Plan your personal educational path now. Many paths lead to the goal!
The School of Business and Technology supports you in questions of further professional qualification. We will be happy to advise you if you are looking for opportunities to learn new things or would like to offer your employees further training.
Today, lifelong learning is part and parcel of staying competitive as an employee and as a company. After all, life and the world of work are becoming increasingly complex.
Due to rapid technological development and progressive globalization, learning has become an ongoing process. Products are being replaced faster and faster by new ones. Innovations must therefore position themselves much more quickly on the market today.
In an information society, mental abilities are more important than physical ones. Mass media such as the Internet are accelerating this development. What was considered contemporary yesterday may be obsolete tomorrow. Only if companies encourage their employees to learn can they maintain their competitiveness and that of their employees.
Numerous educational institutions in Germany and the region offer further training opportunities for specialists and managers as well as for companies. In contrast to other providers, we would like to support your development through professional training at an academic level and thus strengthen your competitive position in the long term.
Our continuing education program offers a broad spectrum of specialist areas and topics with various degree options. It doesn't have to be a degree course to be successful!
In addition to Bachelor's and Master's degree courses, there are numerous further education courses that lead to a university certificate. These are designed very differently and range from one-day courses to series of courses or intensive study modules lasting several semesters.
Abitur or Fachabitur are the best known university entrance qualifications. But even without the Abitur, qualified students can study certain courses of study! This requires a completed vocational training plus 3 years professional experience or a further training examination such as technician, master craftsman, business economist etc..
It doesn't have to be a degree programme to successfully further your professional education. We will be happy to inform you about your individual possibilities!
You have your high school diploma in your pocket. And what now? An apprenticeship? Or do you want to study? Studying is always a little adventure. But anyone who gets the chance should dare this adventure! Because studying is worth it: It is the ideal way to get a job. The best insurance against unemployment. The ticket to a career. The chance to earn well later. And to find a job in which you can bring in your interests and abilities and realize them yourself.
Admission requirements for Bachelor courses of studies are Fachhochschulreife, Allgemeine Hochschulreife or Fachgebundene Hochschulreife. There are additional admission requirements for Master's programmes and part-time programmes.
Studying part-time
The part-time study and university certificate programs take into account the special situation of working people. They are organised in such a way that they are compatible with full-time employment. Presence phases are limited to the acceptable minimum. These take place as full-day block events.
Through the integration of e.g. training factories and training offices as well as work laboratories, theoretical training contents are vividly conveyed by lecturers with practical experience. Afterwards the contents are converted into extensive - by the university accompanied - study projects in the enterprise. In this way, the practical transfer and integration of your studies into your everyday working life are guaranteed.
Our teaching methods
During the attendance period you will learn in concentrated theoretical blocks from our professors and from external lecturers how you and your company can benefit from further scientific education. All lecturers are selected specialists and experienced experts in their field.
Establishing practical relevance - this is an important aspect of our study concept and makes you fit to apply what you have learned.
In your own company you will deepen the methods, tools and concepts learned and applied in the teaching environment.
Your professional activity is part of your extra-occupational studies. In your student research projects or dissertations, for example, solutions to problems will be worked out concretely.
Part-time Bachelor studies
The part-time Bachelor's programme is divided into eleven semesters.
Up to three semesters can be credited due to the competences and abilities of the target group which have already been acquired outside the university. These are the business, scientific, legal and personnel management basics of the first three semesters.
The already existing professional practice can be credited to the practical semester, so that ideally a study duration of six semesters (three years) results.
Part-time Master's programme
The part-time Master's programme builds on the contents of a Bachelor's programme and serves to deepen and expand knowledge and skills. As a rule, the programme lasts four to five semesters and leads to a "postgraduate" degree.
The special feature of the part-time Master's programmes is that they are developed specifically for students who already have professional experience and approach a course of study with practical questions. For this reason, the focus is on occupation-specific topics and close interaction with practical work.
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