Major field of study

The courses in the specialisation "Artificial Intelligence and Analytics for Business Applications" teach current skills in the areas of KPI-oriented corporate management including business analytics and the application of machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence in an operational context.

Expertise in leading analysis tools such as Microsoft Power BI and the currently most popular programming language Python are taught in this specialisation. The labour market in Germany and worldwide is desperately looking for data scientists with this skills profile.

Programme structure

The courses in the Business Applications specialisation consist of the following modules:

Business Analytics (4 SWS, 5 ECTS, SPM1)

This course focuses on corporate performance management and KPI-orientated corporate management on the basis of a comprehensive (intelligent) information architecture (data warehouse) and corresponding information availability (dashboards). In-depth know-how in the field of data warehousing and system integration is learnt here on the basis of leading software solutions (Microsoft Power Excel and Microsoft Power BI). In addition, the basics of using machine learning and artificial intelligence in a business context are taught.

Artificial Intelligence for Business (4 SWS, 5 ECTS, SPM1)

This course focuses on the application of the latest algorithms for supervised, partially supervised and unsupervised machine learning (decision trees, random forests, support vector machines, K-nearest neighbour, K-means clustering, principal component analysis, Apriori, neural networks, deep learning, etc.) using the Python programming language. In particular, the application of the open source libraries for machine learning Scikit-Learn, PyTorch, Keras and TensorFlow will be learnt.

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