The course, Visualisation and Interaction in Digital Media, offers a practical and scientific education in the media field.
Developments in all scientific research areas, in industry, the economy and society are becoming ever more complex and therefore increasingly difficult to communicate. Graphic and interactive visualisation can supply the tools to convey complex topics and interrelationships in a simple and comprehensible way. This capability fulfils an important key function between developers and scientists, but also in general knowledge transfer.
State-of-the-art laboratories are available to students for learning and for projects. The Faculty of Media also has a pool of mobile equipment for external productions.
The trade magazine Digital Production reported on the Visualisation and Interaction in Digital Media degree programme in its May/June 2021 issue.
You can download the article as a PDF here.
Short form | VIS |
Type of study | Full time |
Standard period of study | 7 semesters |
Award | Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) |
Start of studies | Winter semester |
Admission restrictions | None |
Lecture location | Ansbach |
Language of instruction | German |
Course management | Prof. Christian Barta |
Student advisory service | Prof. Christian Barta |
Internship Officer VIS | Prof. Florian Machill |
Student Services | studierendenservice.vis(at) |
The programme is strongly project-based and following the foundation course in the first two semesters, there is an opportunity to specialise early in the 3rd and 4th semesters. After the practical semester in the 5th semester, further specialisation is possible through projects in the 6th and 7th semesters, the bachelor thesis in the 7th semester concludes the programme.
A prerequisite for the course is a keen interest in and engagement with the possibilities of digital media and computer graphics. Building on this, the foundation training in the first two semesters imparts basic knowledge in areas relevant to the conception and creation of visualisation projects.
The subject specialisation takes place through the independent selection of modules from six specialisation areas. Four modules from at least two specialisation areas must be taken per semester, so students can decide for themselves which focus they want to place in the visualisation area: Classic 3D visualisation, the development of interactive applications for screen and XR or web and app projects. The specialisation modules offered are constantly adapted and updated to the rapid development in these areas. Examples are Motion Graphics, Compositing, Virtual Characters, Interactive 3D or Web Development. In addition, three elective modules can be taken to respond to current trends or offers. The compulsory module Project Management provides the important competences for the successful implementation of media projects.
Practical experience in the fifth semester:
In the 5th semester the focus is on the contact with practice. This is indispensable in the rapidly developing media professions. The 5th semester allows students to use what they have learnt in four semesters in a meaningful way in their practical internships and enables them to establish practical contacts for the subsequent project semesters. The provision of suitable internships is supported by close contacts with companies and by an internship exchange.
Project phase and completion:
In the project phase of the 6th semester, self-chosen projects or projects with external partners can be carried out. However, there is also the possibility to continue projects that have been carried out during the internship semester. The project is accompanied by a project management review. In addition, in the 6th semester entrepreneurial and operational competence is taught through the modules Media Law and Business. The 6th semester is also suitable as a semester abroad.
The project in the 7th semester can be a continuation of the theoretical written bachelor's thesis or it can be an independent project.
The following examples show the variety of possible projects:
Studiengangsleiter Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS) / Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
0981 4877-360 92.2.4 nach Vereinbarung christian.barta vCard
Studiengangsleiter Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS) / Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
0981 4877-576 54.1.12 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.vis vCard
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
Betreute Studiengänge:
Studiengangsassistentin Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Studiengangsassistentin Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Betreute Studiengänge:
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
0171 3849664 50.4.5. Dienstags 10:00–11:30 Uhr michael.leuthner vCard
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Professorin Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Professorin Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
1989–90 Studium Architektur, École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette, Paris (F)
1990–91 Studium Design, Atelier de Sèvres, Paris (F)
1994 Studium Grafik-Design, St. Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Industry (RUS)
1991–97 Diplomstudium Kommunikationsdesign, Schwerpunkt Audiovisuelle Medien, Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
1997-2014 Selbständige Designerin in verschiedenen Kommunikations- und Designagenturen in München und Nürnberg für Endkunden wie adidas, Siemens, BMW, Audi, Mini, ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE (Auswahl). Entwicklung von Gestaltungskonzepten und deren visuelle Umsetzung bis zum Endprodukt. Leitung des Design-Teams, Kundenkontakt sowie Projektkoordination in den Bereichen Printdesign, Webdesign und im Schwerpunkt Motion Design.
2002–2015 Lehraufträge für Motion Graphics und Visual Effects an der TH Nürnberg und der macromedia Hochschule München
2014–2021 Professur und Studiengangleitung Film + Motion Design, University of Europe for Applied Sciences, Hamburg
Seit 2021 Professur für grafische Visualisierung in Bild und Bewegtbild an der Hochschule Ansbach
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
0981 4877-314 50.4.2 nach Vereinbarung florian.machill vCard
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Gestaltung interaktiver Medien
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
0981 4877-382 50.4.2 nach Vereinbarung sebastian.stamm vCard
Professor Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
Laboringenieur Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
0981 4877-328 92.2.10 nach Vereinbarung johannes.schweigert vCard
Laboringenieur Visualisierung und Interaktion in digitalen Medien (VIS)
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