Controlling suits you if you...

  • feel comfortable working with numbers
  • like to think analytically
  • are goal-oriented and confident
  • enjoy tricky tasks
  • enjoy working with people and are communicative
  • would like to prepare themselves for taking on management functions
  •  see digital developments as an opportunity and want to help shape them


  • Imparting leadership knowledge - in the sense of a decision-making and steering process.
  • Ability to develop or prescribe a management system in the company,
    • which enables the executives to control their areas of responsibility on their own responsibility
    • to ensure the overall business management of the company

Future prospects

The major in Controlling imparts excellent management knowledge in order to actively participate in the successful management of a company. Increasing digitalisation and a highly changeable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment make agile controlling increasingly important. Controlling is and remains a very important area of modern corporate management.



A total of 20 ECTS, each consisting of 15 ECTS compulsory and 5 ECTS compulsory elective modules:

Controlling compulsory modules

Total 15 ECTS

Controlling I
(Prof. Dr. Jochem Müller)

Controlling II
(Prof. Dr. Jochem Müller)

Cost accounting
(Georg Koch)

Controlling Elective Modules

Total 5 ECTS

Winter semester and summer semester, 5 ECTS each

  • Controlling Practice
    (Peter Rössle)
  • Psychology in controlling
    (Dr. Philipp Weidenbecher)
  • Turnaround and restructuring management
    (Georg Koch)

Winter semester, 5 ECTS

Controlling with SAP S/4HANA
(Norbert Henninger)


Prof. Dr. Jochem Müller

Prof. Dr. Jochem Müller –


  • Studiengangsleiter Kreatives Management (KMA)
  • Professor Betriebswirtschaft (BW)
  • Leiter Controlling Forum
  • Leiter Institut für kreatives Marketing MARKETIA
  • Wissenschaftlicher Leiter Future Lab Ansbach


  • Schwerpunkt Controlling
Total E-Quality Prädikat