
  • is more than just advertising and sales
  • combines logic with heart and intuition
  • is universally applicable
  • connects the past with the present
  • is interdisciplinary
  • connects human intelligence with artificial intelligence
  • is future-oriented
  • connects market research with futurology

What to expect

  • Opening up one's own thought blocks
  • Recognition of new horizons
  • Interactive knowledge transfer
  • Future topics
  • Experimental methods
  • Individual support, coaching and free guidance
  • Practical group work
  • Practical project

Current contents

  • Activating your own creativity and strengthening your power of imagination
  • Playfully regain intuition and inspiration
  • Give your thoughts free rein and have the courage to think differently
  • Strengthening perseverance in creating new ideas
  • Showing the ability to dialogue with others and living an open culture of mistakes
  • Experiment and dissolve your own thinking blocks
  • Practising mindfulness and broadening one's own horizon of thinking


A total of 20 ECTS, each consisting of 15 ECTS compulsory and 5 ECTS compulsory elective modules:

Marketing compulsory modules

Total 15 ECTS

Applied marketing
(Dr. Jürgen Rippel)

Core competencies in marketing projects
(Claudia Kucharski)

(Dr. Jürgen Rippel)

Marketing elective modules

Total 5 ECTS

crea-m5 Innovation Management
(Prof. Dr. Jochem Müller)

International Marketing (in English)
(Prof. Dr. Michael Schugk)

Visualise communication
(Inge Emmert)

Social Media
(Inge Emmert)


Dr. Jürgen Rippel – Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Betriebswirtschaft (BW)

Dr. Jürgen Rippel

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Betriebswirtschaft (BW)

0981 4877-174 50.3.5 Montag 10.30-11.45 Uhr, nach vorheriger Vereinbarung vCard

Dr. Jürgen Rippel

Dr. Jürgen Rippel – Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Betriebswirtschaft (BW)

Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Betriebswirtschaft (BW)


  • Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben Kreatives Marketing (KMA)
  • Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Future Lab Ansbach
  • Mitglied Fakultätsrat Wirtschaft
StudyCheck Total E-Quality Prädikat