Visitor´s address
Residenzstrasse 8
D-91522 Ansbach
Post address
Postfach 1963
D-91510 Ansbach
+49 (981) 4877-0
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If you wish to file an objection with the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, you can do so in writing, for transcription or in electronic form. The deadline and further information can be found in the information on legal remedies in the notice against which you wish to appeal.
If you wish to use the electronic form, please note that an appeal cannot be lodged by simple e-mail, a simple e-mail does not have any legal effects. At present, the only prerequisite for a legally binding electronic filing of an appeal with the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is that an electronic document with a qualified electronic signature be transmitted to an access point for electronic documents opened by the university. The Ansbach University of Applied Sciences currently opens access for electronic documents exclusively to the following e-mail address of the university: recht(at)
If you are looking for information on the qualified electronic signature, for which you need a signature card and a card reader, you will find more details on the following pages of the Federal Network Agency:
Legal bases for the electronic filing of appeals and information that will be important for a possible later filing of an action by electronic means can be found on the website of the Bavarian Administrative Court ( : General Information: Initiation of proceedings: Electronic legal transactions. Specific information on the legal framework and technical implementation can also be found on the website of the Federal Office for Information Security at
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