laboratory carried out the tests necessary to implement the new customer product in our plants. In the office you will find The agreements with our international customers take place and the test results are summarized there in reports and presentations. The IBT studies at Ansbach University prepared me ideally for my work in the pharmaceutical industry. Through the vivid internships during the of my studies I had a very well-founded practical experience in the laboratory. In addition, I am very convinced of the professors and study staff, who can look after the students more intensively and individually through the small working groups. For these reasons, in retrospect, I would opt for this course again.
In cancer research
"In my opinion, the bachelor's programme in Industrial Biotechnology is characterized above all by a large number of practical internships.
"In my opinion, the bachelor's program in Industrial Biotechnology is characterized by a large number of practical internships. In the lectures, the professors provided a very good mixture of important basics, application examples and the current state of technology and science. For me, studying at the Ansbach campus meant a high-quality education in a family atmosphere. After completing my studies, I was able to bring a broad knowledge and methodical repertoire to my job in cancer research."
"The manageable size of the university and the modern equipment of the laboratories and the library speak in favour of studying industrial biotechnology in Ansbach".
"The manageable size of the university and the modern equipment of the laboratories and the library speak in favour of studying industrial biotechnology in Ansbach. The good contact with the professors due to the small number of students also creates a pleasant atmosphere in the faculty. The possibility of sponsoring a device was a good experience, which was more intensive with a topic such as the culture of eukaryotic cells. to employ and train. I benefited from this knowledge during my Bachelor's thesis."
Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Gunzenhausen, Germany
"I personally had a lot to gain from my studies, contents ingenious. I want to develop myself further in the long term."
Oechsler AG, Ansbach, Germany
"An investment worth making."
Business Development Manager
"For me personally, the industrial engineering course at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences was the right choice. Especially the high practical relevance during my studies, the practical semester and the numerous projects in smaller groups were very valuable for me...".
"After successfully graduating from the BOS Nuremberg, I was faced with the decision: Business or technology - but why not study both? For me personally, the industrial engineering course at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences was the right choice. Especially the high practical relevance during my studies, the practical semester and the numerous projects in smaller groups were very valuable for me. The opportunity to write my bachelor thesis in cooperation with a company also helped me to prepare for my professional life in the best possible way. After graduating, I decided to take a consecutive Master's course at FAU and spend a semester abroad in South Korea. Looking back, the bachelor's degree at the university, the master's degree at the university and the semester abroad were the perfect combination for a successful start to my professional life. “
FlixMobility Ltd.
"Looking back, the decision to study business informatics at Ansbach University was the right one."
"University or FH? Computer science or business administration? These were the questions I had before I hadn't thought about that since I started. Looking back, the decision to study business informatics to study at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Above all, the practical relevance of the Fachhochschule studies and the completed internships helped me to orient myself on the one hand and to gain valuable experience on the other, how things really work out in the real world. In addition, the very good equipment and the really personal The supervision of the university is decisive for a successful graduation. After my graduation, all paths were open to me, Master's or career entry? My preference for practice and for designing things myself let me start a career at Marquardt in the automotive industry in Detroit, USA. After two years and a global economic crisis later, the it got me closer to IT again: I moved to Microsoft in Munich. Another valuable experience, in which I gained a lot of the of his studies took its course. After another two instructive and great years I realized, however, that the urge to build something of my own had grown in me over the years. With the foundation of the FlixBus GmbH together with two colleagues I finally gave in to this urge in 2012. The liberalisation of the long-distance bus market proved us right at the beginning of 2013 and gave us the opportunity to launch a to establish a successful start-up on the German long-distance bus market. With meanwhile more than 150 buses and 130 Every day, we work with our employees to further the success of FlixBus. Above all, we are committed to quality and customer satisfaction is a particular concern. Looking back, I now use many of the tools and methods that I use every day. during my time in Ansbach. Now it's my turn to introduce young students during their To give students a chance to study at Germany's universities, including Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, to further develop the practical knowledge they have acquired by offering internships or by collaborating on theses.
"The study of business informatics at Ansbach University offers..."
„Das Studium der Wirtschaftsinformatik an der Hochschule Ansbach bietet den Studenten ein breitgefächertes Wissensspektrum. So werden im Grundstudium die notwendigen Grundlagen der einzelnen beteiligten Disziplinen vermittelt, um auf dieser Basis aufbauend im Hauptstudium seine persönlichen Schwerpunkte setzen zu können. Die Wahl und das Setzen der persönlichen Schwerpunkte im Hauptstudium bleiben jedem Studenten selbst überlassen. So fiel für mich die Wahl auf den Bereich E-Business / E-Commerce. Die Kerninhalte dieses Bereichs richten sich nach den aktuellen Themen und dem Stand der Forschung im Bereich der Vernetzten Systeme. Die Themengebiete und Vorlesungsinhalte werden, neben den zu erlernenden Grundlagen, auf die aktuelle Marktsituation angepasst und sind auf den Stand der Technik hin ausgerichtet. Persönlich hat mich diese Aktualität der Inhalte adäquat auf die Belange und die vorherrschende Situation am Markt vorbereitet und mir ermöglicht, rasch in den Arbeitsalltag einsteigen zu können. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil des Studiums an der Hochschule Ansbach ist, dass die Vorlesungen im Kleingruppenprinzip abgehalten werden, wodurch ein enger Kontakt zu den Professoren entsteht und sich hierauf ein hoher Lernerfolg begründen lässt. Alles in allem lässt sich die Aussage treffen, dass das Studium in Ansbach die Studenten sehr gut auf die Anforderungen der Wirtschaft vorbereit und einen gelungenen Rahmen an notwendigen Grundlagen und aktuellen Themen der Wirtschaftsinformatik vermittelt.„
Today technology consultant at SAP Germany
"My studies at Ansbach University have changed my life decisively..."
"My studies at Ansbach University have decisively changed my life. In addition to developing my professional qualifications for my current job as a technology consultant at SAP, I had the opportunity, to develop myself personally and to realize new professional and personal goals. The personal attitude, the closeness and Support of the university staff and lifelong friendships among the students were decisive for this. The practical training of the main focus "Business Applications with SAP" and its special focus on SAP helped me to achieve a successful Joined SAP as an intern, diploma student and now as a management consultant. Through my semesters abroad at the partner universities in Austria and the USA, I was able to gain a lot of cultural and interpersonal experience, which I was able to are very helpful in today's global competition. Those who want to actively participate in a friendly and successful community, is at the right place at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.
"Theory and practice differ in everyday business..."
Die Theorie und die Praxis unterscheiden sich im alltäglichen Business. Genau aus diesem Grund vermittelt die Hochschule Ansbach die Praxisnähe, so dass die Berufseinsteiger nicht komplett „ins kalte Wasser" geworfen werden. Meistens kommt auch alles anders als man denkt, wie im meinem Fall. Bei meiner Schwerpunktwahl „Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungssysteme" bin ich davon ausgegangen, dass mein Berufszweig nach dem Studium in Richtung SAP tendieren wird. Nun habe ich nichts mit SAP zu tun, sondern bin u.a. im Anforderungs-, Portfolio- und im Projektmanagement tätig. Durch die sehr umfangreiche Ausbildung an der Hochschule Ansbach konnte ich auch diese Hürde nehmen, da das Studium ein spartenübergreifendes Wissen vermittelt. Dies macht deutlich, dass die Schwerpunktwahl nicht unbedingt eine Zielrichtung für das spätere Berufsleben vorgibt, sondern auch nur eine Zusatzqualifikation für das weitere Leben sein kann. Das Studium an der Hochschule Ansbach bildet somit den perfekten Grundstein für einen erfolgreichen Eintritt in das Berufsleben.
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