In Biomedical Engineering, devices, systems and/or software are developed to support modern medicine. The Bachelor's programme in Biomedical Engineering was first offered in the winter semester 2009/10 and is the first independent course in (bio)medical engineering at universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. The course is interdisciplinary and practice-oriented: It covers the basics of natural and engineering sciences, diagnostic and therapeutic issues in medicine, but also some elements of business administration and important legal aspects. The educational goals are: knowledge and methodology of the engineering sciences, understanding of medical diagnostic and therapeutic issues, basic principles of medical working methods taking into account economic aspects, the interaction of technical systems with the human body and the safety aspects of medical technology.
Short form | BMT |
Type of study | Full time |
Standard period of study | 7 semester |
Award | Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) |
Start of studies | Winter semester |
Admission restrictions | None |
Lecture location | Ansbach |
Language of instruction | German |
Course management | Prof. Dr. Roland Schnurpfeil |
Student advisory service | Prof. Tanja Schmidt |
Student Services | studierendenservice.bmt(at) |
The programme lasts seven semesters and consists of 23 modules. The individual modules are awarded credit points (ECTS) and comprise a total of 210 credit points.
If the modules are grouped thematically, the following schematic study structure results:
Some facts about the study programme and the chronological overview:
Imaging techniques
Bioprocess Engineering
Biomechanics and Rehabilitation
Biosignal processing
Biotechnology / Biotechnikum
Data Processing / Design
Electrical engineering
Physics of medical devices
Materials engineering BMT / IBT
Simulation / Data processing
Graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering can choose to work in wide variety of fields
for equipment and systems in the bio-medical sector
Amongst potential employers are research institutions and companies from the medical technology industry. More than 250 companies with more than 20,000 employees in the medical field are located in the Nuremberg metropolitan region alone.
Owing to the continuing high demand for products and solutions in this field, Biomedical Engineering is predicted to grow rapidly, both in Germany and throughout Europe. This due to current demographic developments and health-care reforms in Europe which are placing high demands on equipment etc. and the introduction of higher medical standards, particularly in Asia.
Some Internships take place at Ansbach Hospital or in medical technology companies. For example, part of the biomechanics internship is held at the world market leader for osteosynthesis products in Switzerland. Here, whilst "screwing, drilling and sawing" bones, you will learn about various methods for fracture treatment in the context of a trauma workshop, attended by many surgeons during their training.
In addition to the medical-technical advanced training events, which are held every semester at our university and at which company representatives present their products and technologies, we offer several study trips to medical technology companies in the region and beyond. Every year we visit MEDICA, the world's largest medical technology trade fair in Düsseldorf with our third semester students.
Bachelor studies "Biomedical Engineering
"Friendly people and close supportive relationships in the study groups and seminars due to small groups", "I enjoyed the numerous internships and excursions."
Bachelor's programme ‘Biomedical Engineering’
"nice, friendly, family atmosphere at Ansbach University", "very good supervision", "good relationships between teachers and students",
"practical, often unique internships", "exciting project work, such as setting up internship experiments."
Bachelor's programme ‘Biomedical Engineering’
"good supervision by professors", "good relationships between lecturers and students", "internship at Ansbach Hospital", "all the internships were really interesting and instructive"
Master studies "Applied Research and Development" at the Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
"The special feature of the course is its great practical relevance. There is an exercise or a laboratory practical for almost every lecture, so you can immediately apply the theoretical knowledge you have learnt and extend it further. The highlight of the course is the practical internship at Ansbach Hospital."
"The special feature of the course is its great practical relevance. So there is to almost every lecture an exercise or a laboratory internship, and you can immediately use the theoretical knowledge you have learned, and thus also further deepen. The highlight is the hospital internship at the Ansbach Hospital. There one learns in ten different the use of the respective diagnostic or therapy systems, and sees what requirements the equipment has to meet. to be able to deliver the best possible result for the patient. A further advantage of the study programme is the very personal Contact to professors and laboratory engineers. This ensures optimal individual support in the day-to-day study routine as well as in the laboratory internships. guaranteed. Due to the very broad and practice-oriented content of the course of studies, one is well prepared for everyday professional life as well as for the following Master's program very well prepared."
Laboringenieurin Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-386 51.1.6 nach Vereinbarung a.aksungur-sallanbas vCard
Laboringenieurin Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Labortechniker Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-327 92.1.45 nach telefonischer Vereinbarung joshua.frueh vCard
Labortechniker Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Laboringenieur Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Laboringenieur Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Fakultätsassistentin Fakultät Technik
0981 4877-171 92.2.43 nach Vereinbarung celina.nachtrab vCard
Fakultätsassistentin Fakultät Technik
Fakultätsassistentin Fakultät Technik
Betreute Studiengänge:
Applied Biotechnology (ABI)
Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Industrielle Biotechnologie (IBT)
Künstliche Intelligenz und Kognitive Systeme (KIK)
Media Systems Engineering (MSE)
Professorin Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Studienfachberatung Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-308 51.2.19 Montag12.00-13.00 Uhr, nach Vereinbarung vCard
Professorin Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Studienfachberatung Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Studiengangsleiter Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-518 51.2.21 nach Vereinbarung (Ruf doch mal an!) roland.schnurpfeil vCard
Studiengangsleiter Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Praktikumsbauftragter Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-255 51.1.5 nach Vereinbarung martin.schoenegg vCard
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Praktikumsbauftragter Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
0981 4877-250 51.2.3 Montag 9.30-10.30 Uhr & nach Vereinbarung michael.thoms vCard
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Professor Biomedizinische Technik (BMT) / Vorsitzender Prüfungskommission Biomedizinische Technik (BMT)
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
0981 4877-572 54.1.10 nach Vereinbarung studierendenservice.bmt vCard
Mitarbeiterin Bereich Studierendenservice
Betreute Studiengänge:
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