Study overview

Computer applications - often online and increasingly via mobile devices with direct access to company data - are changing our world forever. Today, intelligent and up-to-date IT solutions are an important prerequisite for the competitiveness of companies.

Business informatics means developing efficient IT solutions for companies and putting them to productive use. Not only technical know-how and computer skills are required, but also management skills and the ability to think integratively, sometimes in a visionary manner. Business informatics must therefore always keep an eye on current developments in the IT sector.

Prospective business informatics students don’t just study business administration and computer science in order to understand a little bit of both;  rather, they learn how to coordinate the two areas and develop an interface competence that focuses on the entire company.

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, with its modern equipment and good support facilities, offers the best conditions for studying business informatics. With this course you will acquire the initial competence for a quick start to your career and for successful specialist and management careers in the booming high-tech sector and key positions in business. 


Short formWIF
Type of studyFull time
Standard period of study7 semester
AwardBachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Start of studiesWinter semester
Admission restrictionsnone
Lecture locationAnsbach
Language of instructionGerman
Course management Prof. Dr. Jonas Härtfelder
Student advisory serviceProf. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer
Study programme assistance studiengangsassistenz-wif(at)
Student Servicesstudierendenservice.wif(at)


Fields of study

In Part II of the study programme (4th, 5th and 7th semesters), specialisation and individual orientation of the study programme according to personal abilities and inclinations and practice-oriented preparation for starting a career take place. The specialisation consists essentially of groups of learning units that belong together thematically. Courses amounting to 30 ECTS must be selected from these groups. In addition, there are other freely selectable learning units. Currently, four specialisations are offered:

E-business and mobile business

To the field of study

IT infrastructure

To the field of study

Study Structure

Study Structure at a glance

The study units consist of modules and courses. In each module/course, a defined volume of learning is imparted, which is shown in credit points according to the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). An ECTS credit corresponds to an average workload of 25 to 30 hours required by students to achieve the learning objectives defined for the respective course. A learning unit with a workload of 5 ECTS therefore requires a workload of approx. 120 to 150 hours to achieve the learning objectives. One can often assume the following rule of thumb: 50% of the workload lies in attendance/cooperation of the offered course (attendance hours), the other 50% is devoted to the independent preparation/post-processing of the course (non-attendance hours). Depending on the type of event, some variations are possible.

The standard period of study is seven semesters with a total volume of 210 ECTS credits. This means that 30 ECTS points must be earned per semester.

Sections of the study programme

The structure of the Bachelor programme enables an efficient and internationally oriented course of study.

Mobile Media is a topic that appears throughout all semesters. The course thus does justice to the fact that it is precisely on this basis that a large number of new developments are emerging that will have a lasting impact on our everyday lives and working environment.


In the first three semesters, students acquire the basic knowledge as well as important analytical, methodological and practical skills of a business informatician. In this part of the course, the emphasis is on a knowledge transfer that is as compact as possible and strongly builds on one another, with consistently coordinated module and course contents.

General conditions of study

In particular for the study of an innovative, future-oriented and technology-related subject such as business informatics, the general conditions of the course are of decisive importance for a high-quality degree.

This is where the young and innovative Ansbach University of Applied Sciences and the Bachelor of Arts in Business Informatics study programme offer decisive advantages!

Modern IT equipment:

As a new university, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has a very modern equipment and infrastructure. In the field of business informatics, the equipment is strongly geared to training in small, manageable groups.  This is especially true for the equipment with computer labs, the so-called computer or PC pools.

5 PC pools with different equipment are available for practical training on the system. The facilities meet the latest technical requirements.

In accordance with the objective of ensuring training in small groups with individual supervision, the number of available computer workstations is between 20 and 25 PCs per pool. This also corresponds to the maximum group size for events in the PC pools, since each student should use their own computer for the events in the computer laboratory.  When setting up the equipment, care was taken to ensure that the lecturer could move freely through the room in order to be able to reach and supervise the individual student at his or her workplace.

In addition, the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences maintains a WLAN infrastructure at central locations (canteen, library, outdoor areas, foyers). Every student enrolled at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences can log on to this WLAN with his or her private notebook.

 A goal-oriented study structure:

Adherence to the standard period of study is not a utopia for us. With a stringently organised curriculum and other structural measures, we have created the conditions for you to actually hold your degree certificate in your hands after seven semesters. In detail we have made a smooth course of studies possible:

  • A sensible sequence of compulsory courses has been implemented in the curriculum. You thus follow an efficient path through the modules that build on each other.
  • The courses provided for in the curriculum are all offered in the semester in question. We will ensure that the courses are complete!
  • You can also attend all of these courses. Because all courses or modules of a semester are planned without overlapping in time.
  • If you have failed a written examination once, you can repeat it in the following semester. All examinations for which we have registrations are offered every semester.
  • Even studying abroad in the fourth semester does not lead to an extension of the study period. This is because completing the specialisation subjects abroad fits into the overall course without any problems.

International orientation:

In setting up the study programme, great importance was attached to an international orientation of the training. Language skills are already taught in the second semester and certified by the internationally recognised  TOEIC language test in order to facilitate participation in international study programmes. Some of the courses of the second semester (e.g. Project Management, Consulting, Business Applications with SAP) are held in English.

As an option for continuing education at an international level, the two module groups (specialisations) to be selected in the fourth semester can also be completed at a university abroad. This means that the entire fourth semester can be taken abroad and the studies can be continued without any loss of time after returning home.

Alternatively, the fifth semester can be spent abroad. In this semester, the curriculum will mainly include courses in business administration, which are part of the usual range of subjects offered by business administration faculties and can therefore be completed at a business school abroad without any problems.

For this purpose, Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has a well-developed network of partner universities for student exchange.

Teaching the contents in small groups:

You do not share your PC workstation with a fellow student here. Our motto is: "One man (or girl) - one machine".  To make this possible, several small groups are set up per course. The maximum number of participants is 20 to 25 students, depending on the size of the room.

Your lecturer can actively support you with this group size. He slips into the role of the coach., who is the coach. If there is a problem, he comes to your workplace and supports you. (But only after you have really looked for a solution yourself.) And if there are too many problems in a small group and he no longer "gets around", we use student tutors to support him in looking after the course participants.

Our didactic approach is action-oriented teaching, pure "lectures" are a thing of the past. This means: you act - the lecturer is your coach. Of course, he will teach you the necessary tools - the theoretical concepts. And he will guide you in their application. But this is ultimately your task. Just like in driving school - you steer and accelerate, occasionally the driving instructor will take corrective action on your steering wheel. And you can also step on the brakes when you need to. To prevent worse. But then you find the accelerator pedal yourself again.

Consistent training on the software systems used in practice:

As in practice, so in your studies: Here you work with software systems for the implementation of operational tasks, with development systems for business software applications and with software for the modelling/design of operational processes.
And to a not inconsiderable extent.

As a rule, the following applies:

  • We will teach you the business fundamentals of individual functional areas, e.g. accounting or logistics. Equipped with this, you will sit down at the computer and learn concretely how the respective operational functions and processes are implemented in finished standard applications. In this way, you will bridge the gap between business administration and software applications (such as SAP or NAV), understand their function and mode of operation, and acquire the interface competence between business administration and IT that is so important for business IT specialists.
  • You will learn the procedures for information processing, e.g. programming, database modeling and software engineering, directly on current development and server systems. The starting point is often concrete business problems. The knowledge of the functionality of standard applications provides an important orientation.
  • Also the deepening of the special tasks of the economical informatics usually takes place in company or on the basis of current software systems.




SAP University Alliance

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is a member of the SAP University Alliance. This provides our students with free access to SAP software solutions. These are used in the ERP and E-Business course. Via the IT Services portal, these applications can also be used by students from outside the university around the clock. The SAP University Alliance offers our lecturers free training and promotes the exchange of teaching materials/curricula across universities through conferences.

Due to their specific expertise, professors from Ansbach University were selected by the SAP University Alliance to develop a curriculum for "SAP Business Intelligence" and to conduct corresponding workshops for other university lecturers in Germany and North America.

DATEV education partnership: We are there!

Since February 2012, the Business Information Systems course has been a DATEV education partner. DATEV software is used in the Accounting module in a voucher business transaction, which deals with financial and asset accounting as well as the annual financial statements of a sole proprietorship. In this way, students get to know DATEV's software products. As an important software developer and IT service provider, DATEV eG, based in neighbouring Nuremberg, is a popular address for students, both for the practical semester and for practice-oriented bachelor theses.

Applied research

Business Informatics aims at the practical and economically meaningful application of IT solutions. At the same time, a university should also identify, investigate and drive forward developments that will be relevant in the future.

With this goal, two institutions have been established at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences in the field of business informatics, which offer an organizational-technical framework for the realization of these goals in future-oriented fields of business informatics. The two institutions are:  

  • The Games Lab @ HS Ansbach
  • The Mobile Development Center @ HS Ansbach

Another possibility for targeted research in cooperation with companies is the Master Research Program.


What about maths?

We are often asked about the scope of mathematics in business informatics studies.

Mathematics corresponds in scope and requirements to business studies and is taught by the same lecturers. In concrete terms, this means: four weekly semester hours of mathematics (in the first semester) and four weekly semester hours of statistics (in the second semester). This corresponds to three hours per week for the duration of one semester.

This is one of the reasons why we have a low dropout rate - in contrast to core informatics courses.

How do I make my decision about where to study?

If you belong to that quarter of all first-year students that has close ties to your home region, the decision is quite simple for you: you will have considered a university close to your home area.

However, if you have a certain degree of mobility, you will be spoilt for choice. And before that, the agony of gaining information.

Rankings are one way of obtaining systematic information. (Around two-thirds of first-year students already use these rankings when choosing their studies. And for every second to third applicant they were of great importance in the university decision process.)

You can register free of charge on the websites of CHE and ZEIT and compare the universities, departments and study programmes according to individual criteria. Or you can use "Ranking kompakt" to get a quick overview of the evaluation of the universities or universities of applied sciences that offer business informatics as a subject of study.

Are you still wavering in your choice of subjects?

Business administration or business informatics?

In business administration courses, you also have the opportunity to choose to major in business informatics during your main studies. If your career goal is to work in an operational functional area (such as marketing or accounting) of an IT user and to be prepared for dealing with the IT systems you will encounter there, this is the right choice.

If, however, you have a more extensive interest in IT and see a job in an IT department or even in an IT company as your career goal, you are better off in the Business Informatics course. This is because you have a higher IT share in your studies and can devote more time to the IT topics relevant to you by setting a corresponding focus.

For guidance and to help you make your decision, you can use a table on the Jobs & Careers page of SAP as an example, even if you do not intend to work in this company. There, the job opportunities of graduates from different fields of study are compared with the areas at SAP (development, consulting, support, operational functional areas). Roughly speaking, a business informatics graduate is better prepared for employment in development, consulting, and support, while a business informatics graduate is better prepared for employment in business functional areas.

Multimedia and Communication or Business Informatics?

Your primary interest may not be in business informatics. Nevertheless, this course of studies could be suitable for you if you tend towards the media informatics subjects (multimedia producing; development of Internet applications) among the elective modules within multimedia and communication. In this case, you would choose the two specialisation modules Multimedia and E-Business in the fourth semester. The other elective modules can be chosen from the Multimedia and Communication course. You would also complete your internship, your project thesis and your bachelor thesis in the multimedia environment. Together with the multimedia basics, which you will learn in the third semester, and the basic modules programming and databases, which are indispensable for media informatics, as well as further modules, which are relevant for a professional activity in the field of media informatics, you will get an ECTS share of 60 percent of the entire course.

Computer science or business informatics?

If these are your two alternatives, we recommend that you do not study at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, but at a university where the Business Information Systems course is located at the Faculty of Computer Science. If you then choose a university that follows the Y-model (uniform basic studies), a change of subject may be the easiest. And if you remain in Business Informatics, you will still have a higher proportion of basic computer science than with us.

Further information

In the sixth semester an internship is planned, which is supplemented and deepened by a practice-accompanying seminar and a practice-accompanying course. The internship will be completed with the Bachelor project. In the Bachelor project, each student works on a practical task, if possible in cooperation with a company, which is then implemented completely or partially independently. The scientific documentation of the Bachelor project takes place in the seventh semester in the Bachelor thesis. In this way, contacts can be established in practice and a basis can be created for future work following graduation.


Daniel Krauss

FlixMobility Ltd.

"Looking back, the decision to study business informatics at Ansbach University was the right one."

[Translate to Englisch:]


[Translate to Englisch:]

FlixBus co-founder Daniel Krauss: From Ansbach via Detroit to self-employment

"University or FH? Computer science or business administration? These were the questions I had before I hadn't thought about that since I started. Looking back, the decision to study business informatics to study at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences. Above all, the practical relevance of the Fachhochschule studies and the completed internships helped me to orient myself on the one hand and to gain valuable experience on the other, how things really work out in the real world. In addition, the very good equipment and the really personal The supervision of the university is decisive for a successful graduation. After my graduation, all paths were open to me, Master's or career entry? My preference for practice and for designing things myself let me start a career at Marquardt in the automotive industry in Detroit, USA. After two years and a global economic crisis later, the it got me closer to IT again: I moved to Microsoft in Munich. Another valuable experience, in which I gained a lot of the of his studies took its course. After another two instructive and great years I realized, however, that the urge to build something of my own had grown in me over the years. With the foundation of the FlixBus GmbH together with two colleagues I finally gave in to this urge in 2012. The liberalisation of the long-distance bus market proved us right at the beginning of 2013 and gave us the opportunity to launch a to establish a successful start-up on the German long-distance bus market. With meanwhile more than 150 buses and 130 Every day, we work with our employees to further the success of FlixBus. Above all, we are committed to quality and customer satisfaction is a particular concern. Looking back, I now use many of the tools and methods that I use every day. during my time in Ansbach. Now it's my turn to introduce young students during their To give students a chance to study at Germany's universities, including Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, to further develop the practical knowledge they have acquired by offering internships or by collaborating on theses.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Jörg Wittmann

Today doctoral student at the BMW Group Research and Innovation Centre in Munich

"The study of business informatics at Ansbach University offers..."

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[Translate to Englisch:]

Jörg Wittmann

"The study of business informatics at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences offers students a broad range of Knowledge spectrum. In this way, the necessary basics of the individual disciplines involved are imparted in the basic studies, to be able to set his personal focus on this basis in the main study period. The choice and setting of personal focuses in the main study period are left to the students themselves. So the choice fell for me on the area E-Business / E-Commerce. The core contents of this area are based on current topics and the state of research in the field of networked systems. Topics and lecture contents are, in addition to the basics to be learned, adapted to the current market situation and are oriented towards the state of the art. Personally, this topicality of the contents prepared me adequately for the needs and the prevailing situation on the market and enabled me to do so, to be able to quickly enter the daily work routine. A major advantage of studying at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences is that the lectures are held in small groups, which creates close contact with the professors and leads to a high level of learning success. All in all, the statement can be made that the study in Ansbach prepares the students very well for the requirements of the economy and a successful framework of necessary basics and current topics of business informatics."

Matthias Kucharska

Today technology consultant at SAP Germany

"My studies at Ansbach University have changed my life decisively..."

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[Translate to Englisch:]

Matthias Kucharska

About studying

"My studies at Ansbach University have decisively changed my life. In addition to developing my professional qualifications for my current job as a technology consultant at SAP, I had the opportunity, to develop myself personally and to realize new professional and personal goals. The personal attitude, the closeness and Support of the university staff and lifelong friendships among the students were decisive for this. The practical training of the main focus "Business Applications with SAP" and its special focus on SAP helped me to achieve a successful Joined SAP as an intern, diploma student and now as a management consultant. Through my semesters abroad at the partner universities in Austria and the USA, I was able to gain a lot of cultural and interpersonal experience, which I was able to are very helpful in today's global competition. Those who want to actively participate in a friendly and successful community, is at the right place at Ansbach University of Applied Sciences.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Andrea Mehringer

Today she is an IT consultant at Siemens AG.

"Abi and what now? Many people are faced with this question! And then the decision: Which course of studies is the right one? ..."

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[Translate to Englisch:]

About your studies and the start of your professional life

Abi and what now? Many people are faced with this question! And then the decision: Which course of studies is the right one? That's what you usually only know, when you are in the middle of your studies, discovering your interests and developing your personality. In technical terms, the course offers Business Informatics at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences has a wide range of knowledge and scores with small groups and a friendly atmosphere. Relationship among students. The special commitment of the professors, the individual encouragement of the students and the open ear of the students are the key to the success of the project. and their implementation contribute in particular to the good atmosphere between learners and teachers. This also enables very good academic results to be achieved. During the basic studies the theoretical knowledge is imparted, practical project work is in the foreground during the main study period. Due to the latest technology and the orientation of the study contents The current market situation makes it possible to find the right start to your career. Remark: Andrea Mehringer was awarded the Bavarian Culture Prize for her final work.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Bernd Spangenberg

Today Business Analyst at Deutsche Post AG in Bonn

"Theory and practice differ in everyday business..."

[Translate to Englisch:]

Bernd Spangenberg

Theory and practice differ in everyday business. It is precisely for this reason that Ansbach University of Applied Sciences imparts practical relevance, so that the Career starters are not thrown completely "in the cold water". Most of the time everything comes different than you think, as in my case. In my choice of focus "Business application systems", the I assumed that my profession would tend towards SAP after my studies. Now I have nothing to do with SAP, but I am also active in requirements, portfolio and project management. Due to the very extensive training At Ansbach University, I was also able to overcome this hurdle, as the course of study imparts knowledge that spans a wide range of disciplines. This makes it is clear that the choice of focus does not necessarily set a goal for later professional life, but only an additional qualification for the rest of your life. The study at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences thus forms the perfect foundation for a successful entry into professional life.

[Translate to Englisch:]

Andreas Daum

Today Business Intelligence Consultant at SAP Germany

"The study of business informatics at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences covers the most important contents of this discipline..."

[Translate to Englisch:]


[Translate to Englisch:]

Andreas Daum

Today Business Intelligence Consultant at SAP Germany

The study of business informatics at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences covers the most important contents of this discipline. The basic study course conveys the scientific depth of the subareas, while the main study course is practice-oriented. and project-oriented. I have always known in particular the closeness and personal commitment of the professors. to appreciate. Due to the diversified education the professional orientation is much easier for me. I fell. I feel now technically and also personally in the best way on my SAP SI consulting company for the tasks ahead.

Business IT specialists are still in demand

Business IT specialists are indispensable when it comes to aligning companies with the requirements of modern companies in global competition. This is particularly evident in economically difficult times. The prospects for business IT specialists on the labour market are still very good.



In recent years, the proportion of women studying Business Information Systems has risen steadily to up to 30 percent. The reasons for this gratifying increase lie in the need for skilled staff in the IT sector, in a political debate for greater gender equality and in the sustainable initiatives in companies to encourage women to assume leadership responsibility.



Julia Burkut

Julia Burkut – Fakultätsassistentin Wirtschaft

Fakultätsassistentin Wirtschaft


  • Fakultätsassistentin Wirtschaft

Betreute Studiengänge

  • Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Fehr – Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Fehr

Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-375 92.1.7 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Fehr

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Fehr – Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Studiengangleiterin Data Governance and Ethics (DGE)
  • Studiengangleiterin  Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Professorin Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Vorsitzende Prüfungskommission Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Compliance
  • Datenschutz
  • Unternehmensauditing

Beruflicher Werdegang:
ab 1.10.21 Professorin für Compliance und Datenschutz
2020 - 2021 Head of Compliance, Standards and Processes, K+S AG
2018 - 2020 Head of Compliance, DB Cargo AG
2015 - 2018 Compliance Officer EMEA mit Schwerpunkt Internal Investigation, Continental AG
2012 - 2015 Group Compliance Manager, SMA Solar Technology AG

Akademischer Werdegang:
2010 - 2014 Dissertation „Zielvereinbarung bei Ärzten“, Dr. rer. pol., Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
2008 - 2010 Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht, Master of Laws, Universität Kassel
2005 - 2008 Wirtschaftsrecht, Bachelor of Laws, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Prof. Dr. Jonas Härtfelder – Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr. Jonas Härtfelder

Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-376 92.1.8 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Jonas Härtfelder

Prof. Dr. Jonas Härtfelder – Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Studiengangsleitung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)


  • Entrepreneurship / Unternehmensführung
  • Betriebliche Anwendungen
  • Logistik
  • Betriebswirtschaftslehre
Prof. Dr. (University of Phoenix) Bernd Heesen – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr. (University of Phoenix) Bernd Heesen

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-371 92.1.2 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. (University of Phoenix) Bernd Heesen

Prof. Dr. (University of Phoenix) Bernd Heesen – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Studiengangsleitung Internationales Management (BIM)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Management
  • Künstliche Intelligenz und Analytics für Betriebliche Anwendungen


Studium: Wirtschaftsinformatikstudium an der TU Darmstadt

Promotion: University of Phoenix, USA zum Thema "Diffusion of innovations: Factors
predicting the use of E-Learning at institutions of Higher Education in Germany"

Berufl. Tätigkeiten: Bernd Heesen EDV-Lösungen, Darmstadt; Software AG, Darmstadt; Price Waterhouse LLP, Philadelphia/USA; International Consulting Group LLC, Atlanta/USA; SAP SI America LLC, Atlanta/USA

Seit 2004: Professor an der HS Ansbach

Seit 2006: Studiengangleiter Bachelor International Management (BIM)

Website von Professor Heesen


  • Effective Strategy Execution: Business Intelligence using Microsoft Power BI (3. Aufl.), Springer, 2024
  • Künstliche Intelligenz und Machine Learning mit R: Anwendungen im Bereich Business Analytics. Springer-Gabler, 2023
  • Data Science und Statistik mit R: Anwendungslösungen für die Praxis, Springer Gabler, 2021
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Methodenwissen für Wirtschafts-, Ingenieur- und Sozialwissenschaftler (4. Aufl.), Springer Gabler, 2021
  • Academic writing in APA-Style: Writing Academic Papers and Theses in APA-Style 7th edition (2. Aufl.), Prescient, 2020


  •     Künstliche Intelligenz
  •     Business Intelligence
  •     Innovationsmanagement

Lehrangebote im Studiengang Wirtschaftsinformatik (Bachelor of Science)

  • Statistik (Deutsch)
  • Business Analytics (Deutsch)
  • Künstliche Intelligenz (Deutsch)
  • Natural Language Processing for Business (Englisch)

Lehrangebote im Studiengang Internationales Management für Spitzensportler (Bachelor of Arts)

  • Selbstmanagement im Studium (Deutsch)
  • Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten (Deutsch)
  • Office Anwendungen (Englisch)
  • Organizational Management & Leadership (Englisch)
Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer – Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer

Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-366 92.1.5 Mittwoch 16.00-17.00 Uhr vCard

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer

Prof. Dr. Wolf Knüpffer – Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Studiengangsleiter Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Studienfachberatung Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Studienfachberatung Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Professor Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
  • Professor Angewandte Künstliche Intelligenz und Digitale Transformation (KDT)
  • Professor Digital Marketing (DIM)
  • Mitglied Senat und Hochschulrat
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft


  • Internet- und Web-Technologie
  • Mobiles Equipment
  • Geschäftsprozessmanagement
  • Prozessmanagement
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-100 65.1.5 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sascha Müller-Feuerstein – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Präsident
  • Leitung Akademie für Angewandte Wissenschaften
  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Leiter School of Business and Technology (SBT)


  • IT-Management

Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk

Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Internationales Management (BIM)


  • Marketing
  • Internationales und interkulturelles Marketing
  • Interpersonale Kommunikation
  • Interkulturelle Kommunikation
  • (Industrielles) Vertriebsmanagement

Publikation zur Interkulturellen Kommunikation:

„Interkulturelle Kommunikation in der Wirtschaft. Grundlagen und Interkulturelle Kompetenz für Marketing und Vertrieb.“ 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage. München: Verlag Franz Vahlen, 2014, 542 Seiten. Preis: 39,80 €; ISBN 978-3-8006-4888-7.  

Im Falle Ihres Interesses an

  • näheren Informationen (Vorwort, Gliederung, Leseprobe)
  • Bestellung des Buches sowie
  • kostenlosen Folien für Ihre Lehrunterstützung

sehen Sie bitte folgenden Internetlink:

 Im Falle Ihres Interesses an kostenlosen Musterlösungen zu den Fallstudien senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an michael.schugk(at)



11/85 - 05/91: Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen / Nürnberg


10/91 - 06/95: Freies Doktoratsstudium der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Österreich) bei Herrn Prof. Dr. Werner Hasitschka, Leiter des Institutes für kulturelles Management, Wien.

06/95: Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Doktors der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften ( Dr. rer. soc. oec.) an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien;


01/96 - 07/99: Tätigkeit in einer Marketing-Stabsstelle der Siemens AG, Erlangen; Eigenverantwortliche Planung, Konzeption, Realisation und Kontrolle der  Marketing-Kommunikation für ein gesamtes Geschäftsgebiet

08/99 - 11/02: Tätigkeit als kaufmännischer Projektleiter bei der Siemens AG, Erlangen; Eigenverantwortliche Planung und Steuerung von Projekten im internationalen Großanlagengeschäft; (betreute Ländermärkte: u.a. Chile, USA, Kanada, Abu Dhabi, Tunesien, Irak)

12/02 - 09/05: Professor für Marketing und Vertrieb an der Fachhochschule Aalen im Studienschwerpunkt „Internationaler Technischer Vertrieb“

10/05 - heute: Professor für Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Marketing an der Hochschule Ansbach

 Nebenberufliche Tätigkeiten

03/99 - heute: Gastprofessuren an der Universität des Saarlandes, der Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule Nürnberg, der Universidad Politécnica de Valencia und der Universidad de Salamanca, Spanien, Marmara University Istanbul, Türkei, Griffith CollegeDublin, Irland, Universität Coimbra, Portugal; darüber hinaus Dozententätigkeit und Gastvorträge an diversen Hochschulen, Seminare für diverse Organisationen, diverse Publikationen

Prof. Dr. Jens-Henrik Söldner – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Prof. Dr. Jens-Henrik Söldner

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

0981 4877-364 92.1.6 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Prof. Dr. Jens-Henrik Söldner

Prof. Dr. Jens-Henrik Söldner – Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)

Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF) / Praktikumsbeauftragter Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)


  • Professor Data Governance and Ethics (DGE)
  • Professor Datenschutz und IT-Sicherheit (DIS)
  • Professor Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Praktikumsbeauftragter Wirtschaftsinformatik (WIF)
  • Professor Digital Marketing (DIM)
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft
Sandra Wahl – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice

Sandra Wahl

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice

0981 4877-515 54.1.14 nach Vereinbarung vCard

Sandra Wahl

Sandra Wahl – Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice

Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice


  • Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice

Betreute Studiengänge:

  • Betriebswirtschaft
  • Wirtschaftsinformatik
Total E-Quality Prädikat