Study overview

In the field of TV journalism, students should expand their acquired basic knowledge and initial experience in film production, especially in practical terms. The spectrum of subjects is geared to the needs of the media market (image film, reportage, magazine formats, advertising) and designed in such a way that they cover as many special challenges as possible that arise from the individual topics - for example, filming for high-gloss and advertising formats with a high image, or for close-to-nature outdoor filming.

These basic subjects are supplemented by the development of cross-media campaigns in the elective area, in which the students once again have the opportunity to combine print-based elements with moving image components and use them across platforms. In all cases, these are projects with real clients. Previous experience has shown that the knowledge and references acquired in this area are successful door openers in classic TV editorial departments or online areas with video podcasts, as well as in departments for multimedia marketing or for working as video journalists.


Study structure

Business TV

  • Objective: Conception and realisation of a TV contribution for a real client (industrial film/image film/company training).
  • Contents: History of the industrial film, features and categories as well as dramaturgy of the industrial film (theory).
  • ndividual elaboration of the concept based on the objectives and use of the project work (e.g. internal/external image campaign, trade fair presentation, internal communication or further training, integration of the TV contribution into websites or e-learning modules).

TV advertising

  • Objective: Conception and realisation of a TV contribution for a real client in cooperation with an advertising agency.
  • Contents: Advertising concepts (AIDA model, KISS), different forms and tasks of an advertising agency, objectives of a TV commercial (impact research, current trends); presentation of advertising (advertising times and costs, content control and placement); creation of claims, concept and script for a TV commercial, production (shooting, editing, postproduction).

Outdoor Project

  • Objective: Conception and realisation of a TV report "unter freiem Himmel" (under the open sky)
  • Contents: Intensive examination of the special conditions during outdoor shooting or in nature
  • Special light and weather conditions: (Sun) light/shade, twilight/night, fog and snow, natural/environmental sounds (e.g. wind, water, animals); getting to know and using special equipment (filters and lenses, trick lenses, crane and jib arm, helmet, rope underwater camera, steadicam)
  • Creation of a TV documentary or reportage on a topic that is filmed in the wild or on an environmental topic.

Crossmedia Project Focus Mandatory Module

  • Objective: Conception and realisation of a cross-media campaign for a selected project with a real client.
  • Contents: Possibilities and limits of cross-media publishing, creation of information and advertising material using various media.
  • Idea workshop for innovative approaches.
  • Conception of a broadly diversified communication strategy taking into account the time constraints (individual event, new launch, ongoing project) and the objectives of the project (information, further training, image promotion).
  • Realisation of partial components of the overall concept:
  • Print (e.g. flyers, posters, cards, press releases, advertisements)
  • Radio or TV commercials or contributions, web sites, web TV, DVD, info terminals, mobile communication, dialogue marketing.

Sports journalism Focus on compulsory elective module

  • Objective: Conception and realisation of a TV report on a sports theme or event
  • Contents: Intensive examination of the special circumstances during shooting on a highly dynamic subject. Increased use of the moving camera. Live moderation and interview training. Getting to know and using special equipment (filters and lenses, trick lenses, crane and jib arm, helmet, rope underwater camera, steadicam). Creation of a current TV report, documentary or reportage on a topic dealing with sport and its actors.
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